A Response to Trumpism


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Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 11:42am PT
^^^^ Because people don't count, square miles do. (DMT)


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Nov 15, 2016 - 11:46am PT
The libtards think that is a map of how counties voted. It is actually a map of counties
that have a majority of people who pay income tax, red being the payers.

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 11:50am PT
The libtards think that is a map of how counties voted. It is actually a map of counties
that have a majority of people who pay income tax, red being the payers.

Then why is it that the red states always take more dollars from the federal government than they pay in?

c wilmot

Nov 15, 2016 - 11:52am PT
Political parties and the various groups tied to them have become the new modern hate groups. La raza, black lives matters, and the david duke kkk are all very sililar in their belief of racial superiority. It's not s good sign that they are all openly allied or trying to be allied with mainstream political parties that are supposed to be representing moderate americans

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 11:57am PT
Lastly, upthread you mentioned American voters wanting a change. I'd say this is a very typical American-political theme, going back to the dawn of the republic; nothing new at all. Change for the sake of change.

I think that's one of the key things that polling did not capture. There is a "reversal to the mean" tendency in American presidential politics. When one party has been in the White House for 8 years, there is some fairly strong momentum for the other party. Just because...

John M

Nov 15, 2016 - 11:59am PT
Patrick, would you please delete that picture. this thread was mostly civil before the bigger thread was deleted. Can we try a bit harder to keep it that way?

Edit: thats for removing the picture!

Mountain climber
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:03pm PT
One KKK march does not equal the anti-Trump outbursts we've seen for at least the following reasons:

I didn't say it did.
I am opposed to the destructiveness of some of the protesters. It doesn't get their point across. I was at the march in LA on saturday. There were 10,000 people, and 5 people were arrested.

I digress however, some of the people protesting trump are facing a major upheaval in their lives if his policies are implemented, so no wonder that they are upset.

You know conservatives try to link democrats to the KKK. Ask yourself though what was the party affiliation of the whites who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. At one point dems were part of the KKK, but I don't think one can doubt that in today's society, the vast majority of whites who dislike blacks are republicans. We have a couple of examples right here on this forum, bluering, jody, and wendell, aka tgt.

Edit: Dingus, you know what I meant. If you don't, I will 'splain it for you.
This country is not Jody's, although I am pretty sure that he wants the makeup of the population to have his skin tone, believe in god, and dislike gays.

Nov 15, 2016 - 12:04pm PT
3. By and large, the hate groups alleged to be right-wing (e.g. Nazis, KKK, etc.) face explicit condemnation by Republicans, conservatives, and the media.

Not anymore. With Trump and Bannon, republican acquiescence to racism has been the rule.


Boulder, CO
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:12pm PT
One of the observations i'm walking away with from this whole clusterf*#k is that most of the people that voted for Drumpf because of promises made to bring jobs back. The coal industry, for instance. But the truth is nothing will bring those jobs back. Nothing. Couple a finite resource with an exponentially growing population and then mix in advancements in technology that automate many things right now and you can end it there. Ice the cake with very inexpensive energy sources - be that fracking or solar - and it's a dead industry.

The Coal Jobs won't return
He won't clean out Washington (though I'll rally behind him if he really pushes his terms limits agenda [not happening] and I might even like the guy if he manages to get Citizens United overturned and outlaws gerrymandering)
It's not a wall, it's a fence - and the US is paying for it if the chain link even happens.
There will be no deportations

Snake oil. How many millions now own a bottle?

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:15pm PT
I'm wondering what the ST Trump supporters think of the people he is considering for his cabinet.

pyro? TGT? Anybody?
John M

Nov 15, 2016 - 12:18pm PT
Whatever he promised, as Michale Moore pointed out, these people have been passed by. By both parties. Even if it is disingenuous of Trump to say that he could bring jobs back, is was also a mistake on Hillary's part to go to Penn. and say she would close coal mines. What kind of ridiculous mistake is that? And what did she plan to do for those who she callously overlooked? We have some serious problems in this country and if we don't want more Trump candidates, we better start figuring them out.

Trad climber
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:23pm PT
This was on the internet. No doubt, it's accurate.

The few honest MSM reporters have been reduced to leaking info to new media people because their corporate bosses won’t let them report it.A friend at CNN says Clintonland reports Hillary was in a “psychotic, drunken rage” election night; needed hardcore meds to speak Wednesday.CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained. Hillary on election night was straight-up Hitler-in-the-bunker sh#t. It even included psychotic screaming about “the Russians.” The doctor helped restrain Hillary when she violently attacked Mook and Podesta at midnight. Gave sedatives, then amphetamines next morning. CNN reporter says Hillary needed so many amphetamines Wed morning she had unexpected nosebleeds all day. Fear was she’d bleed at concession...

0100hrs podesta told her she had to address her followers she (drunk as a skunk) (allegedly) said: “f*#k them – you do it”


Ice climber
hartford, ct
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:44pm PT
....Fear was she’d bleed at concession...

Hey, don't blame me....

And Robert you forgot one option:

E) Aliens? Really?... damn it...
John M

Nov 15, 2016 - 12:45pm PT
EdwardT I hope that stuff you quoted from the internet is false.

Of course its not true..

I'm sure this picture from the next day is fake though.. that or they wiped the copious bleeding away before they took the shot.


Nov 15, 2016 - 12:48pm PT
The young woman in that photo has been receiving death threats.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Nov 15, 2016 - 12:55pm PT
I'm wondering what the ST Trump supporters think of the people he is considering for his cabinet.

pyro? TGT? Anybody?

Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 01:07pm PT
10b4me, you are a low-class moron and a prick, you know that?

You are also stupid and ignorant.

You know nothing.

More examples of what Jody considers "facts."


Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 01:10pm PT
Hey Curt, here is another fact...your obsession with me is creepy.

You being a racist bigot is creepy. Pointing it out is not.


Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 15, 2016 - 01:12pm PT
Can I suggest we cut the mud-slinging.

Sure, it's an open forum. You can suggest anything you like.


Mountain climber
Nov 15, 2016 - 01:13pm PT
10b4me, you are a low-class moron and a prick, you know that?

You are also stupid and ignorant.

thank you Jody.
As I have stated before, Jody always responds with an ad hominem attack.
That's a good christian response.
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