Old Camp Four etc. Photos


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Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Oct 10, 2011 - 04:23pm PT
Bumping this for Hankster Harmonics!

Plus, it's one of my favorite threads. More pictures please!

Big Wall climber
Sacramento, California
Mar 24, 2012 - 03:32pm PT

Hi All:

There are great shots that bring back so much.....God, were we having fun!

Love to Gypsy, and I continue to miss my best climbing partner ever: Randy Hamm.
I retain the little boat in a bottle he made for my Yosemite wedding, and I still smoke the rare pipes of his you sweetly bequeathed to me.

Love, Mark McPherran
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Mar 24, 2012 - 04:23pm PT
Sierra Ledge Rat, A bigger enlargement of the bulletin board photo would be cool. The original looks pretty legible otherwise.
john hansen

Mar 24, 2012 - 05:30pm PT
In the camp four pic of all the notes on the board I think I see one of Tami's rats in the lower right. Would be interesting to see a crop of that.

Looks like there are a few cartoons in there.

Edit: this is the best I can do. Notice the note on the green paper about the earthquakes continuing,, would be around 1980.

Also you can zoom in by holding the ctrl key down and hitting the + key. Zoom out same except hit the - key. I seem to remember the DLFA??

Steve Grossman

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Mar 24, 2012 - 05:53pm PT
Devil's Lake Fukness Assoc. if I'm not mistaken...or close.
ron gomez

Trad climber
Mar 24, 2012 - 10:55pm PT
Good that some craftsmanship is still around to appreciate Kevin. The place has changed, but some things remain unchanged.
I've got some things near the summit of Cathedral and every year I go back and visit the site....never been touched by another being. Those things there get to enjoy the seasons and the views, east to west and north to south.

Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Mar 24, 2012 - 11:25pm PT
I too found my old campsite when I was in the Valley two years ago and it was also out of bounds.
I was only able to recognize it by the familiar boulders nearby. All was nostalgia for the best summer I ever had.
steve s

Trad climber
Mar 25, 2012 - 12:29am PT
YO Punters, The rat in question on the camp 4 board was drawn by myself and was originally designed by none other then OLD Bill Russell himself. The fuk-nes rat was a mascot of the infamous DLFA(Devil,s Lake Fuk-nes Association)and was usually drawn holding a martini glass(international symbol of fuk-nes) This drawing can be found in the best and worst places thru out the world. For you laymen,fuk-nes is anything that can get you f*#ked up...usually but not limited to alcholic beverages and other items.
peace and fuk-nes. drink to puke. Steve S. x-dlfa (retired)

Apr 7, 2012 - 12:57am PT
Here's a Camp 4 photo from negatives I'm finally getting around to scanning. 1962. He's so happy because one day he will be a millionaire.
Bill Amborn

john hansen

Apr 7, 2012 - 02:08am PT
That is very interesting steve... hope to hear some more about this.

from out where the anecdotes roam
Apr 7, 2012 - 07:42am PT
saddle bucks! nothing but respect:

Trad climber
Santa Cruz/New Zealand/South Pacific
Apr 7, 2012 - 01:58pm PT
cool BBA

I am a thinkin that is Art, "Dah Move" Gran's VW? or is it Swedlunds? and the little guy, so clean and innocent looking!
Mark Hudon

Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Apr 7, 2012 - 02:10pm PT
Peter ought to appreciate this one.

Peter Mayfield and Marc Chauvin.

I think Peter was about 15 right then.


Gym climber
the secret topout on the Chockstone Chimney
Apr 16, 2012 - 03:01pm PT
Sterling Example for the Youth bump;-)

Social climber
Apr 17, 2012 - 09:16pm PT
Wow, if Brian Birmingham (Mouse) is still in this sphere, I'd love to know! I used to work with him in Berkley at the North Face!
tom Carter

Social climber
Apr 18, 2012 - 04:13pm PT
I remember Mouse!

Here's one, name that man and the ledge!!!

tom Carter

Social climber
Apr 19, 2012 - 12:33am PT
Looks just like ..... ?

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 19, 2012 - 12:48am PT
Hey Tom. Not sure if you remember me but we crossed paths often back in the olden days. Last time (I think) I saw you was on Stone Groove. I recall you leading it...Alan Bard was there too. Mouse is still in the house...search Mouse from Merced.
Cheers! Steve Walstead
tom Carter

Social climber
Apr 19, 2012 - 11:26am PT
Wow! That was a while back, eh?

Yes, I remember that day. You still climbing?

Do you remember his friend Ike?

Great guys, they attempted to put me on the right path (regarding climbing) during my first climbs back in 1971!

Ash worth was another who stepped in and gave solid advice-he saw how green we were, he cared. Seller man.

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 19, 2012 - 11:50am PT
I remember Ike. Ever since I started this thread, it's been a trip down memory lane, or maybe I should say a thrutch up memory crack. Getting older is a trip, but it does give an interesting perspective.
I'm not seriously climbing...bouldering a bit but I always tweak something trying to crank something I shouldn't be cranking...The term Armchair Mountaineer seems to fit me now.
Windsurfing and surfing are the big thrills these days. My rock rat youth is still vivid and I consider it a gift to have shared it with all my pals...we were (are) truly lucky f*#kers.
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