woodson shindig, april 28th


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Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 11, 2007 - 11:36pm PT
yo warbler...you could not possibly remember, but we bouldered a couple of times at woodson when you were just recovering from your auto accident. remember this trippy, semi-scary dude name of jon griffin?? worked as a chef in the valley?

i sure wouldn't mind seeing the ultra-DL temecula crag.

i know how to get there -- a buddy who was up top at patagonia got the skinny from db -- and i've always been willing to poach damn near anything, but people who i respect very much have politely and sincerely asked me to stay away until a legit offer was made. so i have. sure would love to get an all-access pass...if even for a few hours....

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 11, 2007 - 11:38pm PT
"oh snap!!

/me scratches head, does Alaskan fly to San Diego?"

yep...nonstop, beotch!

Big Wall climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 12:00am PT
S.D sounds like fun place. Granite is always good stuff when your getting some. I don't want anything to do with that place for at least a few weeks. Woodson is quite a fun place.

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 12:34am PT
Yo bvb.... daaaammmn spitn image of Miles.
wtf is puttin it lite fer a single solo drop of h2o to fall from the sky in july at woodson?
lookin forward to seen you at the shindig.. long time sins.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 12, 2007 - 01:00am PT
warbly -- i referred to it as the "temecula" crag to throw these other cretins off the scent.

for realz, yo.

yo raydog froggy swoledaddy -- yet another compelling reason for you to drop what yer doing and fly to sd for the weekend of the 28th has just popped up.

i'm jus' sayin', is all.......

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 01:04am PT
"I'm gonna tell ya I've got the best craggin in SD all rigged up and if you or Raydog want the tour just give me a few days to get it together. "


that's really nice of you - I'm fat and out of shape now, a desk jockey and corporate wannabe. I saw the light and it said - dude you're washed up.

Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Apr 12, 2007 - 01:48am PT
Hey Kevin! I think that your cause is just, and I will try to sway my homies your way ,to be sure!!


Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 02:05am PT
"So much you haven't seen down here."

no doubt

I patrolled a lot of the south east county - dirt roads and on foot, oh man there was places back there I always wanted to go - the crux was finding stuff with a "reasonable" approach and with minimal - you guessed it - access issues.

I never logged the actual number of climbs or the number of new ones I did in the Deerhorn/Mother Grudy area, can't even guess.

Great times for me, best ever.

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 11:43am PT
Raydog: did you ever explore the area generally known as Bandy Canyon? I remember a long time ago sinking a 1/4 bolt at the top of a massive waterfall going over an absolutely smooth granite face, rapping down, and then climbing back up the face. I shudder now, at the thought of rapping off that one bolt. Hopefully, no one has met misfortune on it doing the same thing. Across the canyon was another multipitch face (very chossy) that my brother took about a 50' leader fall on. Dang near died then.

Flagstaff, AZ
Apr 12, 2007 - 11:58am PT

How's the SF IV:XX planning going?

San Diego
Apr 12, 2007 - 12:37pm PT

I run out there(I think) all the time. I've been starting at Lake Hodges and running up over Raptor Ridge, down into the valley past the Vergere Dairy over to the Wild Animal Park and back. I always notice some decent looking boulders on route, but never have seen much concentration. Is this the same area? I know its near Bandy Canyon Road...

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 12:53pm PT
Hi Mooser,
" Raydog: did you ever explore the area generally known as Bandy Canyon?"

Pretty much all the places I explored were off highway 94, near or east past Honey Springs road.

I drove around on the dirt roads NE of highway 94 a few miles after it heads east past Telegraph canyon road, driving out turn offs to the left.

There was this interesting creek bed leading up and mostly west with an obvious dense cluster of really cool looking towers back in there - a straight hike not steep at all.

This was off a road dirt heading mainly north. The rocks were very visible and the hike up a seasonal watershed looked idyllic.

No binoculars needed.

right here, right now
Apr 12, 2007 - 03:48pm PT
OK, I went to the ACSD site and took a look at the sample letter and will do an email & hard copy (in my own words) to Kirsten Winter/Clevelend Nat'l Forest, tonight.

I might be up for some meandering through secret crags on sunday, but it's more likely Salad's "Wild Animal Park" will be my target.


Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 05:45pm PT
Hey Raydog and Salad: I think the area I'm referring to is roughly visible from the Wild Animal Park, looking South or Southeast. It's been about 30 years since I sunk that dangerous little bolt in at the top of the waterfall--at the time downright torrential and dangerous to be near (so...why only one manky bolt? I was stupid-er then!). My recollection is that it's on the East side of Highland Valley Road, once it sort of crests up in (what at least was) the dirt road portion. (Edit: I think it might be this area, right in here: http://www.google.com/maps?q=Poway,+CA,+USA&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=33.06601,-116.965578&spn=0.011005,0.018282&t=h&om=1);

By the way, have the boulders on the road to the Barona Reservation ever been explored and developed?

