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Trad climber
Mouse, I'm really enjoying your photo journeys, too. ")
Especially enjoying how happy you are to be where you love to be.
Social climber
hey there say, lilabiene:
i love that part:
happy to hear someone HAPPY at where they are!
wow, and T hocking is on a thumb hunt, :)
say, mouse, i can't wait to the see the 'lunch brochure'
but will come back later and wait for the pics to load...
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Audrey, that's cool of you--thanks. Plaudits are nice for all things and mice.
I was thinking of you when I put this together. As you are so new to the scene, I thought you and many dozens like you may get some insight into the realm of the "approach" to a climb, many of which here in Grizz Gulch trek through oak talus. Approaches are an integral part of many ascents, along with the descent.
It's an A, C, D way to see the sport. Approach, climb, descent.
Knowledge of all three is critical to the success of alpine adventure, certainly. It also prevents wandering around in the forested talus after dark when you are tired and thinking of things you had better wait for. Make WBraun's job easier by trying to figure out the route in advance. Or just go on an adventure. You are free to choose. The truth is what fits your personality and your partner's needs as well, one hopes, because in fact, there are two of you. So the truth, or the best way, the optimal approach, is somewhere in that range between tight-assed, no-compromising, I call the shots and "OH FUCHIT! Have it your way, butthead."
An even pace, the ability to speak comfortably, and finding landmarks are what is called for. Observe, learn, stay in the moment, breath. Don't think about the climb. Keep an eye out for the others in your party
and don't get too far away.
If you feel you must pre-plan everything, I won't be in your team.
In my experience, going up a talus with no pack is among the most liberating of joys of being young.
But with a partner, til you're sure enough to do what you love--
'on your own alone.'
And that means abandoning fretfulness over 'what could happen.'
Not the way.
Make it known where you'll be, when to expect you back, etc.
I had no instructions when I was young, only the cub and boy scout leaders who were not very good at their jobs, to say the least, but were generous enough with their time.
In my journeys I hope to share observations with the Gang Taco, as well. I hope I'm able to entertain as well. As always.
Stirring the pot--
One thing I think I have found is that there seems to be a difference between the size of the boulders in the Sentinel talus field, where behemoths abound, in comparison to the talus found at the base of Camp Four Wall (above Camp 4) and along Sunnyside Bench. :)
It's a stock question, I realize. Others may have seen this. The Rev said so, too, once upon a time, so it must be observable, but that don't make it true fact, for once. Believe It or Not!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I'll clarify that question, which it is in my roundabout way, about relative size.
There are more Large Boulders in the Sentinel talus field. You cannot fail to notice such Monstros.
This one I encountered soon after leaving the trail, heading for the creek. It has a roof, and twenty feet above that is a 'talus garden' with dead branches and other windfall and a few shards of itself spalling off, maybe. If ya can find a route...
When will the hundred summers die,
And thought and time be born again,
And newer knowledge, drawing nigh,
Bring truth that sways the soul of men?
Here all things in their place remain,
As all were order’d, ages since.--Alfred Lord Tennyson
My question is WHY are there more Large Boulders, if it is indeed the fact?
I propose it has something to do with geology. :)
Specifically, glaciology, a sub-game of geology.
Pluck if I know why it is so.
It would seem it's not for mice
To understand the ways of ice.
Seems somethin's missin.'
Bowdlerized agin.
Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Here's another take on perception:
Scientists make 'bug-eye' camera
For one, they show remarkable depth of field - they can focus on objects at different distances at the same time. They also do not suffer from the aberrations seen in single lens systems when viewing off-axis objects. A good example is the huge distortion observed in wide-angle camera lenses such as the fish-eye.
Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
If you don't mind destroying your door, getting this out of it would be no problem. Otherwise, it is not impossible to spend four hours on the task.
This sorry piece of technology broke in the locked position. Couldn't therefore remove the pins from hinges and remove the door.
I did it by hand with a little broken saw blade. Had I had my Dremel tool
it could have gone much faster.
Social climber
hey there say, mouse.... wow, thanks for the approach shots, :)
happy trails, and happy more-pics! to you, :)
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
I love, I love, I love my calendar cats...
The Worse-kat-errors. Both of them at rest.
May i, 2013.
The Sahara Terrors. All three are from Tah-kits.
September 30, 2013.
Although they're all brats
They're still only cats
Each and every day of the year.
--Neil Sedakat
With apologies to BBA, of course.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
From the Huff Post this week, 5-2-13, pertaining to the rescue on El Cap on Monday.
It is exceedingly strange, this accicent, and I am grateful to learn the digit has been successfully re-attached.
I have an interest here in that my left thumb had to be removed when re-attaching it proved impossible in 1968, the result of a peach cannery boo-boo.
The rope acts as a zit-popping mechanism, if you will, when tension is pulled on a rope and when it is looped around a thin, fragile thing like your thumb the result is...messy.
This Austrian climber's story reminds me, of course, of Millis' attempt in 1974 to convince me that a foreign climber had fallen on the W. Face route on Tahquitz in such a way that his thumb was somehow jammed into a crack during the fall and his weight had pulled hard enough to sever it! It could happen, but it never did.
