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mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Unlike a foaling roan
A hand-cranked telephone
Just leave it to Jerome
Muddy, please phone home
Eat at the Mono Cone
Rewinding Home Alone
In a low-down monotone
Tanning with Coppertone
I want my Kodachrome
An apple is too a pome
Not every poem stands alone
I don't like your tone
But you can borrow my comb
What do I want on my tomb?
"Late again."
What will you do on my tomb?
Picnic, I hope, and share my joy!
At least dance! Attaboy!
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
"The faster you travel the slower you age"
Albert Einstein
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Say what?[Click to View YouTube Video]All the same, I have been travelling and driving and finding my trail with a friend over my shoulder, in the passenger seat, riding on the roof with the dog, wherever...
So schmaltzy, compared to the Rockabilly.
I say "Confine Christianity to Sundays. Most everybody's a weekender anyhow."
Unless you're a practicing Christian.
The term "practicing Catholic" was used extensively in sermons, catechism, and CCD classes to differentiate between fallen-away and lax Catholics and the Sodalizers, the Knights, and the Altar Societies and the Mothers' Clubs. There was plenty to do and we got lots of practice.
I'm way out of practice now for a lot of things, more than I care to think on.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Last night coming down from Greeley Hill.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Kinda reminds me of the time James Brown and I went up on Greeley Hill. Unfortunately, Papa went on to a brand new bag, but we had fun, fun, fun until Big Daddy Roth arrived.
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That outtake from Eat the Document sat around for how many years before Pennebaker turned it loose?
Run and get a bucket, get the baby some byrds.
Nobody's goin' anywhere they haven't already been, I guess.
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Trad climber
You went CLIMBING? Sh#t Mouse, that's far out! Now I guess I have to. 5.5, here I come!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
It has come to my attention (and the Rev never lies) that my best friend never told me he was related to the Joe Herb! Jeff Mathis' mom, Betty, is the niece of Joe Herb's wife, Grandpa Freeman's sister.
So Joe Herb is the Rev's great-uncle. This is not earth-shaking in a small town. It is rather to be expected. Jeff's family tradition involves autos, while the Herb tradition is in motorcycles and bicycles.
And this Big Daddy Roth of whom zBrown speaks is pretty much not the Roth of Ages here in the central valley. Our Rother, who art now in heaven, began in Fresno selling autos of another brand than Chevrolet, I believe, then switched up and opened the Merced showroom. John, not Big Biddy. Diddy. Daddy. [Sorry...word-play-time is anytime.]
Throwpie is such a sleepy Bo-Jo. What did you think my intentions were? I admit to nefaricity, lying in wait, hoping to get the band back together.
That YOU might remain sedentary and earthbound like the Rev (he must weigh
in at 13 stones) and that we might never go a-yodeling again causes me worry,
if not grief.
Dust off that helmet and send Cosmic some vibes; there is immense power in tie-dye.
We'll go to the Grotto and brother Tim can put us up/put up with us for a day or two in Jamestown. Let's go!
"We'll all gather in the Grotto,
The beautiful, beautiful Grotto..."
I may go check out these rocks today. It's blessed hot here so I better do it alpine-start, which means getting on the road here soon. I'm gonna show ya these, Pie. You know Piney Creek on the way up to Coulterville on the Merced Falls Road/Hwy 132 rte?
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
Lawrence Welk's gals about the time they invented the Internet.
Trad climber
I'm ready for some action up in granite land. It's been too long. Windsurfing kind of moved in on my climbing quite a few years ago just about the time when Kate was born. The landings were softer (sometimes) and nothing fell from the sky trying to kill me. I have to admit I was just scared, and felt I had gotten away with something for too long. My love is still there, I've made it to 62, so fook it. Call Mathis, put him on a diet and let's go! Sailing has kept me fit so I'll carry the beer.
I still have the helmet.
Ice climber
Brujo de La Playa
The Fab Four meet Echelon/Prism
testing - what I'm testing is that the picture shows up on one computer, but not on another
nice work on the rock mouse, sure glad I didn't fall
Did you feel like you were going ninety miles an hour?
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OK - I've bit my tongue for as long as I can hold my breath (which BTW, is just about as long as Caruso), but I must point out that you are not sporting the official Da BrimŽ headware.
Trad climber
Really Mouse, lose the hat. I'll leave my helmet home if you do. A true Flame faces the future bare headed.
Trad climber
Is he bleeding? What did you do to him? By the way, his HEAD is already burnt.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Goddam, I look like Locker! Shite!
I like the hat, Boonie style is the rage!
Ask your local climbing boutique.
Elevation on the Eastside, I loved your store in Lone Pine.
Hope you liked the cantaloupes.
And my head is doing fine. I'm using Jergens Shea Butter on my noggin and my cheeks. Denny, the Rev's lady, recommends it highly. It really soothes burned and twisted skin like mine.
And Cosmic, my feet are not swollen now. I am trying to forgive you for calling my Fires "worn out." Okay, we're good. They just need new 5.10 rubber. I hear from reliable sources,
"Five-Ten rubber's is the best there is!"--Swain Darren
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I bowel to your finer perceptions regarting clighting, my Master.
I just scored one bud/Purple Urkel and lots an' lots of Mr. Nice.
Should be an interesting night.
Is an interesting night!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"My love is still there, I've made it to 62, so fook it."
And you still have the helmet? Forget the one you had and get you a modern one. They're "light."
I'd like to see us go try this South County jive some early-morn when it's cool still, and shady. I was by there and it's totally dry now, no water left along Preston Rd., I bet.
I'll be wearing no hat bouldering and TRing in the shade. It's not granite, (but the rocks throw just like it, as they usually will) but are some sedimentary varieties, like the samples of stone lying about.
This six-hour trip to Mariposa and back happened on May 22, if you care.
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Some hours earlier in the day...
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