Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Trad climber
May 17, 2018 - 12:45pm PT
DT said he hoped Barrara would remain with his administration, and later fired him.

While that doesn't prove he was fired over any issue in particular, it is a strange thing to do. Of course, doing strange things is not unusual for DT.....

Edit, the details in the post you don't know the accuracy of have been well reported and documented by reliable sources.

Gym climber
May 17, 2018 - 12:57pm PT
While that doesn't prove he was fired over any issue in particular, it is a strange thing to do. Of course, doing strange things is not unusual for DT.....

Look, he was not "fired" in any normal sense of the word, he was replaced along with every other US Attorney, just like previous administrations had done, with rare exceptions. Granted it would not have been particularly strange to have kept him on either, as in some rare (but not incredibly rare) situations prior US Attorneys have been kept on.

Here's another way to say it: there was absolutely nothing strange in replacing Preet. So absolutely nothing strange happened. But keeping him on would not have been really strange either. So discussing keeping him on was not particularly strange.

This is not really that complicated. It just seems a little complicated in the same way that if you're forced to give super precise instructions on how to do something that everyone knows how to do, it could come across as a little odd.

The only thing "strange" is arguing this point rather than just admitting that Nutjob's post was highly misleading, as I wrote, and fessing up.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 17, 2018 - 01:07pm PT
Last week, some trump defenders were saying that those of us unwilling to acknowledge trump’s impending success with North Korea were loco.

It’s painfully obvious you guys are desperately hoping peace talls fail.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
May 17, 2018 - 01:15pm PT
It’s painfully obvious you guys are desperately hoping peace talls fail.

What peace talks?

So far it has been two egomaniacs all over the map oneven having talks.

And even if there were talks, who believes Rocket man or the dotard would honor them?
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 17, 2018 - 01:44pm PT
and we have already told them that a Libya style solution is the goal. Yeah right, is Trump that stupid?

Trad climber
May 17, 2018 - 01:49pm PT
I don't see that post as misleading at all, much less "highly misleading."

And while, yes, it is nit unusual for a president to maje changes in the administratiin, the protocol has been that peopke submit theur resignation and the president asjs them to stay on, or accepts the resignation. It's ridiculous to use the "maverick" excuse for DT's behavior.

Do you really believe other presidents publicly stated they hoped so and so would remain with their administration, and then turned around and fired them? Please, don't say "may be," unless you are able to document at least one prior president who acted in that way.

I am so sick of the daily excuses some people seem capable of accepting for Trump's behavior.

Gym climber
May 17, 2018 - 02:12pm PT
And while, yes, it is nit unusual for a president to maje changes in the administratiin, the protocol has been that peopke submit theur resignation and the president asjs them to stay on, or accepts the resignation. It's ridiculous to use the "maverick" excuse for DT's behavior.

You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole.

I'll try it one more time:

The overwhelming majority of US Attorneys are replaced when a new administration comes in, but there are occasional exceptions.

Apparently there was some discussion about making Preet one of those occasional exceptions, but it never happened. So, regardless of what happened in those discussions, he ended up getting replaced, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER US ATTORNEY IN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION AND JUST LIKE ALMOST EVERY OTHER US ATTORNEY IN RECENT ADMINISTRATIONS.

Therefore, suggesting that Preet's replacement is somehow evidence of wrongdoing by Trump is highly misleading, so much so that it suggests a lack of candor on the part of anyone advancing such an argument.

If you're having trouble understanding this, DO NOT reply as it's just wasting everyone's time.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 17, 2018 - 02:22pm PT
And UNLIKE every other president, Trump personally interviewed prospective replacements in an attempt to do what? Find one that would go easy on the illegal activities of the Trump and Kushner gang
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 17, 2018 - 02:34pm PT
Don't waste time letting the Trump supporter dig deeper and deeper in the weeds to find something he can call you on

It doesn't matter
Trump wants Judges and everyone else to be complete sycophants that let him get away with all his crimes

as you can tell, blah blah doesn't care about the crime, it's all about the technicalities he can find, so in his opinion those crimes don't matter

The Wastelands
May 17, 2018 - 02:58pm PT
I am so sick of the daily excuses some people seem capable of accepting for Trump's behavior.

May 17, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
damn, the world really is turning upside down: i’m in agreement with Yury, Reilly and blahblah over the course of a singlish political based page?

while i’ve always been in the camp placing money that trumperino wll likely not make it through this term... i’m starting to think that for entertainment and schadenfreude purposes it might be best for me to lose that bet and rather get to sit back listening to the chants of “lock him up” four years from now, in the case that mr trump survives his own personal beghazi111!1!1!!!11

pro tip: if the dem loyalists are looking to indict someone for their losing the last election they should focus their energy on looking for whoever thought it was a good idea to:

1. send the second most disliked presidential candidate in modern [post the start of polling for this type of thing] history to the ballot box [against the most disliked presidential candidate of all (polled) time]

2. send someone to the presidential ticket whose main strength [cause it certainly wasn’t being an inspirational speaker, or a visionary policy proponent, or cuttingly insightful analyst] was being a woman and so running on the gendered “i’m with her” tag line, in an era where many folks are/were, for better or for worse, fatigued with identity politics.

but, oh, wait... that would mean indicting most of the party faithful...

