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Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 13, 2019 - 09:22pm PT
Dust To Dust,
what had been a confident bluesman playing "DUST OFF MY BROOM" went...
since it redaction,
the retraction of the tune
I've found it has been re-added elsewhere,
in what tune are you listening to or what is blues.
I'm ok with that.
though it makes me want to rant
so I will
Talkin The Hardest working man in the business
not sayin' just doin' it loud & proud
& doin' fine
I'd rather say nothing
Talkin' All the time
I would rather add words sayin' nothin
than go out havin' not
said goodbye
Swingin’ Pig
Published on May 11, 2019
Find the filmmaker's channel and the full-length documentary here:
 The audio from this video is
the most viewed video on my channel because Rolling Stone posted it on
MSN News. I wish they posted something else from my channel, but I'm grateful regardless. Anyway, this is the footage to that audio. I was
waiting to acquire a better quality version of the film because most versions available are terrible. Thankfully, a very kind user named
Markie on the blog Expecting Rain sent me this one. This is probably
the highest quality you'll be able to find. Furthermore, the usual
muddy audio of this footage has been replaced with a higher quality rip from the Dylan Bootleg “VD Waltz,” pressed on beautiful blue wax vinyl
by Trade Mark Of Quality in the early 1970s. Enjoy this gem while you
Earl & Bob
East Virginia Blues
Takes a Lot to Laugh ,,,,
Swingin’ Pig
Published on May 13, 2019
If you'd like to hear a relatively-complete recording of the track,
just skip ahead to 0:40. But I highly recommend listening to the studio banter; it gives great insight into the vibe of Dylan's recording
sessions. These recordings were ripped from my copy of "The Cutting Edge: Collector's Edition," which was only limited to 5,000 copies.
More outtakes to come, and if you have any specific songs you'd like to
hear from it, let me know! If you'd like to hear more rare outtakes
I've already uploaded, refer to my playlist titled, "Studio Outtakes."
Enjoy this gem while you can!
Bob Dylan - It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (RARE OUTTAKE 1965)
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 14, 2019 - 02:23pm PT
Reina del Cid, came to my attention from a sorta weak wristed to young
bluegrass ensemble, I'll have to go look for that group...
from the recent "Mighty Quinn" & "The Monkey & The Engineer"
Her version of J Prine's
"Illegal Smile"
to an older post of "Sugaree"
'Where the notes are as follows:
""Toni might be a bit of a Dead-head -- she introduced me to this song a while back, and now I love playing it.
It was between this one or Tennessee Jed, which actually I think we'll do at some point, too. Keep those requests coming, btw!""
Thanks to our "Cidizens" on Patreon who made this video possible! If you're enjoying our Sunday Morning videos, consider becoming a Cidizen on our Patreon page in exchange for extra goodies and our eternal gratitude: https://www.patreon.com/reinadelcid
So it conceivable that one can make requests . . .
As a matter of principle, I'm a bit sour on Cid right now.
Her summer tour dates are poorly chosen venues but more to my annoyment, Last week she was here in NYC to go to the Oprea:
Wagner's The Ring Cycle -
It is wrong that she did not play a gig while here.
That She didn't plan it? speaks to needs for a manager.
Every missed opportunity for an artist of her sort is a set back.
Reina del Cid
Published on Mar 12, 2017
Mouse's birthday is the 24th
The Chainsmokers
Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again
I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I can't stop
No, I can't stop
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
That we…
then there is this, which fits here;
May 14, 2019 - 05:11pm PT
Chris, had you never hosted this forum, and had so many contributors not invested so much time and heart to preserve some of the best storytelling on climbing history that exists anywhere...I wouldn't know who I am or from whence I came.
I never would have fallen in love with climbing (nor have become obsessed with climbing gear).
I probably never would have climbed in Yosemite, Joshua Tree, the Gunks, Quincy Quarries, Seneca Rocks, Camden Cliffs or the Cascades. I wouldn't be dreaming about trips to Alaska, Germany, Switzerland, Canada and about a dozen other places.
Folks that knew and loved Dolt would never have known that his story continues, nor would they have had the chance to heal...in however small of a way.
I never would have met my second cousins through Dolt in Germany last summer.
I never would have met my birth mom's siblings.
I never would have met tens of friends of Dolt, or my birth mom, Ann, nor learned about who they were and how very much I resemble them both.
I never would have met hundreds of other climbers through this forum and elsewhere be it through climbing or volunteering.
I never would have volunteered with City Kids Wilderness Project nor the AAC in memory of my birth parents.
