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Santa Monica, CA
At first it was experimental and not mandatory (although they made it look like it was mandatory to buy one and would ticket for not having one while parked in the Angeles Nat'l. forest for example while climbing at Willie)...you could get parking ticket after parking ticket and they couldn't enforce payment of those tickets because it wasn't a law.
I heard from what I believe is a reliable source that it has now been put into place by the powers that be as a law and in order to park in the Angeles Forest (and with a separate pass - meaning you have to buy it separately from Angeles Forest pass - the Las Padres and a few other National forests in CA) which we already pay taxes for to upkeep, etc.
Now if you get ticketed you have to pay the ticket like you would other parking tickets.
Flagstaff, AZ
Is the Adventure Pass the same thing as the Red Rock Pass (In Sedona) - AKA Fee Demo?
If so then (Juan) what they mean is the Fee Demo is no longer a Demo - It's been signed into law (by some loser from Ohio that has no Public Lands in his district) as an omnibus rider.
Hope all is well. The deal with Fee Demo is that Ralph Regula finally got his way. HR3283 passed as a rider on The Omnibus Appropriations bill at the 11th hour. 3283 is a despicable bill and will effect the way we interact with every acre of public land. As it stands, unless it is repealed it will go into effect when fee demo sunsets in early January 2006. The deal with S1107 is that it had only passed through the Senate and not the House so it was not final. Because 3283 was tacked onto the appropriations bill as a rider however, it did not need the approval of the full house and full senate. It is the sneekiest and least democratic way to pass a bill. The good news is that it has stirred quite a firestorm of opposition. There have been tons of articles and editorials slamming the whole thing and many a western representative has voiced their outrage at how their constinuents are getting screwed over by some guy from Ohio with no public lands in his district. As for the no fee movement, it is far from over. In fact, the opposition has surged and the movement to repeal the piece of crap legislation is afoot. Hope that helps. As for wondering why we bother, I admit, I sometimes do as well. Then i realize I simply cannot accept the injustice of these greedy bastards, and somewhere deep inside I have hope for us all. Cheers- jono (Jon Orlando)
Santa Monica, CA
Nature and Juan, see: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/sanbernardino/ap/index.php
That's just for our local mtns. here in So. Cal - I imagine you can go to the USFS main page to check for other states.
I did see on a different (protest) website that it is part of the Omnibus bill...
san diego, ca
The USFS cannot ticket you for not having an adventure pass, it's bogus... If you have a slip placed on the vehicle you do not have to pay whatever pass $ is noted.
Flagstaff, AZ
The Adventure Pass and the Red Rocks Pass (Sedona) appear to be the same thing from a legislative point of view. What use to be the Fee Demo is no longer Demo - it is now law as of January 2006. Both passes are part of that legislation (thanks to that a-hole regula attaching it to an omnibus). At least for now that legislation is permenant.
It use to be that that "ticket" you got was a notice of non-complience and you could ignore it. That's no longer the case. It's a real ticket. Unless you are a lawyer and know diffenently I'm not sure I'd be telling people they don't have to pay it. You don't have to pay parking tickets either but they will catch up to you at some point. This is no different. It sucks. It's double taxation in my mind.
I'm not sure this does folks required to obtain an Adventure Pass any good but here's what our local organization in AZ is doing to subvert the system.
Maybe that is old news and no longer applies.
hmm.... sucks.
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