Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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May 25, 2018 - 07:32am PT
Interesting that my generation of right wingers, who used to take the word of the CIA, NSA, FBI and other spook agencies of the US gov't as gospel, and criticize Russia without hesitation, now attack the spook agencies as stormtroopers because they dare to investigate criminal activities of trump and high level trump associates, while praising the Russian dictatorship.

Interesting times
Larry Nelson

Social climber
May 25, 2018 - 07:49am PT
Hey Dirtbag
We should all be skeptical of anything that comes out of DC. What do any of us really know?

May 25, 2018 - 07:59am PT
St00pid clueless brainwashed fools like Dirtbag, fried Craig and Malemute etc. don't investigate anything.

They just swallow everything they are fed ......

May 25, 2018 - 08:08am PT
St00pid clueless brainwashed fools like Dirtbag, fried Craig and Malemute etc. don't investigate anything.

They just swallow everything they are fed ......

Oh ok, Moonbeam.

Tell us again how the moon landings were faked. Please cite your usual whackadoodle sources. I always like reading comedy.

Funny sh#t from 12 years ago:

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
May 25, 2018 - 10:24am PT
Nature’s joke thread is one of my favorite here. I didn’t want to dilute the great jokes by commenting about them in that thread :)

Madbolter, your “yeah right” joke especially got a big chuckle out of me today.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2018 - 10:50am PT
I am happy that I started this conversation. There have been many, many lucid and intelligent responses. I have learned many new and important things through this experience.

Unfortunately, or obviously, there hasn't been much, in the way of rational responses that can answer for the behavior of President Trump. The mental contortions necessary to rationalize what Trump is doing are not based in logic and reason. They seem to be based on emotion, or worse, on delusion. #SAD

I would like to hear one, even one, rational, logical and intelligent person explain to me how it is acceptable for Trump to lie, over and over, and how that is edifying for our nation.

Al Capone, in Chicago, was deemed, by some, to be a great guy. He would give away Thanksgiving turkeys in depressed neighborhoods. Is that what we want?

When I converse with people who still support Trump, they want to divert from the investigation, and gloat about their puny-money tax break that, somehow, seems to them to be a wonderful thing.

I am confused, but accepting. I like those people. I just don't understand how they can defend an onslaught of lies, and support an attack on an investigation that seeks to protect our electoral system.

Franz Kafka, having a child with George Orwell, could not have, ever, produced a child that would grow up to be Donald Trump, and see him become the President of the United States.

Truth is, truly, stranger than fiction.

The Good Places
May 25, 2018 - 11:02am PT
ot to echo werner or anything, but who f*#king cares?

after W I retreated into the americunt southwest. any reason to emerge? nope didnt think so.

oh wait, yes there is: supposed "heads" like cosmic taking to the schwaggity sticky and stemmy Jefferson Davis Sessions drug policy and Trump's undermining of my own marriage in spite of Cosmic and similar support of antigay state mandates; with no word from cosmic as to Trump's claimed (and real) ability/desjre to "grab some pussy" from my wife, I gotta conclude that cosmic is schwag as f uk.

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 25, 2018 - 11:03am PT
Why in hell can't Trump supporters have a conversation about what is going on w/out bringing up Hillary

The New Godwin's law is; "The first one that brings up Hillary loses"

Hillary is Not the problem, and was never the Problem

The Problem is Money in politics number 1

and that Republicans can not admit that they are complete hypocrites and see can not see what is going on rationally
They are completely misinformed on almost every subject
There is no intellectual discourse coming from their side

We have entered dark times due to ONE THING, Republicans Putting up Trump as their leader and rigging the election for him and other Repubs in every district.
He is an Fascist Authoritarian leader, he breaks the law every single day and not a single Republican Congressman cares
This is not normal and should not be normalized

The Good Places
May 25, 2018 - 11:07am PT
same reason you cant talk about drumpf without sucking some dem D Craig. quit being such a limp twotrack twoparty mind craig and we will all be a bit more receptive to your cut and paste diatribes

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2018 - 11:27am PT
Bill Maher recently came up with some great premises and a conclusion:

The birth rate in America is down.

More people generally result in better economic benefit to a nation.

Restricting immigration will result in a decrease in population.

America's economic power will decline, if there is a decline in its number of endeavouring individuals.

Ergo, restricting immigration will hasten America's decline.

Bill Maher, in his statements, did not address the dilemma that more people, in general, stress available resources. This is true around the world, and not just in America.

Pull your pants up.

And, while you're at it, tie your shoes.

Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 25, 2018 - 11:46am PT

Trump rips the NFL for disrespecting the flag. Then he jokes about a military flag ceremony.
By Patrick Martin

Trump joked about “Retreat.” Here’s what you need to know about the military custom.

President Trump joked about a bugle call he heard on Harrisburg Air National Guard Base on Oct. 11. The call is part of the military’s flag ceremony. (Patrick Martin/The Washington Post)

After he had repeatedly railed against professional athletes over perceived slights to the American flag and military, President Trump joked on Wednesday about a bugle call that is part of the armed forces’ time-honored tradition of showing respect for the Stars and Stripes.

