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Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 09:06am PT
Weisselberg granted immunity, that has got to please the Orange Sh1t Gibbon. I wonder if pardons come in a 12 pack?

a former Trump Organization employee told CNN that Weisselberg being subpoenaed was the "ultimate nightmare scenario for Trump" because Weisselberg knows "anything and everything" about the finances of the Trump Organization.
"Allen knows where all the financial bodies are buried. Allen knows every deal, he knows every dealership, he knows every sale, anything and everything that's been done -- he knows every membership. Anything you can think of," said the person, who was not making any specific allegations about the Trump Organization's finances.
John M

Aug 24, 2018 - 10:01am PT
I agree with most of what you said Mighty Hiker.

His incompetence with regard to the economy, and foreign relations, speaks for itself.

my concern is that there is still a large portion of Americans who still believe that he is doing good. We have a number right here on the forum. They appear to approve of his handling of the economy and foreign relations. At least according to their words.

Gym climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 10:19am PT
My guess is that Mueller, sometime in 2019, after the dramatic preliminaries are out of the way, will report that the evidence and law support criminal and constitutional charges against Trump, and recommend that the courts decide the proper process. The courts may in turn decide that constitutional charges should be handled through impeachment, and so pass that buck to a possibly enheartened post-election Congress. But that other federal charges can be laid against Trump while he’s in office, and that he can be tried for them. State charges, which may be as serious, may be another matter.

Very hard to wade through all that, but one little point:
I don't how it works in other countries, but in the US, there is [edit:
NO] such thing as "the courts" deciding a "proper process" other than deciding a case that is brought before a court.
A court doesn't start the case. In a civil suit, the party that starts a lawsuit is a plaintiff (which can be a private party or a governmental entity). In a criminal case, it's the state or the US. It's not a court. Remember in the US, a court is a referee. It's not a player.

When you're dealing with the president, just who do you think is going to file charges? Once you realize the answer is "no one," then maybe it will dawn on you that is why the US has impeachment.

Sorry libs, but if you don't like Trump, try winning an election. (Now if it turns out that Trump has committed an impeachable offense and Congress decides to impeach him, that's what should happen, no problem there, it's all really quite simple.)

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
Aug 24, 2018 - 10:23am PT


I think your second sentence is missing the word "no."

If I'm right, then I think your comment is correct.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Aug 24, 2018 - 10:24am PT
Gno Gnott Gno But Yes Gnow , ? _ wait_ Know

not "NO" but "KNOW"

as in do you know What I'm talking about?

Gym climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 10:33am PT


I think your second sentence is missing the word "no."

If I'm right, then I think your comment is correct.

Yes, thank you for clearing up what was a very confusing typo, my bad!

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Aug 24, 2018 - 10:41am PT
I think it is your side that has to “try winning an election “.Really.

Mountain climber
Timbers of Fennario
Aug 24, 2018 - 11:16am PT
I read these polutical posts more than I comment. EdwardT, though I may disagree with him, has comments of value. As said upthread, these topics would be useless without opposing points of view.

Now ATG, there is someone I miss.

Just kidding, dude was a pansy.

Gym climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 11:30am PT

you are biased af but you seem to understand the law

any concern about trumps constant mocking of the rule of law?

today he literally told the nations top prosecuter to go after his political opponents

shitshow on historic scale

Just saw the headlines on that, not super knowledgeable about the current brouhaha between Trump and Sessions so can't say much.
But in general: "going after" political opponents raises some tricky issues. Obviously targeting them because they're political opponents is highly improper.

But what if Trump is simply miffed that he believes his opponents have in fact committed crimes, and should be investigated and then charged if appropriate? (As apparently Trump spends a lot of time watching Fox News, I would imagine he does believe that, rightly or wrongly.) For example, remember Comey was going to describe Hillary's email handling as "grossly negligent," until Strzok reminded him that, oh sh#t, that means Hillary did in fact commit a crime. So Comey tweaked the language, at least plausibly to exonerate her for political motives.

So the devil's in the details on that one.
the Fet

Aug 24, 2018 - 11:43am PT
Ed T, Also thanks for removing that graphic.

Considering the over the top anti-Trump hatespray, that's a daily occurrence, I didn't see how my bit of trollery would be so upsetting.

Because it crosses a line into racism. It's not blatant like the N word, but in context it's racist. Same as the photo Cosmic posted of Obama as a witch doctor, in context many people view it as racist. I applaud you for having the respect to take it down.

The difference with Trump is people disparage him for his actions, not what he is. That's fair game. Even with him being fat, he eats fast food, doesn't exercise and tells people it's healthy. He deserves to get grief for that, not to mention all the hurtful things he says, lies, misogyny, demagoguery, etc.

