Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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May 17, 2018 - 05:53pm PT
**So what is Trumpo's main thrust in his little "animal" speech?

He's telling Americans - every one of us, right, center, and left - how he really feels about us.

Grey Matter
May 17, 2018 - 05:59pm PT
WSJ completes its marriage with faux spews.

Ice climber
May 17, 2018 - 06:03pm PT
Take a listen to what a real billionaire (Bill Gates) has to say about a fake one (Trumpo).

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
May 17, 2018 - 06:45pm PT
Nice balanced article sharing a perspective on how we got where we are (partisan stuff is very back-burnered):

Mountain climber
May 17, 2018 - 06:47pm PT
So what is Trumpo's main thrust in his little "animal" speech?
He's telling Americans - every one of us, right, center, and left - how he really feels about us.
DanaB, you trust MSM too much.

You can learn what really happened e.g. in:
If only Dems and journos condemned MS-13 the way they did Trump over a complete lie
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 17, 2018 - 07:34pm PT

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 17, 2018 - 07:47pm PT
Well guys - keep drinking the kool-aid as you've now got rightwing control of the court to enjoy and that's two big thumbs up for a progressive agenda which is now no more than a romantic fairytale.

Social climber
Lida Junction
May 17, 2018 - 09:23pm PT
Well guys - keep drinking the kool-aid as you've now got rightwing control of the court to enjoy and that's two big thumbs up for a progressive agenda which is now no more than a romantic fairytale.
Senate approval of trump's picks for the lower courts will take fifty years to rectify.

Trad climber
May 18, 2018 - 04:18am PT
you would figure that the back forty knuckle draggers who took a day off from noodlin catfish to vote for the chump would be the first one's to call him out on selling out the country to russian, but no, they go around with flags sticking out of their pickup trucks, telling everybody what a kick ass job this bang hole of a president is doing, these freaks must be one can short of a six pack to be that hypocritical, either that, or their self esteem is so low from livin in some broke-ass double wide and bangin their over weight meth snortin oxy shootin bridezilla vegetable woman that to have their ego bruised by admitting that they got turds for brains would just be too much.

You would figure the snowflake crybabies would quit being such whiny little pussies about the 2016 election. Trump won. Such it up, bitches! The haters have an online circlejerk ever time there's a new rumor that might be Trump's undoing. I guess it's not all their fault. The media spoon feeds this drama every day. The issue of Russian collusion has been investigated for almost two years. Ever since "the day after", we've been bombarded with "Trump colluded... Trump colluded". And here we are... 18 months since those accusations began... with still no evidence of Donald Trump colluding with Russia.

Talk about bruised ego. A.G. Hillary lost. Move on. Is that too much for turds for brains whiners to process.

May 18, 2018 - 05:04am PT
. It’s painfully obvious you guys are desperately hoping peace talls fail.

It’s painfully obvious you’re full of sh#t. There is nothing I would love to see more than lasting peace on the peninsula. But for some bizarre reason, you believe that ill-informed, narcissistic, orange dope would likely succeed where other wiser administrations had failed.

some eastside hovel
May 18, 2018 - 05:20am PT
Cheeto Jesus had to ask Bill Gates what the difference between between HIV and HPV was. What a d#uche-nozzle!! And this was since he's been POTUS. Yeah, he's a "genius."

Boulder climber
May 18, 2018 - 06:30am PT
Nixon and McCarthy had 30% approval ratings to the bitter end.

Pick a reason; a small dick, a wife cheated, lost a house, a failed business, a gay child, Dad was an as#@&%e, poor social skills- There's no reasoning with these people- their copping mechanism is grinding an emotional axe and taking retribution through proxy.

Boulder climber
May 18, 2018 - 06:47am PT
I forgot the most important one- reformed addict, born again residing on a sanctimonious pedestal of judgment.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 18, 2018 - 07:20am PT
Looks like it's over for Trump

Senate Intelligence Committee finds Russian election meddling meant to help Trump, hurt Clinton,

•Senate Intelligence Committee leader Mark Warner says Russia's election meddling efforts were ordered "for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton."
•GOP chairman Sen. Richard Burr said, "We see no reason to dispute the conclusions. There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections."

After a thorough review, our staff concluded that the [Intelligence Community Assessment] conclusions were accurate and on point," said Warner, the committee's vice chairman. "The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President [Vladimir] Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton."

are you guys going to apologize after all this is over for being such a-holes about this Trump-Russer thing?
Trump has been lying to us about f-ing everything, and you guys say we are supposed to take it as fact?
I'm sorry, that will never happen

This may be an act of treason, we know that he will not enact the lawful sanctions on Russia

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 18, 2018 - 08:09am PT
The Trump-Giuliani-Fox News echo chamber has been repeating a fabrication about an FBI informant who was supposedly embedded in the Trump campaign.

The FBI has never said they had any informants within any candidate's campaign. In a New York Times article about the origins of the Russian investigation, the FBI says that one source of information was an informant. Nowhere in the article is it alleged that an informant was embedded in Trump's campaign.

Continuing his typical deceit, Trump tweeted that government spies had infiltrated his campaign staff. It was another self-serving lie to the public, meant to discredit the investigators who are rapidly closing in on him. Fox News and Giuliani are now repeating the lie, and have embellished it to say that there were two informants within Trump's campaign.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
May 18, 2018 - 08:27am PT
Oh Contrarian! Sketch for the defense. Good work on the Roy Moore Campaign, Bro!!!111666


Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 18, 2018 - 09:42am PT

Is that too much for turds for brains whiners to process.


And with two short quotes we bring the thread even lower. Are we now at the level of a second grade playground?


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 18, 2018 - 09:49am PT

It's called Follow The Leader. Every second-grader knows how to play.

When the President leads the way, down a path of childish idiocy, some people will Follow The Leader. Trump's primitive language skills and his use of disparaging nicknames should be a disinspiration for all Americans.

Another childish game that Trump likes to play, and which encourages others to do the same, is called "I Know You Are, But What Am I". In this game, a culprit accuses another person of committing the very crime that he, himself, has committed.

It's called "Pay to Play". Crooked Hillary. Blah, blah, blah.

There is no collusion, except by the Democrats.

Scientists Made Snails Remember Something That Never Happened to Them

Those scientists should study Trump and his White House staff. They are able to auto-spontaneously remember things that never happened.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
May 18, 2018 - 09:50am PT
no we've descended to the lowest common denominator of reading comprehension. Stupid Edumacation!

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 18, 2018 - 10:51am PT
Be Best!
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