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Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Most excellent report, Chris.
Trad climber
Chapel Hill, NC
I'm going to be attempting a repeat of this awesome feat ( ;-) in about a million years). I'm just wondering if someone can post a break down of the free grades for each of the pitches on the two routes.
the Fet
Trad climber
Loomis, CA
Man, Tommy is on fire.
NOT Fresno
Well fuсk me good.
What about three free in a day? Who wants it?
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Would the East Buttress Of El Cap count?
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
freaking amazing, thanks for the report Chris.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Amazing achievement. The sky really is the limit ... Must be Beth's turn to do the Nose in a day now!
Michael Jordan is the Tommy Caldwell of Basketball....Pele is the Tommy of Soccer....that is probably the one of the single greatest athletic achievements in history...whats next?
Trad climber
Mt. Shasta, CA
Ay Caramba! Tommy esta en fuego!
Trad climber
on a rock or mountain out west
Amazing achievement. Guy is a freak.
But sweet Jesus Juan, get a grip. I think Lindbergh flying the Atlantic is a hell of a lot bigger than some dude free climbing some pre-established wall routes.
Get some perspective. It's the greatest FREE climbing feat ever. But NOT the greatest climbing feat ever. As soon as Tommy wants to start scoping wall routes and risking his life putting up some A5 wall routes on FA, then I'll put him in the Michael Jordan "best climber ever" file. He's the best FREE climber. But climbing has been around a hell of a lot longer than Tommy, there's plenty of great feats that had the internet been around, it would have got a lot more play. It's the immediacy of his achievement and all of us immediately knowing about it and fawning over it that helps add to it.
Ugh....game on now for every monkey now to free something on El Cap. You thought the fixed lines were bad now.
Bryce Breslin
Oakland, California
I'd be really curious to know what he took along for a rack.
Last weekend my partner and I racked tons to climb 9 pitches, Serenity to Sons - I'll bet we took more weight in gear for a moderate 9 than this man did for +/- 60 pitches?? Grim...
I'd also wager that I probably brought more cams up Lunatic Fringe - one pitch - than Caldwell did for this feat.
I'm still trying to grasp this: leading 60 pitches in a day. Does anyone know how many of those are 5.11 or above? 5.12 or above?
My hat is off, and I'm stupefied.
That sounds about right. (rack above)
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV
i still am having trouble fathoming this...simply amazing.
whats really amazing is that Tommy, in real terms, is still just a kid!
imagine what he might do in the decades to come!
Bryce Breslin
Oakland, California
Outrageous!! I did take more up Lunatic Fringe. What can you mean, Werner, sounds right?!! I love it - I absolutely love it. No sarcasm, no cynicism: I'm just astounded and in awe. And inspired to lighten my racking - christ.
Thanks for the info - crystalizes the magnitude of Caldwell's climbing that day.
Four nuts!
Trad climber
Sacramento, CA
Thanks for the story.
The guy is a real soul climber.
Davis, CA
Holy freaking crap! Talk about setting the bar.
You know what is so cool about this (aside from the obvious)? Tommy (and beth for that matter) is quite possibly the most humble climber I know. Not only that, but he's the last guy to criticize anothers person's style.
Hats off dude, well done.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
"Not only that, but he's the last guy to criticize anothers person's style.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
Social climber
Amazing. Even for Tommy. My biggest congratulations. Friggin' fantastic!
Doesn't a magazine coin someone "Climber of the Year"?
I'd say it's sewed up this year.
BTW - I have video footage of Tommy and Beth on their first look at The Nose. Might sell it for the right price. How much you got?-JK
Tommy, on a curosy attmept of the Great Roof (we were up there for something else), said, quite nonchalantly, "it's all there." Beth, on the other hand, was gobsmacked by the Changing Corners. First saying, "I can't get onto the rock." And finishing with "Next time maybe. If I train harder."
Really cool stuff.
Think I'll go train now....
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