Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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May 23, 2018 - 12:23pm PT
Unfortunately for the GOP, the midterms are still an endless number of trump escapades, missteps and lies away.

According to 538, a year ago my approval was at 38.8, and today it’s at 42.2. Sorry, unfortunate for who?

Believe it if you need it, if you don’t just make something up. Works for me. You too?

My lies have been bad for the GOP?! Yea those repubs would have been a lot better off with Hillary as potus. You guys and your self mind bending optimism are inspiring for a liar like me.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 23, 2018 - 12:25pm PT
Instead of rising up with a clear vision for our future, there is a whole lot of nothing, and playing follow-the-leader with Trumpian politics of pointing out the problems of the enemy instead of telling people what you would do if you were elected.

Bernie's campaign in a nutshell.
the Fet

May 23, 2018 - 01:06pm PT
Wow cosmic, I knew you were highly partisan but didn't know you were racist. I guess I hope you are just ignorant.

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 01:34pm PT
How do you define "libtard," Cosmic? And what is it that makes them so abhorrent in your view?

I can certainly understand your being annoyed and even angry at those on this thread who say crass things to you personally, but I doubt that is a defining factor in being a "libtard."
the Fet

May 23, 2018 - 01:49pm PT
Cosmic glad to hear it. But posting that racist Obama meme makes you appear like one.

The use of Libtard is a identifier of a someone who is ignorant or just an ass. Using retard is now known as a hurtful way to marginalize mentally challenged people. Like the N word. Combining it with liberal is just a way to try to hurt them but just makes the user appear like an ass.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 23, 2018 - 01:53pm PT
Definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results
Apparently, Conservative philosophy can be called insanity

What does it mean to do the same thing over and over and expect different outcomes? It means being a conservative. Across history and across cultures, conservatism always winds up in the same place: violence, xenophobia, cultural division, inequality, societal breakdown, oligarchy, kleptocracy, eroding values, subjugation of truth, concentration of power.

Pick a society or culture, conservatism always serves the interests of a few at the expense of the general populace, always betrays the people in favor of the powerful. By being a force to preserve the past, conservatism may sound benign and high-minded — tradition, values, merit. The questions to always be asked, however, are these:

Whose tradition?

What values?

How is merit to be defined?

For the issue of conservatism is always the same: someone is in the position of choosing these things, excluding others — conservatism is, ironically but not, elitist. Conservatism purports to favor the marketplace of ideas, a sort of intellectual capitalism, but as in all forms of capitalism favored by conservatives they try to rig the game. Exclude certain voters, limit rights, control media — because conservatism’s principle is for a powerful few to select certain deserving ideas over undeserving ideas.

As a backward-looking movement, conservatism chooses what tradition, what values, what merit matters. Orwell’s observation that who controls the past controls the future identifies the ultimate conservative notion. MY version of tradition, MY version of values, MY version of merit, claiming universality for values that are strictly sectarian.

May 23, 2018 - 01:54pm PT
Oh hey Jared Kushner just got his permanent security clearance after all, didn’t he? Oh never mind, wrong storyline for our favorite story.

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 01:58pm PT
But posting that racist Obama meme makes you appear like one.

How is that worse than the malicious Trump photos we see week in, week out?

Thanks to all the Trump haters, bringing their worst, there's no longer a standard of decency when it comes to mocking the POTUS.

It will be open season on the next Democrat President.

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 23, 2018 - 02:00pm PT
These anachronisms are called out as hypocrisy, but hypocrisy misses the point. It’s not hypocritical, it’s conservative — that is what conservatism does, it’s what conservatism has always done.

Conservatism rises and always falls. It rises on the populism of inclusion in the club, the power to choose who is deserving and undeserving. It is always corrupt, because it always depends on a rigged game. If a conservative is decrying a rigged game, it is because they either didn’t get to do the rigging or they are playing their subjects’ fears of being victims of getting rigged out of what they think they deserve.

The assertions of conservatism always depend on fallacy:
•Ad hominem — abuse of the opponent.
•Ad baculum — might makes right, the wealthy are the job creators, the backbone of America
•Ad populum — “The American people demand...”, “everyone is saying I deserve the Nobel Prize”
•Ignoratio elenchii — Bill Clinton had an affair. Liberals lack morality.
•Fallacy of accident — what was true in one case proves a generalization. One immigrant in one place is accused of murder, therefore immigrants are murderers and immigration is a threat to society.
•Fallacy of converse accident — putting even limited gun laws in place will lead to all guns being confiscated.

(From reader libre nos)
•Appeal to authority: The Bible says … the Founders … original interpretation … Adam Smith. WTF, even Laffer.
•Appeal to antiquity: “We've always done it this way.” “Surely , if there was something wrong we would have fixed it by now.”
•Circular reasoning: The unrestricted free market is the best economic system, because it works better than any other system in a republic, which is the best political system, because it’s compatible with the unrestricted free market.
•Petitio principii (begging the question, unjustified assumptions): Conservative social values are best, because they’re based on a strong nuclear family with well-defined gender roles.

