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David Wilson
seems like a "Peregrine Flier" blend may be in order Mark
Trad climber
South Slope of Mt. Tabor, Portland, Oregon, USA
^^^^^I'll drink a cup of that^^^
Thanks for sharing the vid. That is an awesome ledge. So others besides climbers like it too. I guess we CAN share the rock with the birds.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2012 - 10:12am PT
We were laughing that on Skot's first wall we saw an incredible shooting star and had a falcon come visit for breakfast!
Social climber
Birders, correct me if I am wrong; but once the bird landed with prey in "hand"; it had two choices stay and eat the meal or take off and abandon it. I don't believe Mr. Peregrine could take off with his meal in his talons (from that position.
He waited until he surmised you guys were no threat; before consuming. I believe if you had moved (threatened) the bird would have taken off without his meal.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2012 - 10:26am PT
He pecked at it three times and then did in fact fly off with it in his talons.
WOW - that is just about the coolest thing. When you first posted a photo of this I had just had a close encounter with a peregrine perched on a misty ledge while i was climbing by myself at dawn here in NH.
But this encounter is mind-blowing wild.
Social climber
Well so much for that. I have seen hawks abandon their kill (my yard birds) when startled or they stubbornly stay grounded until they have consumed the bird.
Just a theory.
It is amazing he landed; because he was certainly aware you were there before doing so!
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2012 - 11:10am PT
In the vid, Skot says "wow, did you hear that" and pans over and you see a little dot that is the falcon swooping and catching the swift. He swooped down, coasted up and landed on the ledge. I don't think he saw us beforehand.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Too bad you guys didn't have a net. Those things are great for breakfast. Tastes like Condor with a little Bald Eagle after taste.
Oh get your butt bag untwisted.
I am kidding.
That video is remarkable, one of the finest things I have ever seen on SuperTopo.
Those encounters are blessings and this one is extraordinarily wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.
little Z
Trad climber
un cafetal en Naranjo
wow, that is absolutely amazing. I can't beleive that you were filming at that precise moment and were able to catch the whole thing on vid. Mark shouts "did you hear that?", was that the sound of the bird diving?
edit: I didn't see your post above Mark, so it was Skot that yelled.
I tell you, that vid has international potential.
As to whether or not the bird could take off with the prey, there is no doubt that it could have bailed at any moment if it wished to. A swallow (or swift) hardly weighs anything, just a bag of feathers.
The falcon looked like it was waiting for you guys to do something. Offer it coffee, or salt and pepper.
Trad climber
under the sea
I was just in the valley last weekend and did the Lost arrow spire again...there was a falcon buzzing the sumit of the spire while I was there...I had already seen Marks pic and heard the story....was really hoping it would land and chill on the summit of the spire with me but no luck. Was cool just to see it circle the spire 5 or 6 times, about 30 feet overhead, saw it there last month too but just flew by once.
Trad climber
Mark and Skot, that is really cool! What a cool opportunity. I saw one hovering on the wind at the lip of the Nose once, but didn't have the presence of mind to even reach for the camera until he glided away. Your video is just great!
Trad climber
New Durham, NH
Very cool! As comfortable as you looked with coffee and all, you were on his turf.
I had a puffin land 7 feet away from me in Newfoundland, posed for a bunch of pics and did a little dance, then flew off after 2 full minutes. Always a gift to see nature up close like that.
Trad climber
very cool and special moment, thanks guys for sharing that with us, quite a gift
Big Wall climber
Corona CA.
@the alpine,
I didn't use any stabilization software, when I uploaded the video to YouTube they asked if I wanted the video stabilized.. Whatever was done to it was by their hand.
I'm blown away by all the rad comments this video is getting, each one just adds to the already amazing experience climbing my first wall was..
Each comment I read let's me relive the moments over and over...
Thank you everyone for the positive feedback...
Pleasant sends...
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Verrrrry kool! What kind of camera?
The Warbler is correct about the ridiculous scope of the closures but we
need not get sidetracked on that.
LittleZ, thanks for the link to the Amur falcon slaughter in India.
As for birds flying off with their prey I have seen a vid of a Golden Eagle
flying off with a lamb that likely equalled the eagle's weight!
Trad climber
Toshi's Station, picking up power converters.
"Holy shit!"
Too cool!!
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