Aug 24, 2018 - 11:44am PT
This has been an extraordinarily bad week for trump.

Trad climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 11:47am PT

Social climber
great white north

Aug 24, 2018 - 11:28am PT
I am fully with you on sharp commentary from both sides; but there's' a fine line and imho eddie baby crossed it with his meme on Obama yesterday.

Interesting... coming from someone who thinks

"F*#k Cheeto the Treasonous Ass Clown"

is appropriate.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 24, 2018 - 11:53am PT

Federal prosecutors granted immunity to Trump Organization accountant Alan Weisselberg. He will be testifying about the Porno Payoffs and election fraud. He is expected to corroborate Michael Cohen's testimony that Trump was aware of, and directed, the Porno Payoffs to illegally influence the 2016 election.

Weisselberg is a more immediate danger to Trump for matters currently before the State of New York.

For over a decade, Weisselberg was falsely listed by the Trump family as the treasurer of the fraudulent Trump Foundation. Weisselberg only learned of this when he was deposed by the New York State Attorney General.

Weisselberg was unwittingly and unwillingly depicted by the Trumps as a co-conspirator at the Foundation. The Trumps used him as a dupe and a stooge for the illegal transfer of charitable donations to themselves. The Trumps exposed Weisselberg to multiple felony charges for crimes he was unaware of.

Trump has no power to pardon people convicted in state courts. There is no law or policy that prevents the New York State Attorney General from indicting a sitting president.

Trump's children have no legal shielding from state or federal prosecutors. They are the subjects of investigations into bank and tax fraud at the Trump Foundation.

In the parlance of Trump's fake wrestling world:

Mueller! With a Tornado DDT on the chair!

The Wastelands
Aug 24, 2018 - 11:59am PT
in context many people view it as racist. I applaud you for having the respect to take it down.

that is like thanking the arsonist for calling the fire department hours after he started the fire

the racist prick posted it, clearly wanted it to be seen, and only when called out deleted it

F U a thousand times over

Gym climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 12:20pm PT
Wrong again blat. Appellate courts determine "proper process" all the time.

Other than deciding cases before the court?
You must have some different appellate courts on whatever planet you're from than we have here in the good ol' US of a :)
Basically an appellate court has a few options: affirm, reverse, remand, and combinations of the foregoing. Now here's a conundrum for you: how do you think appellate courts get to do anything at all, hmmm?
What starts the process . . . .

I guess I've done my civic duty for the day--gotta do some real work!

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Aug 24, 2018 - 12:24pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]
the Fet

Aug 24, 2018 - 12:34pm PT
"F*#k Cheeto the Treasonous Ass Clown"

That may be offensive but it's not racist. Unless you think orange people are a disadvantaged class. Well maybe Umpa Lumpas.

Also Trump wears that ridiculous orange fake tan, again that's a choice that fair game for mocking.

Treasonous (as yet unproven) is a behavior worthy of scorn.

Ass Clown is just a non-nonsensical burn, like calling Obama Obummer.

Norton, don't let the hate enter your heart. It won't do anyone any good least of all you. I see a huge difference is someone willing to admit they did something wrong vs. someone who just doubles down on it.

At this point it looks very likely there is plenty of evidence for nailing Trump on campaign violations. First Cohen (lawyer), then Pecker (National Enquirer), and now Weisellberg (longtime Trump CFO perhaps the one having the most damaging info of all) have all "flipped". Of course now expect the character assassination of the latter two to begin. As mentioned Mueller is still is the info gathering phase and the dominoes are starting to fall.

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 24, 2018 - 12:42pm PT
Unchecked, Trump would take this to Mussolini or Napoleon status to retain power and stamp out the forces that seek to thwart his overreach and bring him to justice.

There will be a time when the extent of the crimes committed by this cabal is revealed and public sentiment will overwhelmingly demand retribution.

There's a choice rolling towards the Trump supporter; suck it up, come clean and publicly denounce Trump, lie and deny you were ever a real Trump supporter which was a popular tactic in post WWII Germany or take the bunker option.

And for the most ardent Trump hater, do you make room in the tent and welcome the Trump refugees or do you continue to verbally walk them through the concentration camp to face what amoral complicity looks like?

Trad climber
Aug 24, 2018 - 12:49pm PT
Okay Folks. I'm gonna ask for a little clarification. I admit last night's meme was in bad taste. Clearly offensive. Definitely, loose on the facts. But I didn't see it as racist. I'm not looking for a conflict. Just clarification.

What specifically was racist?

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Aug 24, 2018 - 01:07pm PT
I found some theme music for The Robert Mueller Show.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

They call him Flipper, Flipper, Flipper.
Faster than lightning.
No one you see,
Is smarter than he.

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