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Jan 22, 2013 - 09:47pm PT
FYI the country was FOUNDED by screaming as#@&%es and has made it a tradition, since. You know this....
Traitors to the core. It's actually a prime example of what happens when you win a war. Be it over tea or access to mineral rights or taxation or the other hundreds of things wars are waged over. The one resounded effect is if you win you are right. The little people(in this case Britain) walk away with there tail between their legs asking themselves one resounding question "What the hell?" We are(where in this case) the imperial power. How on earth did we just get the boot? We(americans((stupid americans as werner would say)) learned that same thing in many "wars" we fought. Korea, Vietnam, Irag. The results have varied but the one underlying truth is still there. Little people will rise up and fight like the devil to keep invading nations from gaining a say. So maybe the idea of "America" isn't such a new thing after all. Maybe, just maybe, it's an old idea with a new name.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Jan 22, 2013 - 09:56pm PT
The one resounded effect is if you win you are right.
Trad climber
Nor Cal
Jan 22, 2013 - 10:15pm PT
Mountain climber
Somewhere Up There
Jan 22, 2013 - 10:17pm PT
Tried to find this pic without the banners but couldn't. It's a very interesting picture nonetheless, and these guys are certainly a part of the color of our country.
Unfortunately the soldier on the stretcher died.
Edited to add: I found the image without the banners but as the image has circulated so widely with the banners I thought I'd post it both ways.
Jan 23, 2013 - 12:57am PT
You can be diverse and economically successful. The two are not mutually exclusive. Ask anyone from Brazil.
Jan 23, 2013 - 01:25am PT
I specifically chose Brazil because it is not the best example. I figured you would pick up on that. I also figured you would attack with some incredible zeal. I'd say comparing the US in 4 years to the current current state of Brazil is more than I could have hoped for. Now that your arrogance is out of the way do you have anything else to say?
Social climber
North Vancouver BC
Jan 23, 2013 - 01:26am PT
It may be the color of your country, but it sure aint the color of this sport. Give your head a shake , look at the photos on this site. I don't see a lot of people of colour in the photos, or economically underpriveladed first generation immigrants.
If you want to wave your flag and brag about your ethnic diversity, start right here in your own back yard, recognize what a middle class white bread privilaged sport this is, and get involved in making it more accessabile.
When your living hand to mouth and worried about putting food on your table, you sure don't waste money on an $80.00 climbing cam!
Wave your flag some where else!
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2013 - 02:24am PT
Wave your flag some where else!
Well rolfr from BC, I've climbed with a black American, an Asian American, an Italian American, American Indians, women, gays, shitloads of people that couldn't afford helmet cams and more, so I'll wave my flag right here thank you.
But the point wasn't about how diverse climbing is or how wrong donald is, but about how wide and wonderful the country is. But I guess you did miss the point.
Notice I included cops and firemen and farmers and military people so you wouldn't think it was a "only" thread?
I didn't mention any political stuff at all in fact.
So take your sour puss somewhere else.
Some middle class white bread climber who never tried to make the world a better place......
Jan 23, 2013 - 03:18am PT
If you want to love the United States more and feel the true greatness of our country....Move to another country. You'll see how amazing our country is in every way. Of the people by the people for the people.
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2013 - 04:19am PT
But as long as the low-information voter has his/her cell phone , social media, celebrity stars, and self-congratulatory assurances that they live in a multi-cultural multi- racial 60s utopia- then all the problems have been solved.
Thereby assuring us that you, the mighty donald, are the only high information voter of true greatness.
Thank you.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jan 23, 2013 - 04:19am PT
low-information voter
Precisely what most red state republican voters are and they have been repeatedly manipulated and incited to a shrill indignation by several decades of highly successful Rovian (Pavlovian) social manipulation. You stand as a testimony to its effectiveness. The indignification of the right has been a masterstroke of political low thinking. It has been targeted not at a diverse America, but to white America. After the 2012 elections it is now a permanently bankrupt political strategy in an increasingly diverse America where the young are blind to race and sexual orientation. Good riddance.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jan 23, 2013 - 05:01am PT
Why? Because the social/ cultural objectives of the baby boomer socialists has been realized.
