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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 2, 2013 - 12:29pm PT
He was down, it was almost too late, he knew he was doomed and it wouldn't be long. Yoda mustered his Force and mastered the sittuation.

It was Colonel Mustered, with a poison pen in the master suite of La Bahia Motel, SC, Seagoat.

Munster mastered mustard in chef school.

Stand the F-stop by for clear-sky sunrise shots.

Gypsy, woman...You got an eye on you...


Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Apr 2, 2013 - 07:11pm PT
I'm wondering if this might be the Santa Cruz house and whether maybe the President "visited".

Alot of Victorian house imagery here:

Takes me back to the day the music died, in Santa Cruz anyway.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 3, 2013 - 01:12am PT
“Detrimental to both the health and morals of our youth and community."

One more sin to pin on the soul, brother.

The KYOS radio station management had to fire the brother Jumpin' Vernon Brown for using teminolgy (lingo, argot, slang) relating to intemperance, ahem, by using the familiar brotherly address for himself over the air--are you ready for this?

He felt he was our "stoned partner" in rock 'n' roll and life.

You could see the man in his radio studio, driving by on G St., hanging the slow cruise

Every boy must get stones thrown, no matter is he's stoned or not, just talkin' like a niggah back then gotcha the hook. 1964.

Banning rock n’ roll
is like banning rock ‘n roll
is like Banning rock ‘n’ roll,
which is basically the same
as Oakland's, even though there's no there, on the air.

It's all over in San Francisco,
the city made in the image of the tip of a penis
on the map of California.

Banning wins by virtue of being closer to the heart of Southern Cal rock climbing.

But the banned played on and we got real Southern Rock, even in Arkansas.

Tonight’s Dancing with the Stars was on mute.

I played I Know What I Know and the music’s beat was perfectly timed with the dancing and the combined musico-terpsichorean effect was MIND-BLOWING!

And to make matters more coincidental or MIND-BLOWING, the previous number on DWTS was Huey Lewis singing The Heart of Rock ‘n’ Roll and it was MIND-BLOWING in the way one of the best rock songs ever can BLOW YER MIND.

I found a lot of birds today, OH BOY
They were all out there on Bear Creek South
got a bird wanna whistles
Baby, got a bird
Honey got a bird will sing
Baby, got a bird
Honey got a bird will sing

Zephyrus is the Greek god of the west wind, believed to live in a cave on Thrace. He is the son of Eos and Astraeus, the brother of Boreas, Eurus and Notus. He abducted the goddess Chloris and gave her dominion over flowers. In Roman myth, he is Favonius, the protector of flowers and plants.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 3, 2013 - 01:16am PT
"Flamer? Nah, I always dress like this."

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 3, 2013 - 01:31am PT
Fearsome beak, Reilly.

Is that some kinky cadaver bird? (First time I've had my TV on in ten days. Watching Body of Proof.)

Ornithophobic, anyone? Any necrophobians?

That little dicky-bird on the creek was just hoppin' and nippin' and HE KICKED MY ASS trying to keep up!

Got downtown, sat on the bench in Bob Hart Square, looked up and there was the black one on the wind vane.

"Hey, take my picture, me better here or over there?"
It was just that easy.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 3, 2013 - 02:21am PT
Band music.

What about a band of deer?

Who's counting crows in Berkeley lately?

Will the real genius stand up please?--Bud Collyer

Aha! Cawtcha!

More zEphers.

And some practical advice for South and NOrth Korea. Do this. Don't do "that."

Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 08:27am PT
Gorgeous crested caracara there and I love black-winged stilts

Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 08:29am PT

"There coming to take me away. Ha ha ho ho hee hee"

Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 08:54am PT
hey there say, mouse...

love those wood ducks... and birds! hope spring
springs here... was 23 this morning... :O

been freezing, getting that last bits of details done on your
painting, :O

but say! shed robin is back--could be one of the originals, or a baby of such, or a baby of such baby... just don't rightly know...

but i am so blessed to say:

dear lord, please help the ol' shed robin nest in said shed, again,
i just love it!

no leaks, this time!! :)
thanks to supertopo care...

gypsy! love you photographs and such!! :)

reilly, NEAT bird, :)
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 3, 2013 - 10:45am PT
EAST of Merced, you cannot see Planada even from here.NORTH of Merced, I cannot see Jays coming from Tuolumne, but I can tell it's going to be overcast here.

