woodson shindig, april 28th


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Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 12:54am PT
I just got some really good news - as a result the chance of me making it is 50%.

Keep ya posted.

right here, right now
Apr 13, 2007 - 02:44am PT
That's the spirit Ray!

Here's my letter to CNF in support of ACSD:

April 12, 2007
Kirsten Winter
Cleveland National Forest
10845 Rancho Bernardo Rd #200
San Diego, CA 92127

Re: Seasonal Closures at Corte Madera Mountain, Eagle Peak & Rock Mountain

Ms Winter,

I am a native Californian and have spent 30+ years climbing throughout the state; during the late 70’s and throughout the 80’s I was a professional Mountain Guide in Idyllwild, (then) Joshua Tree Nat’l Monument & Yosemite Nat’l Park. I have great respect for the outdoors: the flora, fauna & natural habitat at large. Over the course of those years I introduced many people to the concepts of appreciation & stewardship of the natural environment. Witnessing a variety of species of wonderful birds in these rugged spaces is a big part of the experience and I have great concern for their continued presence.

Where closures to climbing and hiking are considered as a remedy to potentially threatened habitats, co-existence is the key strategy which I support: one which does not limit human access until verifiable cause has been adequately presented and thoroughly reviewed. I support establishment only of careful, studied, and scientifically proven application of restriction to human traffic, as I value an approach which encourages a good degree of access to these types of regions, so that appreciation and stewardship are engendered amongst those who would respectfully travel amongst the wilds.

Yes, managed use is something which can benefit all who love the outdoors; limitation of access, focused access is sometimes a requirement to preserve and maintain the natural balance, because human impact is always a consideration. Yet I would urge those in a capacity to dictate policy to do so in a manner which is sound from the scientific point of view and selective in terms of closures so that climbers and hikers are granted complimentary access to the regions in question, for when treated fairly, they become spokespersons for preservation in the long run.

I now live in Colorado along the Front Range near Denver and we have a great tradition of human engagement with the natural habitat and it is for the most part well managed. Many seasonal Prairie Falcon closures are in effect here and most pass strict scientific scrutiny in terms of their need and efficacy before they are put in to place. Often we see groups of people, themselves with less interest in recreating intimately amongst the rocks, whose chief concern is for the birds and critters, favoring blanket closures. Co-existence has its well voiced adherents here and partially owing to their cogently expressed views and valid interests in access, closures are highly scrutinized for their supportable need before they are instituted and they are as well tested, amended, and withdrawn as dictated through appropriate, critical study.

In closing I respectfully ask that you hear the voices of your local community regarding the matter and act always in accord with supportable data before seasonal closures become mandated.

Best Regards,

Roy McClenahan
PO 463
Nederland, CO 80466

Mountain climber
San Diego
Apr 13, 2007 - 03:07am PT
Great letter Roy. I agree 100%. Co-existance is the name of the game, and closures have to be based on science not irrational knee-jerk reactions and emotions.

Both can happen to allow for preservation of the habitat for the flora and fauna, as well as maintaining access to the wilderness for human recreation, our well-being, and our desire for and our need to personally and directly experience wilderness. What would John Muir say? Climbing is a big part of that. His spirit would have died had he been locked out of the wild places he wanted to go and experience. Our spirit will die also.

We can do both with proper guidance and planning. We can both preserve the wilderness, and we can recreate in the wilderness. It is not one or the other. It is both.

Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 10:18am PT
Excellent letter, Roy.

right here, right now
Apr 13, 2007 - 10:56am PT
Not sure specifically which birds species will be represented, but here is the current list of Hoo-Mans/Wymins psyched for the Woodson Shindig (and a few rattlesnakes):

Diablo, maybe you can tell us which SD folks you have invited/demanded/confirmed to appear?