Not at all, but rather because forty years of an explicitly-stated republican political strategy built on racism, homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia has now been soundly repudiated. There's absolutely nothing baby boomer or socialist about it, but rather just a party whose only truly effective campaign currency has been hate.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California now Ireland
Jan 23, 2013 - 05:51am PT
Survival posted this thread to show the diversity of the USA. Other democratic countries also have diversity.
But some knee-jerks on this thread want to use it to rail against... whatever their rant is. You know who you are.
Saying that this country will be in the doldrums in the next four years is a bit outrageous.
Yes, I live abroad. But I have always been proud to be an American. And I have a rich heritage of being an American. (With all due respect to other people of the Americas.)
Thanks Survival, great thread.
To the naysayers, why don't you go elsewhere if you want to be so negative..
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jan 23, 2013 - 05:55am PT
DT: Apparently Mr. Healy has this hippie obsession with Karl Rove, having attempted to associate me with him in another thread. I know very little about Rove , and what I do know I don't like, considering him the type of political consulting class establishment Republican that led to a weak campaigning strategy by Romney.
Another little example of the current radicalized left's obsession with demonizing and marginalizing political opponents instead of getting on with the business of solving the nation's real problems.
Their model is the current President who is solely preoccupied with one thing only: destroying all political opposition.
Of course you don't know much about Rove, that's exactly Rove's genius and so a little education is in order given Karl is THE man behind W's and the republican victories until 2012.
Rove, along with Lee Atwater, and Ralph Reed carried on and embellished Harry S. Dent Sr.'s whole gutter approach to politics designed to produce the deliberate polarization of America we see today and a republican party which has moved so far to the fundamentalist fringe right that it is now in a veritable civil war within its own ranks. That polarization was built on a forty year strategy of 'indignifying' the right via racism, homophobia, sexism and xenophobia. It's been one of the most successful, and lowest, political strategies in modern political history. It was so successful and so low Lee Atwater apologized for it on his deathbed.
Look, any time you hear a phrase like 'radicalized left' these days you can be assured you're hearing it from a member of the radicalized right and brought to you courtesy of Dent, Atwater, Reed, and Rove. But Rove took the tactics to new lows of success and guys like you who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker are the sad result. It's all humorously a bit like Frankenstein saying, "I don't know much about the Doctor and what I do know, I don't like".
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2013 - 11:51am PT
This thread wasn't posted as an Us And Them thread at all, but more as an Us Is Us, We Are We, We're all in this together thread.
We've always been divided over certain issues, but came together when the chips were down.
I have many incredible friends that I disagree with strongly about a number of issues. But still I would fight for them and their right to believe the way they believe. They would do the same for me.
We've made it this far. I have kids who I want to have a great life in a great country.
I was raised in Indian and Eskimo villages, by parents who didn't have a racist bone in their bodies. That's saying something for the times they were raised in. If I would've walked around with a "White Is Right" attitude, I would've had my ass kicked many times over.
Donald, if you can't see your way forward to a white/brown/yellow/black/straight/gay/male/female world, then you are truly lost.
*Our president and one Supreme Court member are black.
*Our secretary of state and three members of the Supreme Court are female.
*One Supreme Court justice is Hispanic.
*One is Sicilian.
*Two are of Jewish descent.
*All of them are the descendants of immigrants.
can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
Jan 23, 2013 - 11:52am PT
When imbibing always try to keep your drinking associates as varied as possible. It keeps the organic party element snappin.
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2013 - 01:09pm PT
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2013 - 01:36pm PT
Me too Dave.
My mom with her Codetalker friend.
Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Jan 23, 2013 - 02:16pm PT
My son in Aida at The Denver School of the Arts, 2008
He's now an actor/writer/singer/rapper/cook/mover in New York (Brooklyn), livin the life.
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