Lost in Shanghai is coming down here today. We plan to go to the Castle Air Museum. Old air is fascinating, all the odors of glory days, ceegars, all that manure, and jet fuel. Quite a blend.

We'll see how that goes. Must dress warmly, it's spring here, neebee, but the coast isn't clear yet.

All the years I've been here I've never toured the "bird farm" out in Atwater. There is no real reason. I am not a master of war. I've never had an interest in flying planes. I flew up to Haifa Dome on my 45th and have flown privately over the Bay Area, but it never "got me" like moving up on rock did.

Anyway, the camera's packed and I'm waitin' on Jay, who's on a mission for Lilabiene. Neat trick, Odd!

Hey, while I'm waiting for him to call, I have been "warned off" of the fire escape on pain of whatever they do to bad boys. The property non-managers here have found they hired a thief in the last manager, who replaced Sly, the ex-Air Police sarge who ran this chump-dump for years.

Sure, Sly knocked up the office gal, but he's copped to it, supports the baby, unlike Liz's first Airman. [Zoomie, prop-head--we had little respect for these SACs of manure, in the main. It's the old Townies vs. Themmies story, really.] But the dopes at Manco-Abbott Property Management replaced him with a sly MF, James, who wrecked their credit and has had a hand in the subsequent evictions of at least a dozen tenants who, for one reason or another, had made "rent deals" with James--ranging from doing work around the place for credit on rent, or paying late or in chunks. He ripped them off for thousands that way, and he ordered fake "supplies" for which he paid himself!

My beef is that the work on my bathroom never got completed after the ceiling fell into the tub, and the finishing work on my a/c unit is not "finished" as it should have been. It's also a fact that they got a "report" that I was seen on the fifth floor fire escape taking pictures last weekend. I've not seen a copy of my lease, as they didn't see fit to offer me one the last time I signed one. They claim it's in there that we keep off the fire escapes. OK, I'll go along with it, or I may find myself looking for another place in a hurry. It's still a sore spot and I am fighting back by standing in the doorway of the balcony to shoot photos instead of actually standing on the balcony. Letter of the law, eh?

I have written a "nicely toned down" version of my side of the repairs story, but doubt I'll get a reply this week. It's been two days, not one word from "the new boss."

God's got this one from here on in.

Gene, looks like the morning "weather reports" I've put out on occasion (mostly when there's a good sunrise)
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 3, 2013 - 11:25am PT
are a thing of the past, unless I talk to the Fire Department and explain the situation and maybe can convince the management to make an exception. I mean...

You don't climb the big stone and typically fall down fire escape ladders. Sheesh.

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 12:47pm PT
on in ten minutes

or tomorrow's archive

Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 08:00pm PT
hey there say, mouse.... had a post here, but it 'must have flown south for the spring'... :O

well, have a great adventure today...

oh, i know... it was about the fire escape...

they must have thought you were:

a mouse-burgler... :)

or perhaps just a trouble-some ol' base jumper that they may have read
a story or two about in the news, :O

or, worse, yet...

a REPORTER for the health-department, :O

well, at any rate, you ARE our 'man on the streets of merced' and more...
keep up the great work,
and stay OFF them ol' fire escapes... :)

Social climber
Apr 3, 2013 - 08:08pm PT
hey there say, mouse...

oh, and gracious so, i must add, not being rude, though, mind you,
but well, MY BIRD begs to differ:

at a freind's neighbor's yard, :)
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 4, 2013 - 12:09am PT
Nobocy who's a rude person is allowed at the Flames fire unless they are sincere. You're not to worry, gracious lady of the north.

Get a load of Jay after we came back from the Air Base.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 4, 2013 - 12:32am PT
Geez, a flameout on the Flames thread? Mon Dieu!

Or was he just overwhelmed at seeing that rare CF-180 Canuck at Castle?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 4, 2013 - 02:36am PT
I thought you might like the NORTHERN FLAVOR, among others.

Simple Beaver bait.

There were no Beavers, the planes or other varieties...

The plane truth is that all we came home with were a bunch of carrots and three baskets of strawberries, other than the booty I scored at the gift shop.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 4, 2013 - 03:48am PT
If any day was a good day, today was one.

There’s an outdoor air museum in Atwater, CA, which has dozens of old fly-babies and a gift shop, of course. We headed out there today but little was found about Mr. Dolt, whose history there was our mission.

