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Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
I know there are more than two ways to skin a kat. What's puzzling me is precisely how to chemically skin ventricular fibers.
BTW, mr. mouse, are you collecting your fair share of royalties from say, The Jackson Laboratory (JAX® Mice Strains).
The C57BL/6J-ApcMin/J strain is highly susceptible to spontaneous intestinal adenoma formation. Homozygous mice are not viable. It was initially reported that one hundred percent of the C57BL/6J-ApcMin heterozygous mice raised on a high fat diet develop in excess of 30 adenomas throughout the intestinal tract and most die by 120 days of age. Heterozygotes also develop anemia. (Moser et al., 1990, Su et al., 1992). A small number of C57BL/6J-ApcMin heterozygous female mice develop mammary tumors. A subsequent publication indicates that this strain may carry a dominant modifier (Mom2) gene that reduces the number and incidence of polyp formation in C57BL/6J-ApcMin heterozygous mice (Silverman et al., 2002).
Money doesn't talk it swears. Some might even say fuuck you, Uncle Walt, show me the money.
Rednecks, don't know they ass from a hole in the ground, but they are free..
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Just call (in the morning)
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Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
No strings to bind your hands. Sure glad Merrilee wasn't keelhauled.
Don't rush though the tears, turn the other cheek.
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junkYard Angel take two:
The song "Angel of the Morning" was written and composed by the songwriter Chip Taylor (né James Wesley Voight, the younger brother of the actor Jon Voight and the uncle of the actress Angelina Jolie). Taylor had also written and composed "Wild Thing," a hit for The Troggs
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Well, podnuhs, it seems Dean Jones lives.
I'm sorry, I meant Wilby.
Oops, I meant Elwood.
I'm not doggin' ya, podnuhs.
Dean Jones lives (in Wikipedia and who am I to contradict John Dill's go-to reference?).
It seems unfair, somehow, that Hayduke only lives in fiction.
Ed Abbey's soul, being a vulture at one time (surely he's been re-incarnated from that evanescence by NOW--he's been dead longer than some of your mothers' father's), surely is wretching to have his worthy work associated with Walt.
I can hear him now.
"F*#k you, Walt, and that nag Widow-Maker on which you rode in...which you rode in on...on which you rode coming here, you big shiny-pants snake-oil-selling, flim-flamming so and so."
It is now the Fourth of July. We have just solved, zBrown, a puzzling matter for me. I wondered what to leave here with, so far as last posts till one comes home go. The wonders of collaboration never cease to flabbergast me.
Thanks for all the repartee, the music sharing, and the humor. I'm hoping you don't burn the meat when you grill tomorrow. It's the American Way. I prefer hamburgers on the Fourth, but eat what's offered. I'm saying this because I'm taking off shortly for Greeley Hill. Driving in the wee hours is far safer on the holidays, I'm finding.
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Dean is Ed Cooper. Believe it. His best ever performance. In front of a camera! :)
Happy Independence!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Hey, Norton!
Sho' nuff I got moss all over my back.
Was that a shaggy dog I saw you with last night?
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
What's up flame (and pie) throwers?
Your guess probably is not as good as mine, but all entries will be treated with the utmost respect. In any event if you're gonna trust someone, God seems to be a good choice.
Edit: This button does not work, but with some diligence on my part in may in the future - Get Back to the Future.
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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"Doc, that's so weird and wild! Ed?"--Carson
I took this photo after midnight last night.
I was so very happy because I got my nut!
I still have the N trifecta, baby!
My ENTRIFECTION is my obsession.
Three on the Fourth the Second Time Around in Three Days!
One stands speechless...
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Hey, Grampie, did you go or what to the Hood River?
I'm waiting on going to Marthis's place cuz he said come up early but he's a late sleeper type when he can get away with it.
What's up with your crowd today?
And anyone else, what are you up to?
GENE, my stout-hearted man, what's happening on the mutually-agreed-on climbing we are going to do soon, I hope?
Pacem. Ex.
I have no bathroom window, so I'm leaving through the foont door.
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A very special and fond shout-out to Gypsy and neebee for all you say, show, and entertain n' educate. Thanks and have a Glorious Fourth, my dears!
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Where have you been, MDYS?Weenie roast.
What have you seen, MMcDYS?Una placa desapareciendo de los alimentos.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Old Glory choked by terrorist weeds from all directions.
Don't be shocked, Ma, I'm only rusting.
