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Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 11, 2011 - 08:44pm PT
Michael Moore hired mostly union film workers on Capitalism: A Love Story.
Here's ABC on it
Michael Moore used some non-union crewmembers when union workers were available in the production of his latest film "Capitalism: A Love Story," a documentary that argues the capitalist system allows for greedy corporations to exploit working-class people.

"For all of the different jobs on the movie that could have used union labor, he used union labor, except for one job, the stagehands, represented by IATSE," said a labor source unauthorized to talk about Moore's decision not to hire members of The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.

In a statement issued to ABCNews.com, Moore's agent, Ari Emanuel, said the filmmaker wished the union included more documentary crew people -- but he did not deny that IATSE members were snubbed in favor of non-union employees.

"The sad fact is that documentary/verite theatrical films and the talented people who work on them are too often treated as second-class filmmakers, when they are among the most creative, talented and hardworking, and often produce our finest films," said Emanuel.

"Nothing would make Michael happier than for documentary filmmaking to get its due respect, and to have unions pursue the documentary film crews with the same energy they give to bringing feature crews into their membership and making it a viable option for them," he said.

"This is a Writer's Guild, Screen Actors Guild and Directors Guild film, as all of Michael's films are. He is a proud, dues-paying member of all three of these unions," said Emanuel.

Moore is the sole writer, director and professional actor credited in the film.

It was unclear exactly how many union or non-union employees worked on the film.
It appears there was a turf war between three of the unions and the IASTE documentary film makers.

did you have a different movie in mind? or are you overgeneralizing again when you imply he never hires union workers?

come on now, you're a bookworm, do your research before you spew.

Somewhere out there
Nov 11, 2011 - 09:55pm PT


The Dude abides

I'll believe Corporations are people when the states taxes one!!

I'll believe Corporations are people when Texas executes one!!!


Talking about debt like it was for real

Doug Tomczik

Nov 12, 2011 - 01:01am PT
Occupy Cal police brutality video clip:


Somewhere out there
Nov 12, 2011 - 06:46pm PT
yet another reason to dislike the pig banks:

How far are you from becoming the next Birmingham?


Pearce recalled... One down, so many more to go

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 12, 2011 - 07:12pm PT
Berlusconi has resigned. In case you've forgotten him, he's been Italy's Prime Minister for 11 of the past 17 years. Hired 17 year old prostitutes to come to his parties. Owns about 1/2 of Italy's media outlets and according to Forbes is the world's 118th wealthiest man. Had been overseeing Italy's impending bankruptcy.
Hanging Mussolini didn't get this much excitement:
Metaphorically "Tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail". Peacefully and legally.
The times they are a changin'.

Trad climber
Yay Area
Nov 12, 2011 - 08:13pm PT
Did you guys see this story about a 24 year old Iraq vet who served two tours in Iraq and was injured critically in the Occupy Oakland raids?


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Nov 13, 2011 - 04:11pm PT
Did you guys see this story about a 24 year old Iraq vet who served two tours in Iraq and was injured critically in the Occupy Oakland raids?

Yes I did. What intrigued me was the focus on this particular dilinquent because he 'served', and was susequentialy wounded in the fracas.

Civil disobedience sometimes gets you into trouble. Ya Know?

Do you think he was targeted? How does his service have anything to do with an accident?

So much news coverage though....

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 13, 2011 - 05:20pm PT
Hopefully this will make at least some of us laugh.
Probably not bluey and fatty
These two women are always sharp tongued.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 13, 2011 - 05:21pm PT
particular dilinquent
fact or opinion?

Somewhere out there
Nov 13, 2011 - 05:36pm PT
"one reason he can afford homes like that is because he won't hire union workers for his films"

 Idiot speak.

He makes the money he makes because plenty of people all around the world pay money to buy/see his movies that he has written, directed and stared in.
What, should the writer not get paid? The director not get paid? The actors not get paid?

What a moron....

