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Gym climber
South of Heaven
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:42pm PT
Anyone here ever eaten at the Cracker Box in Carson?
It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton...
Nah, of course not. He was just wonder, out loud, if they might be better off if blacks had learned to pick cotton... kind of like Phil Robertson wondering if blacks would have been happier remaining slave.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:42pm PT
Are you supporting Bundy?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:53pm PT
It's in the American genes to have sympathy for the little guy who believes he's been wronged. It's one of the national traits that makes us naturally suspicious of government.
I'm a Liberal (yes, with a capital L) and I've seen our Federal government treat its citizens badly. Vietnam war demonstrators, Kent State protestors, overreaching surveillance, capital punishment, stupid and morally wrong foreign wars. A very long list even in just the past 50 years. And mostly by Republican administrations (Nixon, Reagan, BushII). Those great defenders of the rights of the little guy.
But usually the guy the Feds are after is in fact WRONG. Like Bundy. The Feds have given him due process and overdue respect considering he's been a deliberate law breaker for 20 years.
I even have a smidgen of sympathy for him; for the not so bright guy who gets sucked in by whacko political philosophy and becomes the pawn of the "militias" and Hannities of the world. I have no sympathy for his racism nor for his so-called "friends" who are now running like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
The Feds will quietly bide their time. I'm sure they've got an arrest warrant out for him. They'll eventually pick him up when things quiet down and when he runs a red light it will be off to jail with him. Will be interesting to see who pays his bail. Perhaps he'll put up 600 head of cattle and a 160 acre ranch for collateral.
As I've asked several times on this thread: where is the Hotshot Conservative Attorney who's taking his case pro bono? Where are the Hannities who are putting up money for a paid defense? Nowhere to be found.
They are all using him. The entire screeching and baying mob of them. They could give a F**K about Bundy the man and his family. If they did, they'd be raising the $$ to pay off his debt to the US Citizens.
Ron, Chief, have you sent $$ to his defense fund? If you can find it.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:53pm PT
Are you supporting Bundy?
Depends what you mean by 'supporting'.
He's obviously in violation of the law, but the BLM was too overhanded too, and killed his cattle and destroyed his property.
In general, I support Mr. Bundy. He needs to walk cautiously though.
EDIT: Whoa!!! If they did, they'd be raising the $$ to pay off his debt to the US Citizens.
Ron, Chief, have you sent $$ to his defense fund? If you can find it.
This is brilliant. And I'm serious about that!
Social climber
the Wastelands
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:57pm PT
they killed his cattle and destroyed his property?
I had not read that, not paying that close attention
got a source, link, where you got that information I can read up on, thanks?
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 10:59pm PT
"Mr. Bundy?" Such respect, blue. You do know he's been esposed as a racist? Right?
Here's your shovel. Keep digging.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:04pm PT
Yes, exposed.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:05pm PT
One more point.
Much has been made of Bundy being Mormon. This is also out of line. As if being Mormon goes along with being a lawbreaker. "I've known many Mormons and some of them have even been friends of mine", including legal scholars and a Federal Magistrate.
I've tossed in the "Mormon" label a couple of times myself. Wrong.
This should have nothing to do with religion, there'a a different thread for that.
Hey bluey, we've got to get together over a beer or two.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:08pm PT
Six cows were killed/putdown.
I'm defending all the BLM actions.
Not of this would have happened if Bundy would have follows the law and paid his taxes. That is a simple fact.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:10pm PT
I read in reputable press (either Salt Lake Tribune or the LV paper, perhaps both) that a few of his cattle were put down. Several diseased cattle were euthanized so they wouldn't infect the herd. I think a couple were seriously injured in the roundup and melee. It was a small number. The Feds weren't out to kill the cattle. Hell they wanted to take them up to Utah and auction them off. They were worth as much to the Feds as to Bundy.
They also did property damage in addition to cattle killings. You stick your thumb in the Man's eye and there will be consequences. Bundy's crowd created the confrontation when they defied legal due process.
Try spitting in the eye of the next Cop who pulls you over for speeding. Then let's hear good ole conservative talk show Law and Order.
John M
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:12pm PT
They also did property damage in addition to cattle killings.
what damage? Its federal land.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:18pm PT
Keep it up, righties! Ride it right to Election Day!
Conservative commentators were out in force Thursday to denounce Cliven Bundy’s comments about race, and Charles Krauthammer followed suit on Special Report earlier this evening.
“It isn’t enough to say I don’t agree with what he said. This is a despicable statement. You have to disassociate yourself entirely from the man. It’s not like the words exist here and the man exists here,” he said.
Krauthammer noted that Bundy doesn’t recognize the authority of the United States of America, and asked why that makes him a patriot to some people.
“I love this country, I love the constitution, and it’s the constitution that established the government that all of us have to recognize. And for him to reject it was the beginning of all of this,” he said.
Krauthammer warned against making a “conservative hero” out of someone who simply takes a stance against the government. He suggest people “wait, watch, and think” before deeming someone a hero.
Ron, note the "think" part.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:24pm PT
Apr 24, 2014 - 08:20pm PT
I also defended my Black Brother so he could return to Africa, and Educated Blackman in the time of apartheid. What the hell have YOU DONE??
Huh? This is the stuff you say on peyote.
Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:25pm PT
OK Bluering. I watched the full video you posted the link to. It was also edited, but since the man/group that posted it is:
How can you expect us to believe it is anything but right-wing hate propaganda??
By the way, there was nothing new in it from the New York Times Video, except that Cliven likes Mexicans better than blacks.
My glass of wine is still nearly full and tastes good. I assume that whatever you are drinking tonight and choose to belive in, is still, mostly empty, thin, and bitter.
I feel bad that you choose to be bitter about this great country of ours.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:26pm PT
Um, Cragman, you're also disassociating yourself from the rascist comments, might? I mean, you have a problem with that, right?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:27pm PT
Isn't it weird to anybody that this has been going on for 20 years, but just last year Harry Reid broke ground on a Solar Farm on that land and then a month before the confrontation, the Senate approved one of Harry Reid's former staffers as head of the BLM?
EDIT:How can you expect us to believe it is anything but right-wing hate propaganda.
Pat Dollard didn't shoot the video, just linked it. Just throwing more info out there that the MSM fails to do.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:30pm PT
I think the subject of federal overreach is valid. But not when it pertains to Cliven Bundy. He has poisoned his well.
Mountain climber
Olympia, WA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:30pm PT
Supporters of Bundy, Inc. following racist and bigoted, pro-slavery statement are the same.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Apr 24, 2014 - 11:31pm PT
Did you race-baiters watch the unedited video????
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