The Triple-hundredth-whatever Bombish Wing had a supply and workshop net of their own and no patches for his unit were found in the displays, nor is there any sort of record of that unit Bill worked in other than the scant ones provided by Audrey.


we are still encouraged by the very fact that we only talked to two persons today, one a volunteer and the other the paid employee at the register in the gift shop, who was very knowledgbabble in her way. We had a goodood talk about how records shoulded be kepted, but when we considered how many thousands of men made their way though Castle, and the length of time lapsed, it hitted me that The Dolt is but a grain of feldapar in the military monotlith. As were we all.

We probably could have done this by phone and save money.

But then we wouldn’t have had the excuse to have an outing aux flambe.

Why does that word make me cringe?

We began and ended the Bill Dolt info-seeking almost in the first fifteen minutes. I talked to Carol, the attendant (there are no docents, just the planes with their plaques along a paved walkway stenciled this way) and made my way out to the "yard" where the "bird-duhs" are kept (Bombi, remember? Learning to say "bird"?)
[Click to View YouTube Video]

There are planes and jets of all varieties--attack, bomber, fighter, tac, you name it. Even a cute little helicopter and an early rice-burning drone. No helicopters but one. But I got Audrey and Camila a pair of twisty-props, the oldest flying device known to man. And an Air Museum ball cap.

And a book--on Castle AFB‘s history, which tells of the first SAC long-range flight operations in 1956-57, in which Bill’s unit probably participated. The first was Op. Quick Kick, with three heavy bombers travelling non-stop for 16,000 miles over the north pole and around the perimeter of North America.

The facts are that Wm. F. decamped from the USAF and made his way to the Yosemitay, just a short hop away, in March.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 4, 2013 - 03:55am PT
Down at Castle at the bottom of the hill
There’s a big genius airman named Climber Bill
He has a white rope and some tennies to match
And when he’s climbin’ the cliffsides
Is he hard to catch!
Climber Bill, climbing on the Big Hill
Climber, climber
Climber Bill, oh you thrill
Chill, chill, chill, chill Climber Bill

I saw him one day climbin’ up the Nose
With gallons of water and two gallons of rose
I knew where he was headin’, tryin’ to make
The playground of the climbers, named Texas Flake
Climber Bill, climbing on the Big Hill
Climber, climber
Climber Bill, oh you thrill
Chill, chill, chill, chill Climber Bill

He went up to Arrowhead one October week
For the first ascent party with some Nancy-boy geek
He was jammin’ like crazy and he got ‘em to the top
And when they were done they hit the coffee shop
Climber Bill, climbing on the Big Hill
Climber, climber
Climber Bill, oh you thrill
Chill, chill, chill, chill Climber Bill

So Jay and I made the lunch scene at the 510 and then adjourned to Middle Earth to view the photos from the tour. First, we went to the cigar store for postprandial pleasure.
We sat and maundered over our pasts and pretty much killed another wine soldier before we headed back to the Bistro for steaks. I have found the perfect wine, but perfection never lasts. I'll have to go back again and again. It's the way we are wired. You find a place, a person, a wine, and you stick with it until it's a dead horse. Then you move on.

I'm just as bummed as y'all that The Dolt couldn't wait.

As I told Jay today, had he just held out a bit more, he might have made a lot more Friends and a tidy fortune.

And beggars might ride.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 4, 2013 - 04:13am PT
I spent my youth around heavy aircraft, in Sacramento near McClellan AFB and Mather. Then in Merced under the flight paths of heavy planes of all types.

The Farmers Insurance Company had a regional office on Hwy 99 which was lit by an array of lights that the Castle pilots used to line up their approaches to the runway S-N; and when the company decided to cut their costs by eliminating the Hwy 99 lights, the Base Commander requested they rethink their decision and the lights came back on.

One thing that impacted me when the base was closed in 1995 was the closing of the local climbing/backpacking store, Tuttle Outdoor Equipment, TOE. Mark Tuttle's retail trade slumped bigtime and he was forced to move his trade to a shop in Winton, just north of the base on Santa Fe. We called him, hoping to visit, but he said he was in the middle of some thing.

To wit:
Dave Y. is having a haul bag sewn for an EC attempt and the shop was in disarray. I took the hint and we hit the strawberry stand on our way back to town.

It was a good day.

Ciao, Mark!
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