I wouldn't have genuine Mark Hudon Nose Route topos hanging in my bedroom and office.
I wouldn't have been blessed by the gifts of time and friendship generously bestowed by so many climbers on this forum...the list is long. The circle of folks who have selflessly shared with me precious Dolt gear is nothing short of amazing.
Were it not for all of this, I probably would have just accepted the diagnosis of fibro back in 2011, and wouldn't be currently fighting like Hell to beat late stage Lyme & babesia (the correct diagnosis) so that I can get back to my climbing community and just spend as many days as is possible of those I have left climbing my heart out.
As an attorney, I understand the burdens of monitoring, compliance and, unfortunately, litigation. (Though I am not a litigator - just a geeky technology lawyer.)
This forum is made of, and has done, SO MUCH GOOD. Please don't ever forget that.
Respectfully and gratefully,
oH wow ! that sure jerks a tear,
you have to admit It is impossible to find a more poignant, powerful story. And a dozen less impactful but still amazingly stories.
"". . . .Nickel Creek wrote this stingingly satirical song from the point of view of Harold Camping,
the California preacher who falsely predicted the end of the world-
a few times.
- . . . check out the original!
21st of May -
Reina del Cid (Included outtakes at the end)
Published on Jul 20, 2014
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 17, 2019 - 11:25am PT
what this is is borderline, Trending @ #9 on the U-tube
`~` Halsey - Nightmare, (sort of adult-rated way far from "G")
Thinking better of what to have end-up here,
I removed the link to the 'Vixen"; Halsey.
She, a ~the latest flavor~, has an appeal of a "Joan Jett/Pattie Smyth" sort...
Some words of her's from another song, are in the other post....
"Nightmare" was a perfect fit, emotionally & had flames.
search it on Youtube,,,
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 20, 2019 - 02:52pm PT
Time for some heavy drinkin'(figuratively)
A Triple shot
A full rock glass
New Samantha Fish
Doin' what she does best
Hard Rock`n Blues
Published on May 19, 2019
Samantha Fish @The Brook Southampton UK 19th May
“Lay It Down”
Published on May 17, 2019
A FANTASTIC VERSION (catch the end!)
Published on May 15, 2019
Cigar Box shredding , Live in New Orleans
A fish lure has drawn our mouse away
I'LL Stay on an' play
till the closing day
Only I'LL be playin' it Gno Meez Way
Way back in August '76
out in the summer swamps of Jersey
my painters pants, shinn deep in Muscrat grass
muddy sneakers tied extra tight
Jack had a swap skiff then
and a pack of 'borro's rolled into his sleeve
We lit them when there was no breeze
to keep the 'skeeters at bay
themz were the daze
started out on Adirondack slabs
the "Yellow Jump-suit Ski poster"
My point is as obscured as your's
What are you trying to imply?
kind of long reach to add a Wizard Of Oz video
that makes No obvious point in this discussion,,,
although I want to pull off the ground
To just jump on and up past the thin holds at the starts
to the big holds and that wide crack, a chimney at the top
I don't Tarry & I don't try; sunny walks must satisfy
May 29, 2019
partly because of the day
And that no one has recommended
The Flames to the index...?
For those that might visit one last time as the last squirt of hot sauce gets squirted
it has been a real pisser
In that what is a most clear exhibition of karmic-kumupance/comeuppance
I have had to return to using the Shablet a sub-standard Tablet that gave me a less than disierable appearance when I 1st arrived for burritos
It would be funny, if it were not so sad as the last roll of Tacos goes up for sale
The Ace Acer Lap top
bought used that replaced the Shablet
Gives a "No Bootable device "
notification when I hit the power
All things being what they R
Relegated to this
I won't be able to to copy paste the last communique from The mouse of merced
As to burning the fires hot and steady .
I had hoped to add a long sentimental set of tunes.
That I have planned
I'm still hoping but seeing that a thread
of that very topic is at the top of the 1st page~
it may just be there that that happens
Happenstance would have it that way
Go on and say it
this is a last garbled post
Fur it may fly
Trees they do down
and go Boom
with no one hearing the fall
Not so ole' JohnBachar though , Jack
That schizz was whacked
Did anyone else see what Wonde'Braun said?
At 1st He, the Sahib, said
A fall? He wasn't buying it
There are also other gems that I saw posted then as quickly as possible deleted
A goodbye from that jeffe bouldering guy
Is better not pointedly pointed-out,
it would be pointlessly gratuitous
Grateful Dead
Leon Russel
"A Song For You "
Renia Del Cid (campfire)
"I Shall Be Released"
John Prine
"Fish and Whistle"
mouse ask...