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 13, 2011 - 06:09pm PT
one reason he can afford homes like that is because he won't hire union workers for his films
Riiiiiight......and he specifically went up to Madison Wisconsin to bash unions??
MM went up to Madison and spoke to 50,000 people specifically BECAUSE the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was proposing a law to remove the right of unions to bargain collectively with the state.
from Todd Richmond, the AP, 6 Mar 2011
MADISON, Wis. — Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore urged Wisconsin residents Saturday to fight against Republican efforts to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights, telling thousands of protesters that "Madison is only the beginning."
The crowd roared in approval as Moore implored demonstrators to keep up their struggle against Republican Gov. Scott Walker's legislation, saying they've galvanized the nation against the wealthy elite and comparing their fight to Egypt's revolt. He also thanked the 14 state Democratic senators who fled Wisconsin to block a vote on the bill, saying they'll go down in history books.

In bluey's link Breitbart pointed out that MM was there to oppose Scott Walker's union busting legislation.
you can't have it both ways.

By the way, Scott Walker won and the unions have lost the right to collective bargaining with the State of Wisconsin

Social climber
the Wastelands
Nov 13, 2011 - 06:19pm PT
However, in Ohio this week the voters overwhelmingly voted down the Republican governor's legislative action to end public employee collective bargaining

And things are not over in Wisconsin, as Walker himself is subject to a recall vote after 12 months in office, which means a statewide recall vote effort can start in two months

Social climber
So Cal
Nov 14, 2011 - 03:22pm PT
With Apologies to Allan Sherman

Hello Faddah
Hello Mama
I'm Occupying
Camp Obama
I'm protesting
Wall Street grabbings
And trying to avoid the hobo stabbings

On my iPhone
With my last tweet
I down-twinkled
Jews on Wall Street
Please don't worry
About psychosis
'Cause my Guy Fawkes mask repels tuberculosis

We are saving
This whole nation
With some squad car
We went marching
in Zucotti
And got applauded by the Nazi Party

There's a raping
Every day now
Some are straight and
Some are gay now
Latest outbreak
In the food tent over by the Ben & Jerry's

Taaaake me home
Oh Dad and Mama
Taaaake me home
From Camp Obama
Don't leave me
Out in the plaza scent
Made by
The 99 percent

Cosign loans
Oh Dad and Mama
Don't make groans
Oh Dad and Mama
'Cause Van Jones
Assures me that it's cool
For me
To go to graduate schooooool

Just a minute
Dad and Mama
Got a message
From Obama
He doesn't like the
way we're livin'
So our student loans are hereby all forgiven

No more worries
No more bothers
All thanks to our
Founding fathers
Our dear leaders
won't let me fail
Dear Mom and Dad please disregard this email


Trad climber
Fresno CA
Nov 14, 2011 - 03:54pm PT
He makes the money he makes because plenty of people all around the world pay money to buy/see his movies that he has written, directed and stared in.
What, should the writer not get paid? The director not get paid? The actors not get paid?

I see nothing wrong with this logic, except that it flies in the face of "occupy" philosophy. Doesn't this reasoning apply for anyone else selling something for which people are willing to pay a very great deal -- including most of "the 1%?" Many of those folks are professionals, including lots of doctors. Is it OK to pay entertainers a bundle, but not OK to pay docs? Or are entertainers good, but entrepreneurs bad?

Or is it that if you employ a few people, like MM, you're good, but if you employ many thousands, like Walmart, you're evil?

Again, your logic is right. Its application, however, seems too narrow.


Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 14, 2011 - 04:21pm PT
including most of "the 1%?" Many of those folks are professionals, including lots of doctors
That's factually incorrect. That would apply to perhaps the top 2% but not the top 1%

According to the most recent IRS data, between 2007 and 2009, the 99th percentile income (AGI, not inflation-adjusted) fell from $410,096 to $343,927. The 99.9th percentile income fell from $2,155,365 to $1,432,890. During the same period, median income fell from $32,879 to $32,396.
Gross income is sales price of goods or property, less cost of the property sold, plus other income. It includes wages, interest, dividends, business income, rental income, and all other types of income. Adjusted gross income is gross income less deductions from a business or rental activity and 21 other specific items.
Deduct the car lease, deduct the cell phone, deduct the business trip to Hilton Head. Deduct the home office expense, deduct 1/2 of the cost of business lunches and dinners. So their gross income is likely much much higher.
How many deductions from business or rental activity do you think someone making the median income, $32K, gets?

anyway, how many lawyers, doctors and professionals do you know who have $340K AGI from their professional services? (not from their investments or business interests).

Is it OK to pay entertainers a bundle, but not OK to pay docs? Or are entertainers good, but entrepreneurs bad?
Or is it that if you employ a few people, like MM, you're good, but if you employ many thousands, like Walmart, you're evil?
Red herring arguments again.
Few Americans mind that even fewer Americans do well. They don't even mind that entertainers and athletes get paid a bundle. I certainly don't mind although I think it's silly. After all it's the consumers who are buying the tickets (I don't). It's the unique "American Dream" that everyone has the opportunity to get as wealthy as they can. It's a great dream that appeals to everyone's greed.

The problem is when the lower 99th percentile of Americans are doing worse than before, and perceive that the system is rigged by the 1%. When they no longer have access to the Great American Dream. When a great many of them realize that they're doing much worse today than three years ago. When they can't get a job, are losing their mortgage, can't afford an elite education for their kids, the public schools are chronically underfunded, the public universities charging higher and higher tuition, health insurance premiums keep going up, the Republicans keep threatening social security, medicare and unions. When their previous guaranteed benefit pension plans have been turned into private retirement investments which have lost 20 - 40%. When the union workers see their collective bargaining rights repealed while their jobs go to China.
None of these worries apply to the top 1%. Oh wait, maybe the wealthy doctor's kid at Harvard will have to drive a Volvo instead of a Porsche and have a winter break ski vacation at Vail instead of Switzerland.
That is the problem. Whatever "fairness" the system had has been eroded.


Trad climber
Nov 14, 2011 - 05:59pm PT
Mr. Burns: Oh, here we go with the fat cat bashing.

Uncle Pennybags: Well, what do you expect? These yokels are pure Baltic Avenue.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 14, 2011 - 06:16pm PT
oh fattrad
you stepped right into this one
Nothing is rigged, can you give me an example of something that is "rigged"
Try Jack Abramoff (convicted lobbyist) and Bob Ney (convicted Congressman) coming clean on 60 minutes two weeks ago
Abramoff brags he had "very strong influence" on 100 Congressmen.
Leslie Stahl, Jack Abramoff and Bob Ney:
Stahl: How many congressional offices did you actually own?

Abramoff: We probably had very strong influence in 100 offices at the time.

Stahl: Come on.

Abramoff: No.

Stahl: A hundred offices?

Abramoff: In those days, I would view that as a failure. Because that leaves 335 offices that we didn't have strong influence in.

Stahl: Did he own you?

Bob Ney: Oh, I don't believe Jack Abramoff owned me. But were we involved in the culture of corruption together? Absolutely.

Former Republican Congressman Bob Ney was ambitious and looked at Abramoff as a way to build alliances with the White House and the majority leader.

Ney: I wanted to be speaker of the House and Jack Abramoff was the beautiful light of day for me to get to the person who I had had some conflicts with, Tom Delay.

Abramoff began inviting Ney on golf trips including one to Scotland and to his restaurant Signatures, __where Ney was given food and drinks on the house, a violation of the congressional gift limit laws. Ney says he was hardly the only one crossing the line.

Ney: But I will still tell you, at that point in time, in order to get a drink at Signatures you had to shove White House staffers of George Bush the heck away from the bar.__ And it was packed with people. And there were members. Now that doesn't mean everybody did everything for Jack. But if you wanna talk about strict interpretation of violation of the-- of-- of the laws of drink and food, Katey bar the door, she was wide open, two shotguns blarin'.

