Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 13, 2018 - 10:47am PT
May 5th 1976...Ford drives golf ball off spectators forehead sending spectator to ER room...May 6th , 1976...Xrays show Ford has an extra bone in his head...

May 13, 2018 - 11:04am PT
"Pressing a political view from the Oscar stage, declaring a conservative campus speaker unacceptable, flatly categorizing huge segments of the country as misguided — these reveal a tremendous intellectual and moral self-confidence that smacks of superiority. It’s one thing to police your own language and a very different one to police other people’s. The former can set an example. The latter is domineering."

"Even if liberals think their opponents are backward, they don’t have to gratuitously drive people away, including voters who cast ballots once or even twice for Mr. Obama before supporting Mr. Trump in 2016." NYT

It's entertaining to read this thread and see what the author is describing.


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 13, 2018 - 03:26pm PT

Copious complex and convoluted criminal cases (Cohen, conspiracy, collusion, cash) coexist.

Demystifying dastardly deeds done by devious dipshits who have despoiled domestic denizens with degenerate and depraved disregard for democracy takes time.

Mueller dude demands endungeonment.

It's as simple as that.

The time for plausible deniability is long gone. The factual evidence was sufficient months ago. Today, it is overwhelming. Each week brings forth a new facet of a fascinating and historical Tale of Pure Sordidness.

The very concept of reality itself has become polarized: you are either attuned to reality, or you are delusional.

As the noose tightens, and the petri dish fills to capacity, the conditions necessary for the reappearance of an anti-Christ become more and more saturated.

 NostraThomas, 1999


May 13, 2018 - 03:32pm PT
The very concept of reality itself has become polarized: you are either attuned to reality, or you are delusional

Keep up the good work!

Here's a political home for some of you:

Democratic Socialists of America

in the land of the blind
May 13, 2018 - 04:29pm PT

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 13, 2018 - 04:52pm PT
^^^^^ Man, those Watergate investigaters clearly weren’t concerned about job security!
What were they thinking?
Fossil climber

Trad climber
Atlin, B. C.
May 13, 2018 - 06:14pm PT
The guy is either a pathological narcissist or has histrionic personality disorder. Or both. No, I'm not a psychologist, but look it up.

And he's a potential and almost realized autocrat. It is going to be difficult for the US to recover from him and the party-before-state Republicans. This is a far more dangerous situation than the McCarthy era. He's got to be taken down, soon.
Fossil climber

Trad climber
Atlin, B. C.
May 13, 2018 - 06:15pm PT
And while you are at it, look up the definition of fascism.

The Wastelands
May 13, 2018 - 06:27pm PT

The guy is either a pathological narcissist or has histrionic personality disorder. Or both

Wayne, the psychiatric association has recently changed their rules to now allow publicly
diagnosing high profile citizens

More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:

*The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

“We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”

Ice climber
hartford, ct
May 13, 2018 - 07:08pm PT
Go outside, kiss a girl, climb a rock....

For God's sake...

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 13, 2018 - 10:21pm PT
why would tRump agree to play president when he knows he will be impeached when all he gets out of it is attention and all his family gets is the opportunity to get rich off shady deals?

Your question presupposes that Trump is not insane, and has some sort of logical endgame in mind.

Money addicts, like drug addicts, do not behave rationally, or logically. They fixate on appeasement of a mental defect. Their behavior is focused, and single-minded: all they want is their fix.

Wade Icey

Trad climber
May 14, 2018 - 09:50am PT

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 14, 2018 - 10:02am PT

If you're going to post that photo of Trump superimposed onto Adolf Hitler, at least photoshop out the iron cross on the left chest. Trump couldn't have earned that or any other military medal since he seems to lack any form of courage (physical or mental) and also avoided the draft.

And BTW, dingleberry Trump is much more like a different German leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II. That Kaiser was also an entitled, snowflake, egomaniac, hypocrite. A bumbling, amoral fool in many, many ways. Just like our current dear leader.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 14, 2018 - 12:30pm PT
Wade icey cracks me the f*#k up....
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
May 14, 2018 - 02:10pm PT
If you're going to post that photo of Trump superimposed onto Adolf Hitler, at least photoshop out the iron cross on the left chest. Trump couldn't have earned that or any other military medal since he seems to lack any form of courage (physical or mental) and also avoided the draft.

When Emperor Trump award himself an iron cross, than Emperor Trump has an iron cross.

What don't you get?

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 14, 2018 - 02:13pm PT

When Emperor Trump award himself an iron cross, than Emperor Trump has an iron cross.

What don't you get?

I don't disagree. But I don't think Emperor/Sergeant Bone Spurs made any such award. But Wade may have, and I doubt he meant to ;)
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 14, 2018 - 04:53pm PT
Trump earned the medal for avoiding venereal diseases when his generation was fighting in Vietnam. Trumps own words

Ice climber
May 14, 2018 - 05:25pm PT
Trump wasn't in Viet Nam?

I guess no Vietnamese ever called him an idiot.

This guy could have blown him away and nobody would have cared or even noticed.


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
May 14, 2018 - 07:18pm PT
For whatever our wisdom and expertise may be worth, surely we are obligated to share it.

And it's worth about what a forum-posting pundit's is worth: less than a rat's left testicle. The mind "sciences" are a mess and always have been. Don't forget that it wasn't that long ago that homosexuality was in the DSM as a mental illness. This "science" LITERALLY makes it up as it goes along.

Worse, every single opinion in America today has become politicized. I'm afraid that you guys don't have any idea what a dangerous game you're playing at this point.