Ah shoot this won't do
Tunes that I think would be cool all new
All had FLAMES and POIGNANT lyrics
Near perfectly fitting the demise of this
A virtual space
Where a fire burned all night
and in the case of rain in California
Then all day too
What does success look like?All Good 6 months 4/20lessWater over the damcan say that in all that has gone on
I will rejoice to think of climbing as what I love to do
Ice climber
May 31, 2019 - 09:44am PT
Bob Dylan is reputed to have said
Mona** tried to tell me
To stay away from the train line
She said that all the railroad men
Just drink up your blood like wine
An’ I said, “Oh, I didn’t know that
But then again, there’s only one I’ve met
An’ he just smoked my eyelids
An’ punched my cigarette”
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again
So mfm sent what follows to him (zimmy that is)
The three of us (me, mfm, and Bob) had been discussing cigarettes, so zimmy sent it to me.
Yeah, glory days and all that.
As usual, I got on ST after its vaunted Golden Age.
australian edition.JPG
Chopra and Dyer were long gone to the Himalaya, and we had
who, fattrad and Dr. Fill and Farouk, all wannabes. Maybe Farouk
was just enlightened, I dunno. And don't forget fStop and rSin.
At times, zBrown was the only one with his headband on straight.
But, as discussed, the whole thing was an exercise in pointlessness.
It's burning down and it burns me up, dammit, Bumby.
Fire on the Mtn July 2013.jpg
"I gave it my best shot. I kinda wish I had been able to take a Mulligan, Ginsberg."
--Bobby Z
I may need a Mulligan..JPG
It won't carry the talus. Oops. He took a provisional,
but the caddy found his original ball (Titleist) and that's how to play it as it lays.
Tuesday Weld_It. PIAIL. '72
I should go up to the Valley on the bus and get together with WBraun.
I hear he has a new avatar pic. He has a really tough hide now, grown
at great expense and trouble; too bad it's all gonna be wasted.
The trolls' remarks would bounce right of him and back in their faces.
It's not over til it's over. But we are in the final countdown and how I hate that song.
Boulder Airport Larry Jone's photo - Copy.JPG
Too late, the Ark has sent some envoys and Trump is our leader.
This should be good for another media circus.
Send in the clowns.
The only Mona I ever knew though I always knew her as Tsiennia
If I had known what love is, I woulda been in love with her.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 31, 2019 - 09:46am PT
Eh? did ya say, Mona?
I knew one Mona
She worked as the secretary/front book-keeper at the Squire Restaurant, I was workin' my second job, a step up from rewinding tapes
Mona was thick all over and had a very pretty, if over-painted, face.
I was too young to She was young too. Years later a roommate told me he knew her when the way I knew her too
Blue Summit
Sully Tuttle "Cocain Blues/Tell It To Me"
I was often tasked with the tray as I did not partake.
She would if she could. Eventually, at a mob wedding, she taught me things to do when cleaning up.
A good girl, in charge of the mailing bills; she licked envelopes, stamps & took dictation
Bo Diddley Mona
From The London Rock & Roll Show 1972 at Wembley Stadium
Brian Bermingham
Sat 5/25/2019 3:21 AM
It will do better than a lot of possibilities.
Alvin's a hard worker and not a half bad singer.
I much prefer Arthur Lee/Love. A more appropriate song for the death of the Forum.
{I got that response}
Hey mouse As you say ?\ok\ unless I change my mind
I just got your email, at 9am my time
and have a busy day, but I wanted to get right back to you
I'm thinking of posting the last pictures that you have sent, saying something about packing up?
I have a planned a few songs: "I shall be released", " The music never stopped" Something for zB
& some Dylan too
What do you think of this?
Ten Years After at the music vault
Baby, Won't You Let Me Rock 'n' Roll You
Recorded Live: 8/4/1975
Winterland - San Francisco, CA
Ten Years After - Baby, Won't You Let Me Rock 'n' Roll You - 8/4/1975 - Winterland (Official)
Do You know?
How Can you possibly gnow?
did I say something about that whole sad chapter?
A place where one could learn to lead,
The base was buried ~50 feet of steep coal slag
Like the base of some forsaken desert tower
Steep slides and small rubble
In the event of a grounder, the Slag's depth
and composition allowed for a number of walk-aways
a place to cut your teeth for routes Like The Shield
We took on the cracks with pins & nuts, ground-up on-sight,
At first hip belays & gold line, then harder climbs
all 1st ascents.