What can one say about conservatism when it depends entirely on fallacy?

May 23, 2018 - 02:06pm PT
wonder if the good people in the citys would starve them out or just go ‘whatever’

From this thread, seems like the good people in the citys have been mostly admiring themselves for being the good people and vilifying the other half of the people with different lives and values and political perspectives for being bad. But hey at least the good people aren’t still discriminating goodness based on skin color!

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 02:38pm PT
I don't agree with posting memes like the examples you showed, Cosmic.

However, it does seem to me that there was plenty of that aimed at Obama and his family. Here's a Google search of such images.

I think that while comparing actual images of some in the Trump team to those of Adams Family is a low quality way to convey a message, it's nowhere on the scale of images where the Obama family is photoshopped to be apes, or the one based on Obama's campaign theme of "Hope," where he is being lynched, and the word changed to "Rope."

Are you forgetting how pervasive the memes were during the Obama presidency? Did you speak out against THOSE at the time. Or did you partake in the "fun?"

Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 02:44pm PT
Who have convinced me Cosmic, you are being as big an ass as the others

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 03:33pm PT
Its been open season for a long time. Did you ignore the Obama meme's? The advent of the internet has expanded the ability of ugly humans to spread their ugliness.

Obama got about the same amount of abuse as Dubya. Volume-wise, it was 2-3, with occasional spikes.

With Trump, it's been cranked up to eleven, since November 2016.

Granted, Trump brings a lot of it on himself.


I'm wondering how I've gotten drawn into siding with The Donald. I can't stand the man. I worry about the damage he's doing. I'd be hard-pressed to make a case for him not being the worst POTUS ever. Nevertheless, I think all the constant, over-the-top abuse heaped on him is harmful to this country. It's part of our slippery slope to Idiocracy.

And... it alienates a lot of people who might otherwise vote against Trump in 2020.

We have met the enemy...

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
May 23, 2018 - 03:44pm PT
There is nothing racist about the tRump memes. Anyone that talks as much trash as tRump shouldn’t whine when it comes back on him. That is what an entitled, spoiled brat does.

Ice climber
May 23, 2018 - 03:50pm PT
Aug 3, 2009 · US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a ...

Secret Service Employs Five Body Doubles For Donald Trump As Death Threats Mount

gents protecting the president are particularly pleased with the performance of a horse brought in to mimic POTUS45 and throw potential assailants off guard. In September during a livestock sale in Ames, Iowa where President Trump was in attendance, a few hundred people lined up to get a photograph taken with the horse’s ass instead of the president who was standing only a few feet away.

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
May 23, 2018 - 04:01pm PT
We may have a deeply divided nation, in a mess of frustrations over what our values should be and how we should achieve them... but at least there is one area where we can count on our legislators to come together:

Passing legislation that makes life better for bank owners!

I, for one, am relieved that the pathway to go from large regional bank to too-big-to-fail has gotten easier.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
May 23, 2018 - 04:59pm PT
I'd be hard-pressed to make a case for him not being the worst POTUS ever.

George W. Bush still holds that honor.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 05:07pm PT
Balanced budget, that was not a campaign promise was it?

So Cosmic, how are you spending your tax cut? stock buy-back or hiring more employees? Libtard minds want to know.

Workers were taken aback by the decision to close the plant. “You could see it on everybody’s faces, just shock and awe,” recalls Primeaux. “It was like I was in a bad dream, just stuck in it.”

Harley is also building a new plant in Thailand. However the company maintains that the Bangkok plant is “separate and unrelated” to the decision to close the Kansas City plant, according to Michael Pflughoeft, a spokesman for Harley-Davidson.

The company calls the closing of the Kansas City plant a tough decision but says domestic sales are down and it needed to “address the excess capacity in the U.S.”

But some Harley employees in Kansas City believe that their plant was closed to make money for the Bangkok one.

Boulder climber
May 23, 2018 - 05:11pm PT
Divided Nation? Not the way you may think.

The ultra wealthy have weaponized conservative media platforms to encite ancient cultural and political divisions.

This isn't about Left or Right, it's vertical, economic stratification of populations. We are witnessing a historical replay every society has faced and there will always be pathetic, boot-licking collaborators at the ready.

The explosion of the 1 percenter's wealth, the overt and sinister alliance of oligarchs across international lines and the decline of middle classes everywhere is irrefutable evidence of their success.

Witnessing the depth the swamp creatures in this Government will go to proves the unthinkable- from the halls of Yale to the offices of Wall Street to our Nation's Capial- the mega-rich are in collusion to rescind our representation, sell off our public assets and enslave the masses.

Citizens United was the death nail of checks and balances.

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 23, 2018 - 05:18pm PT

"There is a war of the classes, and my class is winning"
W. Buffet
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