Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Sport climber
Yakima, WA
May 22, 2018 - 05:57pm PT
Geez Cosmic, if the FBI/Obama were so determined to take Trump down why didn't they actually, in real life, release stuff about the Ruskies to do so? Why didn't Obama get the word out? Instead the FBI shot Clinton in the ass and cost her the election. Seriously, how do you explain that? How soon we forget...... when it's convenient.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
May 22, 2018 - 06:16pm PT
You could never make this up.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 22, 2018 - 06:33pm PT
One way to get Tarrump out of the white house is to place a greased donut pile on the front lawn...

Mountain climber
May 22, 2018 - 06:48pm PT
Spend the $10/mo I do following @TheSpyBrief on Twitter ..

Happiegrrrl2, could you please clarify my confusion.
How do you pay for Twitter?
I had a perception that Twitter was free.

How "Espionage and national security" can help you to better understand internal socio-economical-political situation in the US?

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
May 22, 2018 - 07:01pm PT
Comrade Yury, just go away. Or prove your bona fides by telling us how to tie a Bruskner knot and what a leaper rappel is. Bet you can't.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
May 22, 2018 - 07:20pm PT
if the FBI/Obama were so determined to take Trump down why didn't they actually, in real life, release stuff about the Ruskies to do so? Why didn't Obama get the word out? Instead the FBI shot Clinton in the ass and cost her the election. Seriously, how do you explain that? How soon we forget...... when it's convenient.

It's all been explained before.

"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth."

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 07:32pm PT
Yury - It is a premium channel which links in via Twitter. I don't know technically how that works, but the feed is basically a private twitter feed.

The answer to your other question - I have no desire to even consider formulating.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 22, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
Wanna smoke a bowel yury ?

Boulder climber
May 22, 2018 - 07:48pm PT
At this point, if you're a defender of Trump, you are Trump.

the Fet

May 22, 2018 - 09:41pm PT
At this point, if you're a defender of Trump, you are Trump.

That happened back when the grab 'em by the pussy tape leaked. Seriously, that tape showed how he talked and what he thought when he believed he was in private. I've yucked it up with plenty of guys and said things much cruder, but the misogyny and entitlement he displayed in that tape was revolting. If someone was willing to hold their nose and still support that guy a that point it makes me question what's more important to them, good vs. evil, or us vs. them.

Los Angeles
May 22, 2018 - 10:23pm PT
Maybe people support(ed) him because they believe in his policies and the way the country would be governed with him as President, as opposed to the other choice (whether you do or not)?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2018 - 11:54pm PT
Reality is not arbitrary.

You are either on the bus, or you are not on the bus.
-Ken Kesey


Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 23, 2018 - 01:10am PT
Mueller has all the cause and license he needs to turn the last thirty years of trump's financial life completely inside-out. He also has some of the top white-collar crime, organized crime, financial crimes, and cybercrime prosecutors on his team as well as the nation's top expert on executive privilege. Trump could attempt to cut Mueller off his leg but Mueller's severed head would still be chowing down on him for years to come.

Trump is already so completely f*#ked it's stupid and at this point just a matter of when.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 23, 2018 - 01:30am PT

Trump is like a child with chocolate all over his face, denying that he ate the cake.

It would be humorous, if he didn't have his finger on The Button..

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 04:15am PT
Mueller has all the cause and license he needs to turn the last thirty years of trump's financial life completely inside-out.

Or, 130 years, if you believe the ex WH physician. Remember THAT one?

I truly do feel bad for those who had hope that Donald Trump would be the one whose tailcoat ride would manifest the idealistic US they envision. Most of them were NOT of the belief that black people would be thrown out of "the many, many, GREAT jobs!" that would become available, nor that women would be held in check with "God's work," the enslavement of child-bearing(yes, I am aware that statement will blow some fundamentalist gaskets). Nor that he was really as bad as was being touted by "the left."

They believed in the abundance of America, and that DT was in a position to bring about fair play.

He was not. I am sorry, for those folks, that their Great White(as in "pure") Hope is a Great White(as in "supremicist) Hoax.

But Donald Trump is what he is, and to hold on to the fantasy any longer is....well, it certainly is.

But for those who believe he is their man DESPITE what they understand to be truth..... I don't even know what to say.

Trad climber
May 23, 2018 - 04:22am PT
Even with all the crap our POTUS has served up, the Dems are still pissing away their advantage.

Too stupid to get out of their own way.

A Reuters poll this week gave the GOP a 1.4 percentage-point lead over Democrats on a generic ballot. When asked if the midterm elections were to be held that day—Reuters conducted the poll on May 17—38.1 percent of respondents said they would vote for the Republican candidate in their district, as opposed to the 36.7 percent who said they'd cast their ballot for the Democratic one.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 23, 2018 - 06:44am PT
Republicans are now going to be able to view intelligence regarding the so-called planted campaign spy...Like the thread title says...Trump is cornered , desperate...He's the little boy that cried wolf...Trumps claim that Obama wire tapped him was a totally bogus lie and i bet his latest claim is the same...Hopefully it backfires like his other cheap stunts...Sad that the repubs are stupid enough to support this corrupt clown...Bozo that is...

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
May 23, 2018 - 07:46am PT
That happened back when the grab 'em by the pussy tape leaked. Seriously, that tape showed how he talked and what he thought when he believed he was in private. I've yucked it up with plenty of guys and said things much cruder, but the misogyny and entitlement he displayed in that tape was revolting. If someone was willing to hold their nose and still support that guy a that point it makes me question what's more important to them, good vs. evil, or us vs. them.

So I guess you're 'revolted' by your own comments as well? That's twisted.

Trump will win again in 2020. Deal with it.

The Good Places
May 23, 2018 - 07:47am PT
you ever been to the Double Down, pud?

do you find Donnie to be a good role model for children, pud? do you think Donnie lies at all?

Unity party 2020, sucka! Hickenlooper-Kasich

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
May 23, 2018 - 07:49am PT
Even with all the crap our POTUS has served up, the Dems are still pissing away their advantage.
Yep. I hear nothing, nothing from Dem 'leaders' about this sh#t storm. The Repubs have the noise machine figured out; time for the Dems to make some noise. Getting out the vote will be critical but I doubt there's a plan.

Guess we're all bozos on this bus.
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