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Trad climber
CA Central Coast
Dec 6, 2010 - 04:50pm PT
bump for a SE guide book, now there's a new year's goal....

perhaps a "Golden Era" isn't realized until long AFTER the era, when that high and mighty mental state called hindsight can weigh in with some perspective.

Trad climber
East Bay, CA
Dec 6, 2010 - 09:12pm PT
This Just In, Nate, Tork... you got me there, a fine mist of spray is all good in the name of sharing some desired info, and I always want to see more climbing posts and photos here for sure! Recent posts show how much more there is to climb at Shuteye than what we have already. Appreciate your question, Grahm, I just really gotta climb more routes yet. If push comes to shove, if forced to make a decision about a favorite climb on Gray, so far, it's Escher's for me, though so much of that is because it was a great experience. And it's really tough deciding bc I love so many first to second pitches on that dome.

Edit... Slater, so, does it pop wheelies?
tom woods

Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Dec 6, 2010 - 10:33pm PT
Slater- how's that thing treating you?

I've looked at those, but I was unsure of their capability?

How are they on steep?

How about in powder?

this just in

north fork
Dec 26, 2010 - 08:40am PT
Happy holidays soyo sherpas. Already having withdrawals, deep sweats and uncontrollable shakes.
2011 season has the cure. Can't wait.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 26, 2010 - 11:54am PT
Nice lookin' ride, Slater.

I just checked my answering machine and who other than Kev and Photonez (Ezra) left me a "Merry Christmas" cheer from Arizona. Guys are unstoppable climbers....

Said something about climbing on Superstition Mtn. Climb on, boyz!
Grahm Doe

Sport climber
Just South Of Heaven
Dec 27, 2010 - 12:02pm PT
Happy Holidays! These were taken up at Little Shuteye last week.

Grahm Doe

Sport climber
Just South Of Heaven
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:27pm PT
This is the bathroom up at Beasore summit on Monday, its getting DEEP up there...

Local climber "thisjustin" trying out the 900 and getting in some practice for riding up to the crags.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:30pm PT
Nice to see you guyz getting in some winter exercising, Graham!

Looks fun.
this just in

north fork
Dec 31, 2010 - 10:29am PT
Getting some practice in. Thanks Grahm that sounds way better than getting stuck, oh a dozen or so times plus I only hit two trees. Never been so sore in my life. Pretty fuking fun though.
this just in

north fork
Jan 8, 2011 - 11:13am PT
First decent of Big Sleep anyone?

Trad climber
Central Coast
Jan 8, 2011 - 11:34am PT

Grahm, Grahm, Grahm... !

Ride down it on your snhomobile!

Trad climber
Jan 8, 2011 - 01:23pm PT
Steep and Deep!!

Love to board that

Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Jan 10, 2011 - 01:19am PT
Whoa! That is some deep snow!

Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Jan 10, 2011 - 01:23am PT
Everything on the big sleep in winter is a BLUE run.

this just in

north fork
Jan 10, 2011 - 09:04am PT
Blue runs for sure, just watch out for cliffs and unstable snow on granite domes. Don't have to worry about getting freshies though.

Trad climber
Central Coast
Jan 14, 2011 - 05:16pm PT
Ha ha, then DO IT!//
I will show up with camera and video gear! (and a stretcher/preacher)
That would be some rad boardin'!!!!!
5.9 downhillin'

I wanna see GRahm do it on his homobile too!

Trad climber
Central Coast
Jan 26, 2011 - 12:21am PT
How you boys (and Sue) handling the off season?

We're getting a lot of this...

So that makes up for it.
Snow's melting fast I bet...
when the surf dies it'll be time to head back up the hill.

Nate D

San Francisco
Feb 2, 2011 - 12:52pm PT
Might as well keep the ball rolling with a few climbing related pics.

Fun protection opportunities...


Trad climber
Central Coast
Feb 2, 2011 - 01:56pm PT
They're like mini-science projects...

Good work Nate! I like how you take pictures of your pro. Like a proud dad or something.

I had one of those "bomber" chicken heads break off in my hand once though...

Climbing lately...
this just in

north fork
Feb 2, 2011 - 02:38pm PT
My winter bouldering area, Squaw Leap.
South Fork Willow Creek runs behind my house.
Almost stepped on this guy running
Jeremy's first climb since he broke his ankle, Eight months ago.
More from the River Gorge.
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