After a decade had passed "Boltin' Bob" came back from out west
and bolted up our childhood,
Wada dafquawa happened at Mocanaqua ??
Schickashiny !
I was pissed !
I was never a bolt chopper
Pointless Pointlessness
but If I ever came close
Schickashiny that was when-
Mo`Can`Aqua ~ a pile of choss in eastern Pennsylvania?
Literally half buried in coal-slag
what would it have proved
Meant more to the bolter what done it
No good would have come from chopping Anyway
When that place had no bolts it was a special place.
From: Brian Bermingham
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 12:15 PM
To: Michael Schneider
Subject: Mocanaqua
Bob D`Antonio. Love the pants. Just a twelve B.
zB has come aboard the USS Super Taco Refugee ark.
In spite of his dislike for FB.
There will be no official eulogy for The Flames thread.
Just let it burn out quietly while the campers are snorig and farting.
They say you can never go back and I don't wanna.
Thanks for everything and for wishing me a Happy Birthday.
I'm happy doin' the refugee thing and Wide Fetish both.
Here's looking at you.
Remember, fate is fickle. Bank those campfires, campers.
early-morning jam by the fire!
a cover of Bob Dylan's classic,
"I Shall Be Released."
Ice climber
May 31, 2019 - 04:17pm PT
So what do I remember best about The Flames thread?
Gosh, there are many.
Randomly then,
I loved the New Jersey firemen who tuned in (did they turn on and drop out?), loved the thread and requested technical advice.
I suppose that they did not think to call Herr Braun (who claims to have been friends with McKinney, but I never saw them both in the same room simultaneously).
from out where the anecdotes roam
May 31, 2019 - 04:40pm PT
a bearded mouse captured in a passenger side mirror, just an interlude in the breezy surge to chronicle the living of life in greater merced county
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
May 31, 2019 - 05:26pm PT
Tove Lo
Habits (Stay High)
Live in Lollapalooza 2017 with lyrics
For the best view: But the worst sound, yes she can sound worse
Check in @2:55 of....
Tove Lo,
Talking Bodies [Live @ Emo's in Austin] 2017
& The Single Drum Stick is a plus
From what I can remember, the every best post was the very next post
what else can I say?
Has to be the Weedge not payin'
gotta be the gilly boi hacking
What did he do?
The creep-out?
Asump thing tado wit my Dawg ?
I never got to see
fireman from 'Jersey ya say? well before me
for sure though
I can see that image of the reflected-mouse
All given
better than most sequels, for a re-tread
not bad from a Dead Head
lacking a judgemental in a taste of unquestionable
getting to it
from down hill took some cow bell
belong -ing in
the long dong
after a life & timez of bonging out
{'m doing without
Itz almost legal here & what not
A two hour drive will do it,
now I can't? no longer up allin with a family thing
the finger of fate is fickle indeed
ain't packin' for Donners won't prance the Third & No Lurker Fear Here
or Fear Of Flying Tieing in to send the Steck-Salathe'
Steck-Salathé Route
The Steck-Salathé Route route up Sentinel Rock.
first climbed June 30 - July 4, 1950,
by Allen Steck and John Salathé,
1,600-foot, up the north face of Sentinel Rock in Yosemite Valley.
The route is historic, with wide climbing, up past soaring faces...
hashtag get ready for one last ride
(&, then 1 or 2 more)The Expendables 3 (2014)
What a crew
Ice climber
May 31, 2019 - 09:45pm PT
Bruce Lee
Bruce Brown
There's a long-distance train rolling through the rain, tears on the letter I write.
There's a woman I long to touch and I miss her so much but she's drifting like a
Satellite. There's a neon light ablaze in this green smoky haze, laughter down on Elizabeth Street
There's a babe in the arms of a woman in a rage
And a longtime golden-haired stripper onstage
And she winds back the clock and she turns back the page
The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure, to live it you have to explode.
In that last hour of need, we entirely agreed, sacrifice was the code of the road.
Horseplay and disease is killing me by degrees while the law looks the other way.
There's a white diamond gloom on the dark side of this room and a pathway that leads up to the stars.
If you don't believe there's a price for this sweet paradise, remind me to show you the scars.
There's a new day at dawn and I've finally arrived.
If I'm there in the morning, baby, you'll know I've survived.
Minnesota blues hero Tony Glover, an influence on Dylan and the Stones, dies at 79
Trad climber
May 31, 2019 - 09:56pm PT
Adios, folks. Thanks for keeping me connected to the world of rock.
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