The bugle call occurred during Trump’s interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, conducted in an airplane hangar used by the Pennsylvania Air National Guard in Harrisburg and before the president’s address on tax revision.

“What a nice sound that is. Are they playing that for you or for me?” Trump said before turning to the audience. “They’re playing that in honor of his ratings,” he added, referencing the popularity of Hannity’s news program.

Trump went back to speaking about economic growth as several audience members behind him stood up. The bugle call was “Retreat,” which signifies the lowering of the American flag on a military installation.

Although Trump attended a military high school, the commander in chief appeared unaware of the music’s meaning.

The White House did not respond to questions seeking to understand Trump’s familiarity with this military tradition.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 25, 2018 - 11:52am PT
The Marine Corps never did the Retreat bugle thing as far as I can recall, but I did hear it all the time on Air Force bases. You had to stop your car, not sure you had to actually get out of the car or not. Of course Trump is ignorant about that ceremony, it is military

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2018 - 11:55am PT

Trump is activated from compendium of conflicted emotions and logic.

Trump operates from a misunderstanding of Chaos Theory. #NOT


Anyone who can play more than one note from a bugle is better than I am. I have big conch shell, from Cozumel, Mexico, and I can, just barely, get one note out of it. #MexicanRapistsWithSeaSnailShells


Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 25, 2018 - 12:42pm PT

Not one word explaining how/why President Trump has not accepted bribes. I don't think it's an outrageous request. I've asked twice. No one to defend him?

I'm starting to think that he absolutely did accept bribes and that his administration is the mother of all swamps. Corruption personified.

How about an answer to my easier question (easier because it only asks for a poster's opinion, not for an explanation ) Here's my second unanswered question:

"1. Was Hillary's use of email systems as Secretary of State a reason to "lock her up?"

2. Is Trump's use of totally unsecured phones as President appropriate?

If you (the person kind enough to respond) answer with a yes/yes pattern, feel free to add in an explanation of how and why the double standard should be applied.

Thanks ahead of time!"

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 25, 2018 - 12:49pm PT

Yeah, crickets.

I paraphrase, here, but the Master Jedi, Michael Avenatti, shared this with us:

"When the facts are on your side, you argue the facts.

When the law is on your side, you argue the law.

When you have no facts or law on your side, you pound the table."

The crickets aren't brave enough to pound the table.

Their position is so ludicrous, they're cowering.


Trad climber
May 25, 2018 - 12:52pm PT
I'm starting to think.......

Ho did it feel? can re-insert tool! lol

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 25, 2018 - 12:54pm PT

Very, very artful, out of context quote. Pretty funny.

One might be forced to conclude that you've got half a brain ;)

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 25, 2018 - 01:00pm PT

That's the first intelligent response I've had to my question about Trump accepting bribes.

I'll summarize your comment (which seems to be an observation, not an argument defending him) as "he doesn't see that as bribery."

So if any other reasonably intelligent person would consider that conduct bribery, but President Trump does not think of it that way, is it bribery?

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 25, 2018 - 01:03pm PT
Just to make sure that the question discussed above is easy to find, here it is again, with the introduction I made the second time I posted it:

"Excellent article. Plain English and objective.

I hadn't even heard of the very, very similar Qatari situation. There Trump has - at least - left an appearance of bribery:

'...this wasn’t the first time the Trump administration made a peculiar foreign policy move that seems associated with Trump family business interests. Last year the administration, bizarrely, backed a Saudi blockade of Qatar, a Middle Eastern nation that also happens to be the site of a major U.S. military base. Why? Well, the move came shortly after the Qataris refused to invest $500 million in 666 Fifth Avenue, a troubled property owned by the family of Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law' [emphasis added by me].

This statement from the article fits perfectly with all I've ever been taught about political ethics:

'We’re not talking about a court of law, where the accused are presumed innocent until proved guilty. Where the behavior of high officials is concerned, the standard is very nearly the opposite: They’re supposed to avoid situations in which there is even a hint that their actions might be motivated by personal gain."

I've also heard the words as "the appearance of impropriety.

I'm approaching "wall of text" length here, so two quick questions to our right leaning Supertopians:

1. Is the President of the United States using his powers to specifically enrich himself?

2. Isn't the mere appearance of such impropriety the very definition of the Washington swamp?

I'll take my answers in plain English please ;)

May 25, 2018 - 01:08pm PT
That's the first intelligent response I've had to my question about Trump accepting bribes.

I'll summarize your comment (which seems to be an observation, not an argument defending him) as "he doesn't see that as bribery."

So if any other reasonably intelligent person would consider that conduct bribery, but President Trump does not think of it that way, is it bribery?

Except that he tries (sometimes hard, sometimes not so hard) to keep it on the down low, so he knows it’s not kosher.
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