...And anyone reading/showing up, or if any of you know of someone who has vouched their presence who has been missed,
please speak up!
(salad is on a "needs to know" basis)

The Dominatrix (must ditch sckool to attend)
Salad (Graciously hosting the evening BBQ)
L (maybe)
T*R (quite likely)
Robs Muir
F10 Climber F11 Drinker & his SD contacts, such as Adrian Almadovar, Tom Scott, Ron Amick
Crimpie (unable to make it)(but highly interested)
Diablo (Jeff Almadovar)
Watusi (confirmed: couldn't do it without him -one of the original woodsonites)
Jeff Leads
RBolton (definitely) (but watch yer backside)
G_Gnome (absolutely) (but not on the same side of any boulder w/Bolton)
Mike Waugh (The Gran Wazoo)
Scuffyb (will try)
Clustiere (maybe)
Mungeclimber (looking so, especially if Rubidoux is day 2 & Alaskan air is of any help)
Todd Gordon
Crotch (a firm maybe)
Raydog (was holding firm he's not going, but a must have for the list; just upgraded to 50/50, we need to work on him)
Greg Epperson (???)
Mooser (sadly for us, not going but really wishes he was)
Tahoe climber
Guyman (likely)
James & Undisclosed Itinerant Strongman(it's looking like they might do it)
Phantom X (might)
Todd Batey (will try)
Dr Shockley
Dan Curly (maybe)
Brunosafari (maybe, but Phantom X says he's afraid of lizards)

Social climber
the Time Before the Rocks Cooled.
Apr 13, 2007 - 11:25am PT
Roy, add Dr. Shockley to list of confirmed attendees. I've got some e-mail from Dick to confirm it!

right here, right now
Apr 13, 2007 - 11:30am PT
Thank you Robs!

Trad climber
Knob Central
Apr 13, 2007 - 11:43am PT
Roy, I will be climbing with Waugh all next week and will try to get him down there too. And can you please remove me from the same line as Big Bob, he scares me when he gets that close!

And Rachel will most likely be coming down with me.

San Diego
Apr 13, 2007 - 11:56am PT
rad, we need more chicks!

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 13, 2007 - 12:24pm PT
the dominatrix's knees are starting to buckle. she'd have to ditch work and school, but these things do happen.....

Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 12:25pm PT
get her some knee pads

right here, right now
Apr 13, 2007 - 12:59pm PT
Thanks Jan & BVB, additions noted, locked and loaded.


Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 02:08pm PT
it's like this guys, this is the most conversation with rockhounds in years. lost touch with most folk.
I'll be doing a MTB w/ eppi on the 21st, lassoo him in then.
Darn near sure I'll get my bro.(buckwheat)in the heard. Tom Scott is in, Dan Currly is a maybe ?
Phantom X

Trad climber
Honeycomb Hideout
Apr 13, 2007 - 02:39pm PT
Everyone is invited except for Brunosafari. I do not think he is much of a climber or a writer. He is also afeard of lizards! It will be better this way.

Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 02:47pm PT
Maybe my world is smaller than I want to admit (or maybe I'm just "Woodson-centric"), but wouldn't this shindig make for a great article for one of the mags, especially with all the photographic and literary prowess that'll be on-site for it?

right here, right now
Apr 13, 2007 - 04:36pm PT
It's interesting to hear there might be magazines out there, somewhere, still; but this likely be not but rumor.

I only know about Supertopo and there will for certain be ample, copious, goofy, and overwrought coverage here. Let's make it a priority.

Diablo, I got your tally; just stay sharp on the Eppi trail.

Phantom X, yer in charge of herding Brunosafari.

Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 04:49pm PT
I have been using DexOnline to search south lake tahoe for Rick Piggot and have had no luck - any ideas?

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 13, 2007 - 05:05pm PT
try the nearest hairdresser who specializes in "honkie fro's".

Flagstaff, AZ
Apr 13, 2007 - 05:38pm PT




hmmm... no SF ehhh BVB?

Trad climber
Apr 13, 2007 - 05:55pm PT
Tarbuster: the rumor is that they're still out there, but not as recognizable as they used to be. One is now majorly recycled, while the other is now majorly oversized. But I hear ya.
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