How did you all find each other?


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Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Sep 6, 2010 - 01:19am PT
russ said, "check this out"
Delhi Dog

Good Question...
Sep 6, 2010 - 01:36am PT
2 words...well one, A. Crowley..
I love a food fight...but I watched the slinging for a while before tossing mine in.

and, I too think Neebee nailed it, though I think justthemaid might be on to something.


Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Sep 6, 2010 - 02:08am PT
I was asked by Cam Burns to write something for Layton Kor's biography. I googled Layton to see what he had been up to since I saw him last and found ST. Then I decided to search the site for Frank Sacherer and discovered his memorial thread. Of course I had to contribute and the rest is history. I reconnected with old friends I hadn't heard from in 45 years and now I'm here almost every day.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Sep 6, 2010 - 02:17am PT
Of those still actively posting, or at least actively lurking, who was the very first to post? Riley?

hanging from a crimp and crying for my mama.
Sep 6, 2010 - 10:09am PT
John Bachar asked me to post here and that's that.

Social climber
Sep 6, 2010 - 10:20am PT
Barto hooked me up
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Sep 6, 2010 - 11:36am PT
Of those still actively posting, or at least actively lurking, who was the very first to post

i wasn't the first but I was posting before Wade Icey was born...

Social climber
down south
Sep 6, 2010 - 11:40am PT
I actually downloaded the topos back in the late 90's. Still got em'.
EDIT: could have been early 00's.... My mind is leaving me :)
Roger Breedlove

Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Sep 6, 2010 - 12:22pm PT
I first posted in March of 2003. I think that a good friend sent me an e-mail with a reference to the popularity of the Central Pillar of Frenzy. Since I hadn't climbed since the 1980s, it was news to me. I think that so many old climbing friends and partners post because we either use our real names or are easily identified, for example, Largo, Warbler, and Bullwinkle are instantly identifiable amongst 70s Valley climbers. I think it is the same as if any of us heard that an old friend was in our town for a few days and contacted them to catch up.

A few days after my first post, Werner posted a welcome note. Then in May of that year, Greg Barnes asked me to comment on the sense of changes in climbing since the first ascent of "Hoodwink" (there was a discussion of the replacement of my baby angle at the roof with a bolt) to today.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Sep 6, 2010 - 12:33pm PT
I was in colorado, but about ready to split, so it had to be '03 or '04. Russ had the "climb the wide with pride" (?) thread going, about whether tape was aid. he sent me the link (felt bad cause he stole my line maybe.

Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Sep 7, 2010 - 07:07pm PT
find each other? I still don't know half these knuckleheads. Lots of climbers these days.

I think I checked it out after Chris Mac started soliciting input from climbers at local mtn shops as a good source of insights on climbs. I sent in some beta I had. Checked the site from the big wall book sometime there after, i think.


Trad climber
Bay Area
Sep 7, 2010 - 07:17pm PT
What Munge said....
First came the store bought SuperTopo book, then I looked up the website for recent beta, then found the forum.
Then the quicksand sucked me under.
scuffy b

Eastern Salinia
Sep 7, 2010 - 07:56pm PT
It must have been from a post on rec.climbing. I found that, late in the
game, I guess, trying to get triggers repaired...

Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Sep 9, 2010 - 01:33am PT
Bringmebeers is Jake, not Kohl.

I've allways been lambone. I came here initially hunting for El Cap trip reports.

Trad climber
Boulder Creek CA
Sep 9, 2010 - 07:33am PT

Regarding how I learned to use the internet:

After me and my buddies built the first computers in Idaho from parts scavenged from the phone company; I convinced a little start-up company called Boise Cascade to buy an IBM 1401 with patch board logic setup (as a step up from my job as mail boy).

I hitched from Camp 4 to San Francisco and got a job as mail boy for Fireman's Fund Insurance. They found out I wasn't afraid of computers, and started me running an IBM 750 mainframe with vacuum tubes logic and iron core memory. I wound up running their corporate computer floor with punched paper cards and 16" tape drives on an IBM 7080, two 1401s, and a 1440; and then we moved up to IBM 360s.

I was one of the first people in the world to have a computer terminal in my house connected by telephone acoustic modem to two of the first time-sharing mainframe servers. The terminal was a paper-printing telex with punched paper tape for reloading software programs (even before we called it that). I was one of the first employees working for Tymshare and responsible 24/7 for operating the first two time-sharing computers in the world.

Those SDS 940s became for many years a backbone for the internet before anyone thought to call it that. I took one of them to Paris to establish the first time-shared computer in Europe. Then I came back to Cupertino and helped set up two dozen SDS 940s as the backbone that evolved into the internet. Our 10mb CDC disk drives had 36 platters and were each the size of a large refrigerator. We gradually replaced mainframe boxes with Varian 620i mini-computers and evolving disk drives.

Later I set up dozens of DEC PDP 8s, 11s, VAXes, and LSI 11s to computerize various organizations. Then I graduated to an Osborne with dual floppy drives (helping to found my brother's business); followed by a Mac Classic with no hard drive, a TRS 80 laptop, an Epson Geneva laptop with a micro-tape memory, and the original Compac classic (all of which I still own).

When we started using DARPA email a lot, my terminals were Symbolics and TI Explorers; and I was designing expert systems as Director of Operations for Carnegie Group Inc.

Then for a decade at EPA, DOE and NASA my desk held an SGI or a Sun next to a Mac and a PC; as D/Project Manager for the NASA Supercomputer Division and managing software for the International Space Station.

Now days I keep three or four laptops going on my desk.

I found SuperTopo while looking up some climbs I wanted to do. And discovered other people here that I hadn't seen for decades.

Any more questions?

Social climber
chicago ill
Sep 9, 2010 - 09:13am PT
Just one, do you know anything about computers?


Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Sep 9, 2010 - 11:30am PT
In my case, it's Philo's fault. Since I moved to Cali from Colo, I was keeping up with Phil on but he started posting more over here (better forum for telling his plethora of stories). When I saw that all of the other old hotshots were posting over here also, I couldn't stay away. Also, since I had just moved to Cali, this place was a better source of local info than MP.

Kennewick wa
Sep 9, 2010 - 11:43am PT
I met Locker at a cornhole contest.

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Sep 9, 2010 - 11:45am PT
2007, I just googled something about El Cap, and SuperT was the first thing that came up.

The thread I opened had people I instantly recognized in it. I joined immediately to say hi to old friends. It was like being outside the Mountain Room Bar all of a sudden!!

In about 5 minutes Tarbuster had a picture of me on the Shield posted up. I couldn't frickin' believe it....

Then Philo and Tar helped the Cozmic Banditos get all hooked up for our RMNP reunion, and that was it, Lifetime Membership.

And even in the last couple years, the sheer weight of the heroes and legends who drop in here has grown. Unbeatable site!

Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Sep 9, 2010 - 11:48am PT
In my case it's YDPL8S' fault. He was stalking me on
Actually it was an post that linked to
MossMan is correct in that I find the forum here more interesting and dynamic than that on
Though I do think the site architecture is quite superior on
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