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the Fet
Nov 16, 2011 - 02:21pm PT
I don't get how the picture takes a shot at Obama.
I guess it does look like the capital hill politician just crapped out an African American's head.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Nov 16, 2011 - 02:36pm PT
If you don't get it may I suggest you pull your head out of your ass because the view through your belly button is restricting your perceptive abilities.
the Fet
Nov 16, 2011 - 03:02pm PT
Yes, MY perceptive abilities are lacking. LOL
the Fet
Nov 16, 2011 - 04:47pm PT
Here's another one of those latte sipping, iPhone/iPad toting, live in the parents basement, commies, who want to leach off society. The police had no choice except to pepper spray such a dangerous threat.
P.S. She looks like she could be Batso's sister.
Trad climber
Canoga Park, CA
Nov 16, 2011 - 04:49pm PT
Was that before or after she was pepper sprayed?
the Fet
Nov 16, 2011 - 05:34pm PT
Well crack she just came out of one of those tents and you know what goes on at those OWS camps.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 16, 2011 - 06:41pm PT
As the "occupations" are generally taking place in urban areas, in the full glare of the news media, governments and the courts, police departments will generally be careful not to use excessive force. As with the "occupiers", there'll no doubt be exceptions.
However, they will turn a heatray on PhatTrad. Way more fun than a taser.
Trad climber
Nov 16, 2011 - 06:53pm PT
SF OWS has taken over a B of A branch, no crying when the heavy tooling happens.
Taken over. Really?
I see a news story says 7 were arrested outside a BoA after setting up an encampment.
If THAT is your idea of "taking over" BoA....how can you ever expect anyone to take anything you say seriously?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:16pm PT
The Mayor of SF is derelect of his duties. As is the Governor.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:19pm PT
Yes, I agree with Blew. The Mayor and the Governor should be camping on the streets with the real Americans.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:24pm PT
The Mayor of SF is derelect of his duties.
Hmmm, aren't right wingers in favour of free speech, even if it sometimes means a little inconvenience for others? Or is it only free speech for corporations?
The "occupiers" have been occupying for some weeks now, and aren't posing any problem or nuisance that they weren't posing yesterday. There's no need to do anything about them - in most US cities, advancing winter weather, and boredom, will gradually weed them out.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:32pm PT
Hmmm, aren't right wingers in favour of free speech, even if it sometimes means a little inconvenience for others? Or is it only free speech for corporations?
The "occupiers" have been occupying for some weeks now, and aren't posing any problem or nuisance that they weren't posing yesterday. There's no need to do anything about them - in most US cities, advancing winter weather, and boredom, will gradually weed them out.
Peaceful assembly may not be known in the Canadian Constitution, but it is here. This is not a "free-speech" issue.
Did you know that SF cops were recently cut with razors? Tuberculosis, scabies, and ringworm has broken out in various camps.
Small, local businesses (not the 1%) are suffering in some locations. Grafitti is more rampant than usual. Jew-hating is up.
No, these people are a public nuisance. If these dirtbags aren't dealt with appropraitely now, it will escalate. As will the necessary use of force.
The blame will be put unfairly on the LEO, but it rest with the people charged with the DUTY to protect the public they serve. The city/state leaders telling cops to do nothing.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:33pm PT
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:33pm PT
Please provide objective, factual sources for your claims. Anecdotal allegations don't prove anything.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:34pm PT
Free speech for them means carrying assault rifles to political rallies carrying placards threatening to "water the tree". Oh that and putting Bull's Eyes on congressional district maps of politicians"targeted for removal". Some who just happen to end up being shot in the head.
But peaceful protests by a wide diversity of citizens who's biggest crime is having set up a free People's Library well they need to be driven off like cattle..
Why do you wrongwingers hate America so?
The Granite State.
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:42pm PT
The right loves America when it conforms to and serves it's ulterior motive. (dollars)
The left loves America, but bitches incessantly when it doesn't do everything perfectly.
I love America. Period.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 16, 2011 - 07:44pm PT
Mobs are one of the less attractive features of democracy, whatever their beliefs. It seems unlikely that there's a significant difference between teabag mobs and OWS mobs, in terms of the nuisance they cause. Every mob is likely to encompass some mischief and foolishness, usually minor. Mobs seem a necessary part of freedom of expression, one that it's good to have a robust attitude about.
And if you think that teabagger mobs were somehow superior to the OWS variety, I have a bridge that you might be interested in. Birds of a feather.
I promise not to over-generalize and stereotype if you do.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Nov 16, 2011 - 08:01pm PT
TWO cops got scratches! BFD! Give them the Purple Pork Chop award for valor in the heat of battle.
What about the Iraq Vet with the crushed skull from being shot point blank with a tear gas canister by a COP just to mention one case of police brutality? Give that COP the same award.
What about the documented fact that when other protesters went to the fallen vet's aid they were driven off by a hail of rubber bullets from the COPS.
How conveniently you use and abuse the value of others to fit your lame argument.
So in your twisted world a couple of scratched cops are enough for you to condemn a whole movement.
Dude you are on the wrong side of a critical moment. The revolution will not be televised.
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