Don't be shocked that I don't know the name of this purty thing with the sticky goo on it.
Gummy bears eat this sap.
This is not a digger pine any longer.
I've called that tree a digger pine my whole life.
One kind of grayleaf pine.
Another kind of pine formerly known as digger.
Another kind digger.
A lot of diggers.
Ex-cuuuuse me! Former diggers.
Ottawa Doug
Social climber
Ottawa, Canada
Dear Brian Birmingham,
It was a pleasure to meet you on June 14th in the office with Tom Evans.
Hope to see you again in the valley.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Penon blanco, Penon de Gibraltar, so-called from their resemblance to triangular-shaped flags which hung fron lance-tips.
the Atwater display was visible, but too far distant to ever photograph. I tried and they all came out black.
I had a lot of trouble, apparently, with shaking when the shutter clicked. I had the telephoto cranked and had to leave the focusing to the autofocus. This stuff takes practice and experience.
Next 4th of July I'll try going over to Penon Blanco Peak.
An intensely interesting meeting at the viewing point on the Coulterville-Greeley Hill Road last night occured between Jeff and myself and another climber Jeff, a long-time partner of Mark Tuttle, another Merced climber now living in Atwater.
Jeff Stoddard lived in Merced till several months ago and is related directly to the Stoddard Stage Co. of Merced, as well as the lady who gave her all for the Merced Co. Library, Minette Stoddard.
The Stoddard line came into Coulterville from Hornitos and then went up the grade to Greeley Hill using a single team of horses, a distance of, I suppose five or six miles, following a creekbed and then attacking the ridge.
Jeff is now living someplace around Greeley Hill. He and the Rev gabbed and watched the 'works while I tried to photograph them. I had little success; or I suppose I should I say my expectations were far too high?
Dennis DeYoung of the rock band Styx wrote the song "Christopher, Mr. Christopher" for Styx's 1974 album Man of Miracles. The song reflects fondly of the story of Saint Christopher and laments the perceived downgrade of Saint Christopher's status in 1969; in DeYoung's words, "So when they took that saint away, all that's left were her fears".--Wikipedia
San Jaoquin should be the patron saint of hitchhikers.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I've been aware of Coulteri long time, GI.
I have looked and looked but my observations in the Sierra Nevada feet found only the lonely Fremont and his ilk, the pine formerly known as digger, the common and mundane (quotidian, even?) P. sabineana .
I was laboring under a misunderstanding.
Now, through the wonders of Wikipedia, I find my fruitless quest has been as useless as Quixote's efforts: APPARENTLY, coulterii don't inhabit the range, but the Coastal and southern desert/mountain areas down into Mexico are their preference.
So there are no coulterii around Coulterville?
Social climber
hey there say, mouse...
thank you, :)
spent that day, with patty ann marie, painting and with a
campfire outside in back... and opened up the little tent...
nice quiet day, :)
will come back and see all the pics, soon!
sure do like that little flower note from timid there, too...
will check out that flower, as well...
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Way back when I left the Factory Outlet in 1980, Timothy, my younger ski bum brother and I started a firewood outfit, Frank's Firewood.
On trips through the area above the American's dredge piles up to Donner, I recall seeing the knobcone pines. (They seeeemed to be all on the left side of 80, though it might just have been the effects of some of Bruce Hamilton's brother's kick-butt Missouri Mule weed we were into at the time.)
I had never heard of plants that needed fire to help them reproduce.
This was some HOT info that kept me looking until I found some.
After that, I kept imagining that some former diggers, turned into terrorists for some radical reason, disguised as knobcones to put off Piss-Fir Willie and Smokey Bear, might have some whacked-out list of demands.
What the demands might be is moot. I had a good time and smoked a lot of good stuff looking for P. coulteri.
I must tell you, Tim is one cool feller. He took out a 60' Lodgepole and laid it next to a cabin's roof and nothing touched the cabin, not a branch of that tree. We bucked it in a hurry and set the branches into a big burn pile away from the place so the owner wouldn't have to do any hard work.
It was banditree, flat-out, but the tree leaned pretty bad, so Tim convinced me we'd be doing the owner a favor by removing the possibility of its dropping in on the cabin's users unexpectedly. I think Tim had done this before in his nefarious, errant-behaviorist mode (18-25), like when he took out the ski lift at Krunchwood.
A firework on the 4th of July
Gimmered a sec on the back of my eye
Then dispersed into sparks
Which destroyed several parks...
And then I woke up with a sigh
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