Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 08:58am PT
Hey, Happie, who says I buy cheap wine? Inexpensive maybe, but not cheap plonk.

I didn't say you bought cheap wine. What I inferred was that, just like all people who really are not without choice when it comes to eating and having shelter, you could choose to spend that $10/mo on the subscription I mentioned by making a rather small sacrifice.

I've paid for The Spy Brief since he started it, which was January or February this year. As the 15th approaches each month, which is when my subscription comes due, you bet I am aware of it and have the option to cancel and use the $10 elsewhere. Now that I am back to my seasonal job, that decision isn't difficult to make, but I can tell you that when I was spending my time driving between the library and the 2 miles to Walmart for 8 days on my way east this spring, waiting for enough an influx of cash to hop to the next stop, that choice felt pretty hefty.

Yet I did it.... one or two bottles of wine a month would have gone unnoticed by me - even in my alcoholic bottom - as I am pretty certain would be the same case for you. Therefore, I posit that it's not the $10/month that stops you from seeking a more "positive" reference point to view these current events from.

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 08:59am PT
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 22, 2018 - 09:06am PT
Whiner and Chief

He can't even take the press playing back his very words
What winning has happened?
or are you saying that winning will start as soon as Mueller indicts him?
Because that would be a great win for our Country

The Resistance: bolding standing up against Fascism, just like the resistance to Hitler

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 22, 2018 - 09:14am PT

Implying, claiming or even thinking that Trump isn't a huge whiner is a losing argument. Don't make yourself look like a fool by making it.

He may have some virtues (I haven't seen any yet), but Trump is about the snowflakest snowflake there is.

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 22, 2018 - 10:05am PT
Trump's bold leadership on every issue, "We'll see what happens"

Such a strong leader, such a strong decision maker

"we'll see what happens" says it all

He doesn't know sh#t, and has his swamp creatures tell him what he's supposed to do, which will turn out to be the exact opposite of the best decision to make

What a tool he is
to the billionaires, to the Koch Bros, to the polluters, to the Christian Right, to the white supremacists, to Russia, Saudi, Israel, idiot conspiracy loons, Hannity, etc

Manchurian Candidate to the stars
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 22, 2018 - 10:31am PT
Poor little Trump voters, all us mean liberals saying mean things to them

Here's Why So Many Right Wingers Think of Themselves as Victims

Hollywood is out to get them. The media is out to get them. And any American who doesn’t see things their way are part of the problem.

The lack of proper respect comes down to being told they’re wrong, or—like my coworker—freaking out over nothing. Whether it be scientists, Hollywood, the media, or Democrats, calling stupid ideas stupid has somehow become “elitist” and evidence of bias. It’s one of the bitterest ironies that the people who bitch and moan about political correctness and wear shirts saying** “f*#k your feelings”** are the ones whining about respect whenever a TV show or movie has a story which steps on their toes, or a science article actually advocates science.

So what gives? Where does this victim mentality come from?

There are poor white people out there who care more about Colin Kaepernick’s posture in pre-game than their black neighbors who can’t go to a store or get stopped by police without being harassed. There's an entire swath of America that’s probably more outraged by two women or two men showing affection on television, and how that might “influence” their children, than whether the schools those children attend are fully funded. And we are surrounded by MAGA idiots who covet the title “American” while defiling everything the term stands for.

In essence, this is the thinking of a bully. Hollywood is out to get them. The media is out to get them. And any American who doesn’t see things their way are part of the problem.

And to this end, to point this out, to speak the truth, to call an as#@&%e an as#@&%e, is the height of disrespect in some people’s eyes. The same pricks who can dish it out, calling human beings “animals” or spread disinformation and conspiracy theories about pizza parlor pedophile rings, CAN NOT take it when they’re called on their sh#t. Then we’re disrespectful.

The Wastelands
May 22, 2018 - 10:38am PT
Tired of all that winning yet?

Harley-Davidson took its tax cut, closed a factory, and rewarded shareholders

The motorcycle maker in January told Kansas City workers it would close a plant there. Days later, it announced a nearly $700 million stock buyback plan.

Just over a month after Trump signed the tax cuts into law, the Kansas City closure was announced. Workers found out when they arrived at the plant that morning: They were kept in the hallway, informed that the factory would be shut, and sent home for the rest of the day without pay. The union had no advance warning, said Greg Tate, a staff representative for the United Steelworkers District 11, which represents about 30 percent of the Harley-Davidson plant’s workers. (Harley-Davidson and the two unions that represent most of its production employees last year terminated their 22-year partnership agreement.)

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 10:59am PT
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.

May 21, 2018 - 08:35am PT
I am a moderate

Most of your political posts involve bashing Trump, Trump supporters and/or conservatives, in general

Rarely, do you serve up the same for liberals.

Yea, you're a moderate. Sure thing, sport.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
May 22, 2018 - 11:05am PT
Is this for real?

Trump seems to think he is the world's saviour. Go figure.

As for Rudy

Yes they are Guardian articles, and yes, we know that the Guardian has a liberal slant, but that does not mean they have not done their homework, they have. I have worked on the Guardian (as a freelance), the editors do their homework.

Really folks, even Trump supporters, doesn't he seem a bit dysfunctional?
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
May 22, 2018 - 11:13am PT
I'm trying to get my head around that biomass survey synopsis posted by zbrown. It's truly staggering!

By the year 2050, collaborative research (University of Auckland, University of Melbourne, Yokohama University, Cal Tech, Stanford University and University of Edinburgh) believes that the plastics in the oceans will outweigh the marine life.

I think that it will be sooner that 2050.