When I worked for my brother-in-law, Ike Edie, his dad, Ike Sr., loved to tell how a roping cowboy could lose his thumb in a similar manner. When he ropes the steer, he must loop the rope around the cantle of the saddle once or twice so it acts as a brake while the horse's weight pulls the dogie off its feet. The operation of looping the lasso is called "dallying."
A thumbless cowboy is said to have been caught dallying.
A thumbless climber is said to have been a victim of the fickle finger of fate.
Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Well shoot me in the foot. What's new pussyKat? I had not seen that thread you pointed to. I hope my senior pass will work there.
Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
It's not well known, but I actually gave James his last name. He was going for something more bland like [Godfather of] Soul. Get a job.
Still young enough to appreciate legs over a 32 Ford grill.
Neighborhood Bullies
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
That he’ll live by the rules that the world makes for him
’Cause there’s a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac
He’s the neighborhood bully
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
You gotta love that Pete Seeger.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Ya gotta love that Pete Seeger's ideas.
An Enemy of the people (original Norwegian title: En folkefiende) is an 1882 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Ibsen wrote it in response to the public outcry against his play Ghosts, which at that time was considered scandalous. Ghosts had challenged the hypocrisy of Victorian morality and was deemed indecent for its veiled references to syphilis.
An Enemy of the People addresses the irrational tendencies of the masses, and the hypocritical and corrupt nature of the political system that they support. It is the story of one brave man's struggle to do the right thing and speak the truth in the face of extreme social intolerance.
The play's protagonist, Dr Stockmann, represents the playwright's own voice. Upon completion of the play, Ibsen wrote to his publisher in Copenhagen : "I am still uncertain as to whether I should call it a comedy or a straight drama. It may [have] many traits of comedy, but it also is based on a serious idea."
Luddism was a serious idea, too. So was commonism. So was Christism.
Socialism ism disease of the massive mandible of the tarantula called man, who eats religion and philosophy and shits out his own best ideas.
I loves me some socialites. Some folks calls 'em pigs and fatshits. I just loves me them socialites.
Trashman, you're my ideal.
And ya gotta love that Flamous Roy fella.
I enjoyed the Famous Flames this morning so much, I'm gonna listen to it again right now.
I went out to see the Quiet Man on a big screen, something I'd never done. I was totally unprepared for the cinematography and such an intense experience. I was alone, studied the thing intently and came away thinking I had kind of experienced the same thing reading Patrick Oliver's essay on Kor and Pratt.
The Ford film and that essay can each be described as exquisite, something worth searching out. Speaking of which, next Friday is the Searchers or Rio Bravo, one, and the other the following Friday.
I have never seen the Searchers, though it is a fine, fine novel novel. I have never seen the Famous Flames, though their namesake car club from Merced and Yosemite is full of fine upstanding men and mamas.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Still friends, eh?
Saturday Evening Post, July 22, 1961
Dear Sirs:
Your article ARE THE CANADIANS STILL OUR FRIENDS? [by Harold H. Martin, June 17 {1960}] was one of the fairest and most reasonable commentaries on this ticklish subject I have read in any magazine, Canadian or American.
I think most Canadians know that we are suffering from national growing pains. but most of us feel that we have a right to have these pains and to groan about them.--BM Erb, Ottawa, Ontario
Dear Sirs:
I do not like Americans, and many of my friends hold the same opinion. Imagine, some Americans come to Ontario in July with skis on their cars, asking where the snow is.--Ruth Anne Ashman, Tillsonburg, Ontario
Dear Sirs:
Everywhere Americans go they expect to be welcomed with open arms and allowed to take over the running of whatever situation they push their way into. Although you are the Great American People, this gives you no rights to infringe on the sovereignty of any nation, however small.--Maurice G. Simmons, Montreal, Quebec
Dear Sirs:
Any Canadian who thinks that the majority of his fellows is anti-American could likely get himself into a fine brawl if he tried to swing the rest of us to his way of thinking. Most of the noise comes from vociferous knotheads by whom some of our politicians are unduly influenced.
--R.H. Fallin, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Dear Sirs:
Your article took four and a half pages to wonder if Canadians are still your friends and then gave the answer in the last two paragraphs. Of course we are still you friends and will continue to be....An article such as this one will do nothing toward either strengthening the bonds of our friendship or clearing up the problems that exist between us.--Yvonne Baines, Toronto, Ontario
Dear Sirs:
One very important but unmentioned cause of the present anti-American feelings here may be the rape of our natural resoursed through a complete disregard of game laws by US sportsmen. The maind requirements of these so-called sportsmen seem to be that they must catch and shoot anything and everything, get drunker than anyone and be louder than everybody in Canada. These are our "friends"?--Felix Leveque, Winnipeg, Manitoba
"vociferous knotheads"
Dear Sirs:
As Britain before 1776 controlled the Fifteen Colonies culturally, so does the US control Canada....The Kennedy Doctrine was the last straw for most of us Canadians, who wish others to respect our rights as we respect theirs. And deliver us from both the US and Communist imperialists!--Hunter Brumell, Montreal, Quebec
Oh My God, Canada! That reminds me...we left the freezer chest open!
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