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 06:06pm PT
Good question mooser - I really don't know - If one looks on a USGS map (maybe google earth) you will see another large boulder covered peak SE of Mother Grundy peak with dense clusters of giant boulders/buttresses.

This, and the stuff I mentioned in the above post is all I know about the undeveloped down there - had I stayed it probably would have been the next target.

The area above looked to have difficult brush which, as you know is the number one deterrent to developing a lot of the climbing in SD, IMO.

The place I mentioned in the post above is worthy of consideration if you like to explore - the towers looked quite large and in a dense cluster, a magnetic and magical setting.
If I were in SD I would want to hike up there just to check it and hang, just to go someplace where few if any white people have set foot.

Now is the time of year when the snakes will start coming out - low lying water sheds, broad exposed slabs and arroyos - are all popular snake habitat - along with the cracks themselves - be careful.

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 06:12pm PT
I spent three days in Palomar Hospital from a rattlesnake bite in Poway. I'm readin' yer mail.

BTW: a link to the scene of the shindig. A dizzying array of options: http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=santee,+ca&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=33.00726,-116.968989&spn=0.005506,0.009141&t=h&om=1

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 06:27pm PT
" I spent three days in Palomar Hospital from a rattlesnake bite in Poway. "

wow mooser - I wouldn't mind reading about it if you don't mind but will understand if you'd rather not.

I found young adult rattlesnakes in cracks I was climbing twice, once on a boulder by Honey Springs road west of La Banda. Another was in the crack on top of Full Moon Boogie - my fingers came inches from it before I saw it, trying to set a belay and bring Ken Turley up the route.

Large fat rattlers love to come out at dusk - I almost tripped over one once with surfer Dave coming down the old (main central) trail from the Pinnacles - we disrupted it with small stones to get it out of the trail and boy - was it pissed - we still heard it buzzing all the way down at the parking - amazing.

I have come across dozens of potent rattlers exploring the brush country in San Diego, sometimes I'd be in dense foliage and not hear them, not see them, just feel them and know they were there - I hiked slowly through those places - alone mostly.

I loved those hills.

San Diego
Apr 12, 2007 - 06:46pm PT
when we first moved back to escondido in 2003 we bought a new house up in the hills kinda below the grade to valley center. pretty damn rural out there.

the homes were built on an old avocado grove and backed up to wilderness.

first week my cat gets tagged in the pay by a rattle snake, cost me 1200 bucks, but she lived.

a few weeks later my daughter(who was 2) and i were coming in thru the garage, barefoot after a pool party, and we almost stepped on a little 8 incher in the garage.

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 10:15pm PT
Raydog: no problem! I was walking home from an informal ball game at Poway High School with some buds (I was in 8th grade), when we came across a small Pacific rattler. I picked it up in order to take it home for fun and observation (I used to do that a lot), but when one of the guys I was with wanted to feel the rattles, I quickly jerked it away so he wouldn't get too near it. When I did, it wriggled loose and bit my middle finger. After I dropped it, one of the other guys beat the poor thing into oblivion with his baseball bat. I started sucking the blood out (of my finger, not the beaten snake). Meanwhile, some folks nearby saw the hoopla, drove me to the fire station, and I got my first ambulance ride to Palomar Hospital. A guy had died from a snake bite the week before (same hospital), so they were really careful with me. I was in emergency, then intensive care, then a regular room, but I never got anything more than some slight swelling, and tingling and stuff. It made for a good story in the new school year, and when teachers that I didn't particularly like asked me where I got bitten, I have to say I kind of enjoyed showing them.

Rattlesnakes are all over the place (I've seen plenty of them at Woodson through the years), and I was really fortunate not to have had the whole gnarly experience. And dang, Salad, that's an expensive bite in the paw, and scary near miss!

Trad climber
Apr 12, 2007 - 11:11pm PT
cool mooser - thanks.

The snake in the crack that I mentioned up thread, the one by the road, was in this hand crack that surfer Dave and I were trying to boulder the start of. Dave was on it, and at first I barely heard it, a deep hiss from deep inside the crack, it got louder.

Dave jumped off and pretty soon the snake crawled out from the base of the crack, a three foot rattler. I, myself, have always left those things alone - mooser you and surfer Dave would have gotten along.

We were both baked on bunk weed as usual, and Dave is over there sawing the things head off with a machete - then he picks it up and throws it - still spurting blood and rattling - right at me dude - my pulse shot up so fast my heart hurt. Unreal.

I got him back though.

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