If the tactics you're employing prevail, the entire bar gets moved, and election-nullification becomes the norm. EVERY person can be "evaluated" by "professionals" as unfit, and that's why any authority granted to the mind "sciences" is deeply suspect. Politicize that "science," and you literally have the foundation for everything Orwell warned about in 1984.

Look, rant and wring your hands all you want for a couple more years. Then put up a decent candidate and see if you can keep reelection from happening.

But meanwhile have the good grace to behave like you expected the right to behave "when" Hillary won: just accept the election result.

If Hillary had won and the right was ranting as you now are, comparing Hillary to some notorious historical figure and predicting the demise of society itself, you'd have entire threads devoted to DEMANDING that they shut up and quit "hating" on Hillary.

Basically any idea you don't agree with is instantly labeled as "hate speech."

You predicted that the stock market would implode post-election. It didn't and it's higher than ever.

You predicted that Trump would ere-this have shut down the free press. He didn't.

You predicted executive orders that never came to pass.

You predicted that Trump would be impeached before 100 days. He wasn't.

You predicted that Trump would bungle us into another Korean war and that his "bluster" would force NK into the use of nuclear weapons. Trump backed them down.

And it goes on and on and on! I could literally write out 100 things you've predicted on these politard threads that have spectacularly not come true or played out as predicted. But still you froth and rant.

Fine. You have your echo chambers, and most of us that don't agree with you just check in now and then to chuckle. I haven't posted on this thread for a long time.

But with this movement toward "professional" election-nullification, I've gotta post my one little shot in the dark in the hopes that it can move at least one lurker back from the brink.

Consider carefully: From your predictions of the election outcome to your predictions about Trump's results in office, your batting average is absolutely dismal.

So, rather than to crow about the fact that a pile of (left wing) social "scientists" are now attempting to remote-diagnose Trump, you might ratchet back the rhetoric a bit and recognize what a dangerous path that really is!

EVERY sword you swing against Trump today is one that will lop YOUR head off on the back-swing when your candidate wins an election. Every new tactic changes the bar and further sullies what an "election" even means.

Instead of working yourselves into a froth about comparing Trump to Hitler, perhaps calm down a bit and recognize that pretty much nothing has played out according to your analysis, and that this entire thread has been so hate-filled that you pretty much have the whole echo-chamber to yourselves.

People like me that would even TRY to suggest an alternative perspective to your assessments are so viciously vilified and dog-piled that we immediately just shake our heads and leave you to your own devices. I'm confident that this will be the result of my current post.

But when your devices include "professional" election-nullification, you've gone way beyond the pale. Meanwhile, as if the professional reputation of the mind "sciences" could get any more tarnished, this petition pretty well lets the last vestiges of professional credibility dribble away.

You like to just dismiss all Trump voters as stupid, racist, haters. But you should be students of the subtleties of how he won, because then you might actually learn something that would enable you to put up a future candidate worth voting for.

I for one don't vote on party lines. But, you should be able to see it for yourselves, you are utterly losing the middle of this nation, and the uglier your verbiage gets, and the baser your tactics become, the more you lose the middle.

If you want to win future elections, rather than double-down on vile rhetoric, YOU should be the first to call out somebody who posts Trump-as-Hitler pictures and draws such comparisons. It's base. It's vile. It's flatly disgusting, and that's saying something, since Trump IS such a disgusting person in his own right. But if YOU can't find a balanced sense of proportion, you entirely lose people like me!

Prior to the election, I repeatedly posted on politard threads, "The more you call people like me 'stupid' and 'racist' and 'haters,' the more you publicly determine that you WILL NOT engage in civil dialog. You're losing people like me."

I'll say it again. If you want to see the Democratic party emerge from its present bumbling mess, first clean up the vast corruption in your own party. Then, try civil dialog rather than epithets and dirty tactics.

People like me WANT a GOOD alternative to the swill put out by the Republican party. But if you think that forcing the likes of HILLARY down our throats, politicizing the FBI and IRS, and then engaging in your grotesque verbiage and tactics count as a "good alternative," well, I guess you'll have to lose more elections to learn your lesson. People like me will keep holding our noses and voting ANTI what you're dishing out.

If you're interested in a more balanced assessment of "Duty to Warn," here's a well-written article that cites a number of other mind scientists that do not agree with this present tactic:

I'll quote the summary statement of Susan Molchan, a psychiatrist who spent much of her career at the National Institutes of Health: "It's making an assumption and trying to attach a stigma, and it's not fair to people who are clearly mentally ill and aren't bad."

And: "A diagnosis is good for treatment and for insurance reimbursement — without a diagnosis you can't get your psychological or psychiatric visits covered — but it's not very good for understanding people in their depth and complexity."

As long as you personally evidence that you don't give a rip about "understanding people in their depth and complexity," preferring instead to "diagnose" and vilify rather than dialog, you're going to have an increasingly hard time moving people from the middle toward your "side" in any given election. Just dog-piling people that don't agree with you and calling them filthy epithets doesn't change minds.

And this echo chamber has gotten unusually ugly, which is really saying something for politard threads!

Carry on.

(BTW, I won't be checking back to see responses to this post; I'm pretty certain what they will be. So, don't be surprised (or count it as a minor triumph) when I don't respond to the typical vile epithets.)

May 14, 2018 - 07:43pm PT
+1 fear: thanks for the lulz

+1 mb1: trump owes all of the folks, looking to preemptively remove him from office by some other means than coming up with the tried and true combo of compelling policy meets inspirational pitch person, a personally signed gold leafed thank you card...

everytime a left winger focuses their energy on anything other than policy and a trump alternative, first a kitten dies... and then we get one granular step closer to six more years of trump and the almost entirely impotent band of spineless republicans that he is currently leading...
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