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Desolation Basin, Calif.
George W. Bush:
I only regret that the bill to ban abortions hasn't come across my desk.
Would you be singing a different tune if there was a possibility that Jeff Gannon could get you pregnant?
Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Dingus - Just a consistency check here. If a person hits your pregnant daughter resulting in the loss of the "child", or if the child is born in some way harmed, are you willing for the incident to be considering a simple assault?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
If you could get the data I would bet you'd find out that Republicans live on Federal funds something like 2:1 to Democrats on average. That trillions for poverty amounts to chump change compared to the various forms of Federal largess all the Republicans avail themselves of under one program or another...
Social climber
Davis, CA
"this is a clear case where every conservative should be saying "get and keep government out of our lives..."."
healyje, agree completely.
But, as you know, people aren't always so easily categorized. There are plenty of traditionally left minority groups who are pro life as well... (ie, catholic)
Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Dingus - That was not a troll. Your argument is an example of a red herring (unless you agree with the consistency checks).
It is a good example, why legislation of the issue rather than judicial law creation is preferable.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
"Shouldn't there be some consensus on at what age we are human, citizens of this race...so at that point we are protected by the laws that protect you and me?"
Shouldn't there be some consensus on what kind, what circumstance, and at what age we citizens can bear arms...so we are protected by the laws that protect you and me?
Social climber
Davis, CA
'It is a good example, why legislation of the issue rather than judicial law creation is preferable.'
Well, unless that legislation bans abortion. Unless that's what you're after.
The interesting thing about that early privacy rights case concerning contraception, was that it banned sales of contraceptives only to unmarried people. What a crock of crap!
mark miller
Social climber
If I had a daughter( I've payed for 3 abortions and got snipped) and someone hit her, whether they hurt her child or not they would wake up gurgling... Like the 'Missouri Breaks', classic peice of film.
Trad climber
Fremont, CA
Did you know there are some states where you are allowed to kill people (join the military) before you can drink alcohol? I guess I am kinda slow, but that lacks sense to me.
I'm trying to say, don't assume it makes sense because it was made a law. That just means someone had enough bribes, err votes to make the law.
I dont think you could get people to agree on this anyway. Some zealots would claim that life starts at sperm, so masturbaters are really murderers!
Life is the soul. It enters the sperm which gives life to the material body (egg) within the womb of the mother.
Guymon OK
"every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good,
every sperm is needed, in you neighborhood!
Let the heathens cast theirs, on the dusty ground!
God will make them pay for, each sperm that can't be found!"
Trad climber
Sonora, California
Its easy Dingus. Concede that its a human life from the moment of conception. It is. So what? At that stage of life the rights and interests of the mother and society together weigh in on the side of mom being given complete decision making power about whether to carry the baby or not. Our society makes judgments about the value of competing rights all the time. (The death penalty is a classic example.) Mom's right to make basic decisions about her life, and society's interest in guaranteeing personal liberty (and in slowing population growth and avoiding the burdens associated with unwanted children) trump the unborn's rights every time. Its really a simple judgment call - and one that is intellectually honest. Try this out on a "right to lifer" and watch them stammer. Then invite them to show the consistency between their positions on abortion and the death penalty. Yeah, to them all human life is sacrosanct, except the lives they don't think should be. (For the record I believe very strongly in a woman's right to decide and I also think the death penalty is appropriate - a necessary evil.)
Guymon OK
A snag in my personal politics: On one hand, I support abortion on the grounds beat to death above, i.e. a womans right to privacy, While I would support and even advocate the government becoming involved in deciding who is ready and capable of raising a child.
edit: the children should stop flirting
Trad climber
New York, NY
Rajmit - do you know how far along in gestation a baby(yes, a baby) is when it is the size of a loaf of bread?
Nobody is defending the right to have 3rd trimester abortions.
You looked foolish when you wrote that. And, how are you going to feel, if you get lucky with some girl say - within the next year, and she gets pregnant. And doesn't want an abortion. How would you deal with that hypothetical scenario?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
They should open a clinic on one of the reservations...
Trad climber
Tucson, AZ
T*R, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. Raj-dork isn't saying something that he necessarily believes in. He's just making stupid circular arguments to get your goat. Don't respond to it.
mark miller
Social climber
AS soon as a repungent gets into office they iniate the 'Gag rule" and stop sending $ to countries that support abortion and contraceptives, how do you ever think they'll allow that in they're own country.
Trad climber
Fremont, CA
OMG, Stinky, where did you get that poem, or whatever it is called? It was way too funny.
I think I have killed millions. Will I get the gas chamber?
Trad climber
New York, NY
Rajmit - there is a substantial difference between 3rd trimester abortions(which account for less than 1% of all abortions performed since 1972, and does include those where the mother's life was at risk) and the timeframe when most abortions are performed(1/2 of all abortions are perfomed at or before 8 weeks).
As well, 1/2 of abortions peformed are on women under the age of 24, and 3/4 of the abortions performed are on women who are unmarried.
Out of girls under the age of 20 - 3.9% are less than 15 years of age.
These stats brought to you by The Heritage Foundation, interestingly enough.....
From: http://www.abortionfacts.com/statistics/statistics.asp
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