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sandstone conglomerate
sharon conglomerate central
Apr 22, 2014 - 09:59pm PT
the black prez is bringing them out of the woodwork now. uppity black man in that white house. if only those redneck crackers could see he is more redneck than they could ever hope to be. How many of those fukers have taken out a group of "islamists" in a single strike? Not many I bet. Cracker wet dream
Trad climber
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:02pm PT
These racist anti-intellectual xenophobes are goin full retard!!
Might not make it much longer!!
sandstone conglomerate
sharon conglomerate central
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:04pm PT
never go full retard...you'll walk away empty handed
Trad climber
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:05pm PT
Have any of you wondered why Obama would seize ALL Natl guard battle fitted helos to redistribute and leave them only with transportation helicopters? Nawww probably not...
Probably because he's a no-birth-certificate-havin black socialist Muslim!
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:06pm PT
Tell us Ron why did he do that?
Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:09pm PT
Ron. he did that because the teabaggers slashed and burned the budget leaving the pentagon scrambleing for equiptment.
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:14pm PT
Agenda 21!
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:14pm PT
Maybe because the move will save 12 billion through fiscal 2017.
It even says that in your own link.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:16pm PT
Ron wrote: Have any of you wondered why Obama would seize ALL Natl guard battle fitted helos to redistribute and leave them only with transportation helicopters? Nawww probably not...
I think he is going to give them to all the Black Panthers and then to all the Muslim groups in the US.
Ron is a full on clown.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:20pm PT
Apache gun ships, we don't need no steeeenkin' Apache gun ships.
Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:22pm PT
blahblah: I read your last post 3 times.
Yes, I did claim that Bundy claims some sort of "grazing rights," that's based on my quick reading of news reports, not on anything else. I don't know anything about "grazing rights."
But you are setting up a straw man in claiming that Bundy claims his rights through "any sort of occupation." For all I know, he claims rights pursuant to a contract or some other legal doctrine--I have no idea.
Do you believe that leases are recorded with county clerks? (They're not, in general.) Maybe Bundy claims a lease of sorts, I don't know.
This is silly in that apparently courts have found against Bundy, and I certainly haven't heard any clear articulation that substantiate his "grazing rights." As I said long ago in this thread, he seems like a crackpot.
But I called Base out for incorrectly claiming that he solved the case by noting that Bundy claimed rights through AP, which isn't possible. Base would be right if Bundy was claiming AP, but he isn't claiming AP either using those words or words to the same effect, as far as I know.
Base is wrong, you're wrong to the extent you support Base's reasoning (rather than his conclusion), Bundy is almost certainly wrong based on everything I've seen.
That's pretty much my "final answer" as far as this goes, but I'll leave you with a question to ponder:
We all know that there is in fact something called "grazing rights" or the like that authorize ranchers to graze their cattle on government-owned land.
Do you think those rights are recorded with county clerks (in the same way property deeds and the like are recorded)?
If no, do you admit that Base's contention that the (presumed) lack of any redecoration of Bundy's rights is generally irrelevant?
It appears you are what we locals term:
One slick-fingered & silver-tongued SOB.
Damn! You are so-gud------ at what you do!
R ewe jest playin with all of us?
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:24pm PT
Me,me,me,me Mr. Kotter....he is going to send them to all of his cousins in Africa.
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:24pm PT
Remember the good old days, when right wingers loved law and order?
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:30pm PT
^^^ You mean like this?
and this
Dorli Rainey, 84-Year-Old Occupy Seattle Protester, Pepper Sprayed In The Face.
Good times.
sandstone conglomerate
sharon conglomerate central
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:33pm PT
those fukin commies got why they deserved. or socialists. whatever is opposite of what obama is
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:39pm PT
Yeah Philo. Funny how none of them are clamoring for BLM rangers to spray the rednecks.
Boulder, CO
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:39pm PT
Probably because he's a no-birth-certificate-havin black socialist Muslim! you left out Athiest.... as in Athiest Muslim... cuz well... you can't be both unless you are ignorant. So you can.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:42pm PT
Philo...What was the subliminal message scorched into the trees behind the microcopter...rj
sandstone conglomerate
sharon conglomerate central
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:43pm PT
queer's is evil. that's what is says
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 22, 2014 - 10:45pm PT
18,000 US citizen farmers and ranchers pay their grazing fees. One cuntroach from Nevadastan won't and the red necks come oozing forth like the social filth they are.
Fight for a real cause or a real grievance or fade into humiliating ludicrousness.
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