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Social climber
The West
Sep 1, 2007 - 08:32pm PT
Armbars and Gastons,
and handstacks and widecups,
Kneejams and butterflys,
and ratt-ely elbow locks,
tbars and inverts,
that feel like they'll spring,
these are a few of my fav-orite things!

When the 'bro pops,
when the tube pulls,
when the cam is bad.

Then I remember
my favorite jams,
and then I feel,
no slam!

Penn's Woods
Sep 1, 2007 - 09:01pm PT
Cool pics, some really ingenious uses of space. I made the mistake of going vertical with wide-spaced crimps at first, which was fun but kind of wrecked my elbows and a shoulder for a while. So I started adding things. And adding things. Pretty much out of room now. Little bit of everything except for a good deep roof. This is my dream... this is my nightmare. Anyway...


New Hampshire
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 7, 2007 - 11:36am PT
N0_ONE Posted: "Are those nine foot ceilings, and what type of flooring system is that."

The ceiling is not all that tall... Just a little under 8 feet.

The flooring tiles are 3/3" interlocking foam. They are nice and warm, and add a little cushioning. You can get thicker, but then I would have had to plane the bottom of my door and they cost a lot more. I ordered them from this company in VT:

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Sep 7, 2007 - 03:58pm PT
Ed - What the heck is that scuffy_b creation in the pic with "Mr. Smooth hisself [sic]" standing next to it? I don't get it. Where is the climbing?
scuffy b

The deck above the 5
Sep 7, 2007 - 04:32pm PT
the climbing is on the left side of that contraption. One panel is bolted to the Redwood. The second panel is suspended from a
pair of bolts. I tried to get stiffness without too much weight,
so I tried the boxy approach.
The setup is that the climbing is in a left-facing corner, left
side in. The plane of the crack is vertical, but the corner
overhangs, about an inch for every vertical foot.
The pictures of Ed and Gary are taken from the top of the
crack. Some time this Autumn or Winter it will probably get 8
or 16 feet higher.
I tracked down another view of Gary's crack, looking through it
from the backside.
Gary Carpenter

SF Bay Area
Sep 7, 2007 - 04:39pm PT
Nefarious: Here are some additional images to give you a better idea. Definitely worth a pilgrimage to Redwood Country!


Gym climber
Sep 7, 2007 - 04:43pm PT
Scruffy! WTF, Over!

Nice work there. I can't wait to not see that...

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Sep 7, 2007 - 05:11pm PT
Nice! Thanks for the shots that allow us to see what's up, guys! Suhweet! =)

A pilgrimage may be in order, for sure!
scuffy b

The deck above the 5
Sep 7, 2007 - 05:54pm PT
Just as I described it to you, k-man.
How about Wednesday the 19th? You in?

Social climber
The West
Sep 7, 2007 - 09:48pm PT
We gots to work out a ride share thing!

Trad climber
Evergreen, CO
Sep 8, 2007 - 02:15am PT
Nice gyms guys! I have built 4 walls now, every one an inprovement but none big enough for my tastes. Here is a pic of the latest one nearing completion, Dave did a good job painting it.

The crack is flaring and tapers from fists to fingers and is about 30 degrees overhanging.

Those crack machines posted earlier are taking it to another level. My stomach was turning just thinking about it.
Crag Q

Trad climber
Louisville, Colorado
Sep 8, 2007 - 09:50am PT
donn, your free standing cave is very clever.
scuffy b

up the coast from Woodson
Mar 19, 2008 - 11:34am PT
The crack in the redwoods has been both upgraded and enlarged.
Some flaws in the original construction have been addressed, and it is now 26 ft tall.
It's three distinct sections with a crux to get established in
each section.
No photos right now, but soon.

Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:02pm PT
Great thread! I'm in the process of designing another wall, this time for the garage. I used to have an 8' wide 10' high wall in the living room, but flat walls are terribly boring, and my better half didn't care for the aesthetic. Then I put the panels in the stairwell and had a 14' high wall with a slight dihedral.

Around easter time to motivate the kids when they were little we'd do climging for peeps. Peeps are the marshmellow chick candies, and I'd put them on holds for the kids to climb up to.


San Diego
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:09pm PT
here from my old place:

and the current project in my new place:

not much talant from a construction standpoint, but can i say, im from cali with an iq of 80.

Big Wall climber
So Cal
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:12pm PT
Here's a look at part of my home gym. It's much bigger than the pic makes it look.

Trad climber
new york, NY
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:13pm PT
radical, is that a hole in the ceiling leading to the second floor?
that is awesome.

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:18pm PT
Munge has a pic of mine. It was the coolest crack machine. 18 feet of inch and a quarter and full two inch. Three 2x8' bolted together with spacers. Mounted on the back of my garden shed at a fairly steep overhang. A tramp at the bottom so if you came off it was just fun. I screwed on 2x6's on each side to the cracks and then layered on a bunch of holds. anyway I had to give it up to munge and his friend when work took me overseas. He is supposed to post a pic however has been remiss in his duty!

Who's Asking?
Mar 19, 2008 - 05:04pm PT
In reference to their woodies, I love how guys are always saying "It's much bigger than the pic makes it look." :-)
scuffy b

up the coast from Woodson
Mar 19, 2008 - 05:18pm PT
That's right, L. Mine is 50% bigger than the picture makes it
look. It's stiffer, too.
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