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james Colborn
Trad climber
Truckee, Ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 10:21pm PT
The rules in the park are clear. I follow them for the most part . I also realize that not everyone thinks my dog is as great as I do, so I do my best to keep him out of peoples hair. Dogs are a pain in the a$$. Dogs in a national park major pain in the ass.
Anonnymous doghater- Mace and dog kicking? Very impressive!
Social climber
So Cal
Oct 24, 2006 - 11:21pm PT
It's their home! Not Yours!
Leave your damn mutt at home Matt!
Social climber
Oct 24, 2006 - 11:22pm PT
Just curious Matt, where did you ever get tennies w/stealth rubber for your dog? My dog would love a set!
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 11:37pm PT
i love dogs.
i love josh.
i don't love the two together.
most of my encounters are usually negative.
the dog is either mean, or it is whining while tied to something waiting for owners to return.
Uncategorizable climber
New York
Oct 24, 2006 - 11:53pm PT
So what's more irritating?
The hatesdogs troll, or the OP for making a post about dogs that was guaranteed to start a cliche dogs at the crag thread?
Trad climber
joshua tree
Oct 25, 2006 - 12:03am PT
While it may not be your dog, someone's dog:
1. Craps and the owner leaves it
2. Bothers other people
3. Whimpers, barks, growls, begs
4. Causes the owner to yell back to the dog while on the wall
5. Disturbs native wildlife
When you violate the park rules (even if you accept a fine) you set an example to others, that it is OK to have dogs beyond 100 ft in Joshua Tree.
It is not OK. Do what's right. Don't do what's wrong, even if you can afford the fine.
Social climber
The West
Oct 25, 2006 - 12:22am PT
Blue-no in this case, at least, Doghater is just an (attention craving) Weasel.
Matt, at least, understands the value of parking a pooch under a spreading shade tree. I'll throw that canine a frisbee anytime!
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 12:38am PT
I suppose the "dogs at the crag/in the park" tiffs will wage on forever. Kind of the way it is and it's really pointless. As with any other pointless debate in this country, a few bad apples can spoil it for the whole barrel. Think homies and gun rights. I certainly never said anything about breaking any rules with my dog. And if I do, well frankly, it's my business and when a Ranger catches up with me I'll have to deal with it.
I will likely be in JTree this Turkey Day and may or may not bring my dog. It really depends on what I decide to climb while I'm there and has nothing to do with what you or anyone else feels.
You certainly have a right to not like dogs, or even dogs in the park, doghater. That's certainly your prerogative. You also certainly have the right to be a self-righteous prick too - until others decide not to tolerate it and walk away or hand to a $20 spot and tell you to go play. Basically, I have the right not to associate with you when you act this way. No one likes an as#@&%e.
Now I know you're a real tough guy and all, Sport, but when you kick someone's dog or try to take their dog from them, you lose those rights. And, if you're messing with the wrong guy, you're likely to get the response I said. Not to mention, you'd be breaking the law. See, most people view their dogs as their children and, funny thing, so does the court to a large degree. So, you go ahead an do those things and then press the issue in court. Good luck to ya. Just remember the owner has a legal right to defend his dog and you should probably hope the guy's name isn't Randy Weaver.
Trying to Save You Some Trouble
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 25, 2006 - 01:16am PT
In general, it's my experience that dog owners have an inferiority complex. The little man or low esteem complex. (Whereas, cat owners do not.) Dog owners need a waggy tail and a slobbery tongue to make them feel important. A dog yields that result. Therefore, why not bring a dog as a companion to make a little man feel bigger? I cannot exist at the crag alone...I bring DOG...DOG gives me power, DOG makes conversation, DOG always likes me, licks me. I look cool with DOG with cool DOG name. Chicks will talk about my DOG, thus talk to me.
I heart DOG.
Peace out--maced-in-the-face dog-owner and dog.
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 01:21am PT
Well, that certainly makes a lot of sense then... I guess you'll be staying home to play with your pussy now then, won't you.
Sorry, couldn't resist. Maybe a joke can cure your bitterness for a few minutes.
Oct 25, 2006 - 01:24am PT
DH -
I think it would be super if someone held you under water for a while.
Just long enough to take the edge off, you understand.
Sport climber
Oct 25, 2006 - 01:39am PT
You truly suck. All of your posts are on this thread only, and I find it difficult to believe that you just stumbled across Supertopo right when the thread was put up. In other words, you have an opinion that you know will be unpopular, so you created a fake email and a fake identity on Supertopo becuase you are too much of a pu$$y to stand behind what you believe. I don't mean to talk smack, but what a coward!