[because yes... everything else is, like bitching about the referee, spilt milk.]

the arrogance of the democratic party and its propaganda fed followers is beginning to become as mind boggling to me as the die hard trump supporters who seem to enjoy their president and his minions publicly profiteering from a position that in other times at least purported to be one of dignity and so above at least petty profiteering.

now the orange shIt gibbon stands behind stacks of blank paper in order to demonstrate all of the legal steps he’s “taking” and one side seems to be hoping that biden or sanders doesn’t keel over dead before the next election [or that maybe h. weinstein can get his shIt together in time...] while the other side seems to think hillary won and so is still chanting lock her up...

like i said: the world appears to be upside down and we truly are living in very, very strange times.

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
May 17, 2018 - 03:33pm PT
US Attorneys are political positions and are typically replaced en masse when a new administration comes in.

I agree that my post was not worded in a neutral way. I erred on the side of brevity to hit the central point, rather than the chain of caveats to be more carefully nuanced and accurate. The chain of situations tied to that Magnitsky thing is convoluted enough already but pretty damning. Given that Bharara was in a powerful position to help or hurt Trump, Trump probed whether this could be an asset for him. Bharara leaving with all the others would have been in the normal course of business, but being held back for a bit and evaluated, and then let go after gauging his leanings on the cases he was pursuing... that shows criminal intent. While it seems like a normal and natural thing for any manipulative person used to using whatever at their disposal to get ahead, it is conduct that we should try to root out of positions of power regardless of which party occupies the office.

edit: Some reference from contemporaneous stories:
According to a source familiar with the meeting between Trump and Bharara in November 2016 at Trump Tower, the President-elect asked Bharara to stay on the job and they shook hands. Trump then directed Bharara to go out to the cameras and tell them, "I asked you to stay."

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer also said at the time that Trump called him before the meeting to ask what he thought about Bharara continuing in his role as US attorney.

"I told him I thought Preet was great, and I would be all for keeping him on the job and fully support it. ... He's been one of the best US attorneys New York has ever seen," Schumer said.

A source close to the President told CNN that Trump informed Bharara that he wanted to keep him on as a gesture to Schumer -- then the incoming minority leader -- whom Trump had previously supported for years. Since November, however, Schumer has led the Democratic opposition in the Senate, which the White House views as obstructionist and running counter to the President's agenda.

In a statement Friday, Schumer said he was "troubled" to learn of the Trump administration's request for Bharara's and other US attorneys' resignations, adding that Trump "assured him" he wanted Bharara to continue to serve as US attorney.
By asking for the immediate resignations of the remaining US attorneys before their replacements have been confirmed, "the President is interrupting ongoing cases and investigations and hindering the administration of justice," Schumer said.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 17, 2018 - 03:42pm PT
We should all try to figure out if a foreign entity may have given a little encouragement to one side or the other in a political campaign

Federal election laws prohibit foreigners from influencing or contributing to national elections. What Mueller is investigating isn't "a little encouragement" coming from abroad. He's investigating serious election law violations, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and now, money laundering and other felonies associated with the election interference.

Denying the existence of what is occurring will not make it go away.

Here's a metaphor for Trump apologists claiming nothing is going on:


Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
May 17, 2018 - 03:49pm PT
I will only side with Bernie or the next progressive.

That said ,Hillary would be in jail right now for half of the crap this brat has done.

Go ahead, look the other way,he is great ,America is so much better.

The dissonance is unbelievable really.

The man can’t even show his taxes,FFS.

Edit:Being a John is against the law. Is it not?

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 17, 2018 - 05:02pm PT
Progressives, the young and minorities who decided not to vote Hillary did so largely due to her being hammered by both sides. It was expected the right would push a delusionally-hyped corruption line, but it was Bernie and the progressives who, by joining the right's flaming choir and singing hallelujah along with them at all the choruses instead of campaigning on their own agenda, that elected trump.

And because of that, we have a bigoted, sociopathic traitor in the White House and have lost the Supreme Court for the next thirty years.

In 2020 it doesn't f*#king matter who the Democrats nominate for president or how - whoever it is this time, don't be a whining asshat, vote for them.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
May 17, 2018 - 05:06pm PT
You bet, It is all our fault that you have just as crooked a party.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 17, 2018 - 05:08pm PT
It doesn't f*#king matter if the dems stab all the other candidates in the eye and run Satan for president when the Supreme Court majority is on the line.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
May 17, 2018 - 05:11pm PT
It will be allright,have to vote this out.

Edit; I voted for the lady.Yell at someone from Wisconson.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 17, 2018 - 05:29pm PT
It's not alright and even if progressives won the presidency and both houses in 2020 their agenda is not going to survive endless court challenges - the progressive agenda is officially hosed.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
May 17, 2018 - 05:40pm PT
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