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Russ Walling
Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Apr 17, 2016 - 08:23am PT
Boulder, CO
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 17, 2016 - 08:55am PT
ho man.... who dug up this relic?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
Apr 17, 2016 - 09:02am PT
Where does He get his Ideas from? It is such a mysteryI AM SORRY, & Apolgezzes Too
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 17, 2016 - 09:33am PT
I'm sorry we have never met, Russ.
Apr 17, 2016 - 09:40am PT
is that the snakecharmer? I need one of those
No apologies, no regrets; both are futile. I would rather hear "my mistake, I will learn from it and improve for the future"
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
Apr 17, 2016 - 10:31am PT
YES, overwatch, I Think? it is.
& I Was going to add another picture I think that mouse knows the holy one?
Or maybe i'll try to find an Equivalent* one
here for now & what is it worth oh fishy one?.reppng' should get me schwags...
Apr 17, 2016 - 10:47am PT
That thing is so cool, wonder how long it would take to get me one?
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Apr 17, 2016 - 11:59am PT
I'm sorry too, Russ!!!!
Social climber
An Oil Field
Apr 17, 2016 - 02:31pm PT
Hah Hah. The world would be a lesser place without Russ's incredible wit and twisted sense of humor. Sharp as a tack, super intelligent, but best as a story teller.
I've read some articles he wrote and put on his website. Somehow that wit gets lost. He needs to speak into a recorder over and over until he perfects the story, because he tells them so well via voice.
I have the same problem. I've had some incredible experiences. When I tell them in person, they are often hilarious, but when I write them down they read like a doctor's notes.
He writes well. He just can't get that wit onto the page. It is there, but not the incredible part. Russ is by far the funniest person that I have ever met, and he is usually spot on.
I'm elated that I met Fish. I re-tell his stories to this day, and once he figured out your valley nickname, you are branded for life. My nickname made it here, and people call me that all of the time. It is a little embarrassing.
Gregory Crouch
Social climber
Walnut Creek, California
Apr 17, 2016 - 08:54pm PT
My money says Walling is too busy watching the best Cubs team in a century to bother with Supertopo until November. Or perhaps not.
Russ Walling
Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Apr 17, 2016 - 09:04pm PT
You are a wise man Greg... Go Cubs!
Gregory Crouch
Social climber
Walnut Creek, California
Apr 17, 2016 - 09:19pm PT
Maybe this is your year.
May the baseball Gods smile and your Cubbies face my Athletics in late October. If so, I hope it isn't.
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