So come on - tell us who you REALLY are!
Oh, and by the way:
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Oct 25, 2006 - 10:11am PT
John..the best place to take your dog in JT is NewJack City....
otherwise you will most likley run into doghater...all dressed up in his tool suit.....come on- doghater to afraid to use your REAL name???
Guy Keesee
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Oct 25, 2006 - 12:00pm PT
Dude wrote:
>While it may not be your dog, someone's dog:
>1. Craps and the owner leaves it
>2. Bothers other people
>3. Whimpers, barks, growls, begs
>4. Causes the owner to yell back to the dog while on the wall
>5. Disturbs native wildlife
And the stupid argument goes on...
Think about this:
While it may not be YOU, a lot of CLIMBERS:
1. Crap and leave it
2. Bother other people
3. Whimpers, barks, growls, begs
4. Causes their partner to yell back to them while on the wall
5. Disturbs native wildlife
Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Oct 25, 2006 - 04:51pm PT
DH is a troll- pretty funny too (not biting).
since it was brought up-
not every dog is every dog.
not every dog owner is every dog owner.
it might actually be more irresponsible of me to post these pics than to be there and take them in the 1st place.
anyone can do anything they want to in america, so long as they are willing to accept responsibility for their actions (at least that's how i see it).
show me a resource where all user impacts are equally considered in a non-political fashion and i will take the rules more seriously, until then, i will weigh the risks- tickets, mace, and big horn stress included.
btw- that would suck if you did kick my dog, and i wouldn't like it. i could threaten you and whatever, but the truth is, i don't quite know how i would react to that if it ever happened. i can tell you that:
1)my dog could take it- he's no sissy
2)he would still try to lick your face and make friends
3)he won't run off and chase or bother even a sidewalk pigeon without being told "ok" (and sometimes i do tell him that, since he's too slow and loud to catch pigeons)
Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 05:50pm PT
while wishing a dog hit by a car is kind of extreme you would get an earful from me and if it was off leash i wouldn't boot the dog i would boot the owner. Its not the dogs fault Its the retarded moron who owns him. If i see you out with your dogs at such places as Astro domes, ryan mountain or any other wilderness area you can expect a couple of pissed off locals yelling at you. Being the happy owner of a beautiful golden retrivier i know people love their dogs, but people also love their children. When children cant go somewhere with their parents, the parents go somewhere else (new jack city, any of the big bear crags, big rock, idywild ares....) or they find a baby sitter. if you think you are responsible enough to be in control of another life, you had better be responsible enough to make appropiate desicions for that other life. Dogs are terrible for the big big horn sheep who are way to stressed out as it is, why make it worse? just the scent of their urine can keep bighorns from reaching their water sources (they are not very smart animals)they chase animals (unless old and arthritic, in which case your a dick for making them walk out there) and i always hear the "my dog dosn't do that...." then ten seconds later they are barking at people walking down the trail or chasing a rabit or digging out a bush. Not to mention they are Fu*king annoying at the crag!!! keep them near the roads out of the wilderness areas. and yes all of the studies ever done on the issue have said that dogs are that bad in the backcountry.
Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 05:57pm PT
"show me a resource where all user impacts are equally considered in a non-political fashion and i will take the rules more seriously, until then, i will weigh the risks- tickets, mace, and big horn stress included"
with the last part of that comment you too have attained the grand master level of A$$hole. When there are no dogs at all allowed in the park we can all point at you and say a$$hole in unison, what a dip$hit thing to say... utterly moronic.
Boulder climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 06:07pm PT
"Think about this:
While it may not be YOU, a lot of CLIMBERS:
1. Crap and leave it
2. Bother other people
3. Whimpers, barks, growls, begs
4. Causes their partner to yell back to them while on the wall
5. Disturbs native wildlife"
Think about this, people have rights dogs do not. And the old classic two wrongs have never made a right. while people do cause harm we can manage ourselves we know what we are supposed to do to keep low impact,(such as not bringing dogs into the back country)dogs on the other hand do not know they are not supposed to chase rabbits, not poop next to waterways, and that Its prolly not a good idea to dig up that 1000 year old yucca plant. "oh my dog listens to me great...." heard it a thousand time and its never been true, ignorant dog owners make that up in there head so they feel better about being morons.
Social climber
Davis, CA
Oct 25, 2006 - 06:15pm PT
Well, so much for the 'climbers are a responsible user group' argument.
"Whateva, I do whut I want!"
Oct 25, 2006 - 06:38pm PT
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