Stahl: Was buying favors from lawmakers easy?

Abramoff: I think people are under the impression that the corruption only involves somebody handing over a check and getting a favor. And that's not the case. The corruption, the bribery, call it, because ultimately that's what it is. That's what the whole system is.

Stahl: The whole system's bribery?

Abramoff: In my view. I'm talking about giving a gift to somebody who makes a decision on behalf of the public. At the end of the day, that's really what bribery is. But it is done everyday and it is still being done. The truth is there were very few members who I could even name or could think of who didn't at some level participate in that.

Abramoff prided himself on being a man who did good. He was devoutly religious and exorbitantly charitable and he says he gave away 80 percent of his earnings. When he fell from grace, his reputation was in tatters because it was not just that he had corrupted Congress - it was found he had cheated his clients, like the Indian tribes.

Abramoff: Most of the money I made I gave away, to either communal or charitable causes. So I thought frankly I was one of the most moral lobbyists out there.

Things began to unravel for Abramoff when the Washington Post published a largely unflattering portrait of him in 2004, reporting that he charged his clients 10 times more than any other lobbyist in town.

Abramoff: My first response was, "What's the big deal? I don't understand what this is about. This is what lobbyists do.

What he didn't understand was the part that said he and a former aide to Tom Delay had overbilled four of his Indian casino clients by $45 million.

In the end, he was brought up on federal charges of tax evasion and ripping off Indian tribes. On the day he went to court and pled guilty, Abramoff looked grim. The judge sentenced him to four years.

Stahl: I really think what you were doing was-- was subverting the essence of our system.

Abramoff: Yes. Absolutely right. But our system is flawed and has to be fixed. Human beings populate our system. Human beings are weak.

Stahl: And you preyed on that?

Abramoff: I did. I was one of many who did. I did. And I'm ashamed of that fact.
Abramoff: The reform efforts continually are these faux-reform efforts where they'll change, they'll tweak the system. They'll say, "You can have a meal with a congressman if they're standing up, not sitting down."

Stahl: Is that serious? Or are you joking?

Abramoff: Oh no, I'm not joking at all.

Stahl: So, it's okay if you pay for lunch as long as you stand up?

Abramoff: Well, it's actually worse than that. You can't take a congressman to lunch for $25 and buy him a hamburger or a steak of something like that. But you can take him to a fundraising lunch and not only buy him that steak, but give him $25,000 extra and call it a fundraiser. And have all the same access and all the same interaction with that congressman. So the people who make the reforms are the people in the system.

The 99% have the perception that the legislative system is rigged.
And they are correct.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Nov 14, 2011 - 06:43pm PT
Nice try fattrad
But no banana for you on that one.
Sure Abramoff is barking and bragging. So why did he and Ney and Volz and DeLay go to Federal prison?
Would you like a full list of Abramoff associates who resigned, pled guilty or were convicted and spent time in prison?
It's WAYY too long to post it, so here's the link:
These people Broke The Law. Even though according to Abramoff the laws were easily evaded.
I count 18, not including those who were indicted but not convicted.

Odd, they're ALL Republican. And prosecuted during the Shrub administration. Was corruption rampant or what?
One example:
Steven Griles, (R) (former Deputy Interior Secretary) the highest-ranking Bush administration official convicted in the scandal, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. He admitted lying to a Senate committee about his relationship with Abramoff, who repeatedly sought Griles' intervention at Interior on behalf of Indian tribal clients.
Aren't you trying to buy your way into the same office? Careful you don't lie to a Senate committee.

Gym climber
Nov 14, 2011 - 08:23pm PT
Nothing is rigged, can you give me an example of something that is "rigged"

Rigged USA Elections Exposed

Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections

How To Rig An Election In The United States

And there's much more proof the elections were rigged. Easy to find proof.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Nov 14, 2011 - 08:44pm PT
Wall Street is not the 1%. They are the 2-52% depending on their occupations on WS.
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