Cue some window cleaner digging up photos of me and altering them. I await.

Good ole' window cleaner, he could not resist, he is like a trained dog, except he still pees on the floor.

Happie, lighten up I was being a bit flippant.

EdwardT, you can have some thoughtful posts, stick to that. Your meme post betrays you.

As for Trump, he will not be impeached, but he may yet fall on his own sword (you know, the little one).
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
May 22, 2018 - 11:47am PT
And talk about whingeing.

Okay, I am contributing to the liberal echo, big deal. Perhaps one reason some of us proles, us little people, whine is that it is some little comfort to be had. But The Donald, the so-called billionaire (I bet he is by now, since taking office), the grab man, I mean great man, the leader, he whines all the time with his tweets. Talk about a sensitive snowflake.

Who is the biggest whiner in the past year or so? Donald, hands down, even small hands down. Look at his tweets. Poor soul. The world is against him. Maybe if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he'd get some sympathy.

Seriously, how can some of you Trump supporters like the guy. There must be better alternatives to conservatives than this buffoon.

The liberals are leaderless, like chickens with their heads cut off, the conservatives are led by a chicken that never had a head (but some bone spurs, does that count?)

I am having fun, my work is done for the day, and a beautiful day it is, the sun is shining (even in Ireland), and in turns I take this thread seriously, and on the other hand, a fun diversion. At the end of the day I see very little difference in the liberal posts and the conservative posts.

Mindsets, probably mine too.

May 22, 2018 - 12:03pm PT
a beautiful day it is, the sun is shining (even in Ireland), and in turns I take this thread seriously

First mistake .....
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
May 22, 2018 - 12:08pm PT
Yeah Werner, I agree with you on that.

Actually, your comment sort of made my evening. Thank you. I am still laughing.
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
May 22, 2018 - 12:15pm PT
There's an entire swath of America that’s probably more outraged by two women or two men showing affection on television, and how that might “influence” their children, than whether the schools those children attend are fully funded. And we are surrounded by MAGA idiots who covet the title “American” while defiling everything the term stands for.

In essence, this is the thinking of a bully. Hollywood is out to get them. The media is out to get them. And any American who doesn’t see things their way are part of the problem.

For a lot of them, I think they are far more furious about two women or two men showing affection on television than they would ever be about how crappy the schools for those people's kids are.

And Hollywood is absolutely out to get them. I hope Hollywood succeeds. That one day they won't be so homophobic is possible. But I don't ever expect them to give a sh#t about the education of poor kids.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2018 - 12:20pm PT
Lock him up . . . . up . . . . up . . . . up . . . . up

Hey! This thread IS an echo chamber.

Trump is a very simplistic animal and he's easy to understand. Almost everything he says is false and misleading. Nothing he says can be trusted to be the truth.

When Trump says something (e.g., "Melanie is feeling well") the first response should be to consider it to be a lie. Only then should it, possibly, be investigated to see if it is the truth.

It is not an exaggeration to say that ANYTHING Trump says must be considered false, until proven otherwise. Trump is the exact opposite of what a good leader should be.

Trump is the anti-role model. Today's youth will be tomorrow's leaders, and parents should duct-tape the eyes and ears of their children until Trump is gone.

Trustworthiness, honesty and telling the truth is the basic cornerstone of any civil society. When that is gone, civil society is gone.

One guy lying and cheating the rest of a group can get away with it for a short time. If the rest of the group decides that they, too, should lie and cheat, the group will no longer exist as a group.

If you put 100 Ponzi schemers into a room, nothing will happen. 100 matches, and no candles, equals some brief flashes of light, and then darkness.

Duct tape = climbing related, per Chris Mac's wonderful book about Big Wall climbing in Yosemite Valley.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2018 - 12:32pm PT
Here's the real animal.

Roger Stone openly boasts that he is a political animal. And, he will very likely wind up in a cage, like an animal.

Unlike the Kremlin propaganda above, this picture of Roger Stone was not photoshopped.


I applied a little propagandacide, and the nefarious post that was previously just above this one disappeared, like magic. #MAGA

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
still a swamp. always will be...

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 03:11pm PT
A longtime business associate of President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has reportedly agreed to cooperate with government prosecutors as part of a plea deal.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Evgeny Freidman agreed to cooperate with state and federal prosecutors, potentially raising pressure on Cohen to assist in the special counsel investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling.

In return, Freidman got five years of probation for pleading guilty Tuesday to a single count of evading $50,000 worth of taxes. Freidman, who was reportedly disbarred earlier this month, had faced four counts of criminal tax fraud and one of grand larceny, each carrying a possible sentence of up to 25 years.

Freidman, a Russian immigrant nicknamed the "Taxi King," has been partners with Cohen in the taxi business for years, the Times reported.

Cohen is reportedly under investigation for bank fraud and campaign finance law violations.

According to Wikipedia, not only in the taxi business, but the owner/operator of NYC's largest taxi company.

And - surprise - he's Russian.

Looks like Cohen will be going for a ride.....

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 22, 2018 - 05:51pm PT
Obummer Administration SPYING on the Trump Campaign? Yep. Fukkin Libtard Democrats and their sneaky tactics.

Pablum never tasted so good.

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 05:54pm PT
What was that term I mentioned a page or so back? Hmmm...critical thinking.

The other perspective on "they spied on me" whine is that some of those associated with Trumpco(yup - more than one), upon realizing there was serious malfeasance going down, went to the appropriate people and let them know. INSIDERS of the Trump campaign went TO the FBI.

Like actual patriots, you know.

Not the loyal mafia-wannabes that Trump demands of his hangers-on.
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