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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 05:13am PT
Been saving this video for an occasion.

Love it!

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 05:22am PT
Never hurt a fly, it could be somebody's lover.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Number sixteen in your hymnals, children.

Surprise, surprise, surpise!




and never land again

Then at last the mighty ship descending on a point of flame
Made contact with the human race

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Oh God, Pride of Man, broken in the dust again.
The meek shall cause your tower to fall, make of you a pyre of flame,
Oh you who dwell on many waters, rich in treasures, wide in fame.
You bow unto your God of gold, your pride of might shall be a shame,
For only God can lead His people back unto the Earth again.
Oh God, Pride of Man, broken in the dust again.
A Holy mountain be restored, and mercy on that people, that people LORD.

Eggs Ackley like the man said, "Infinity flambe."

Happy zEaster, z.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 10:43am PT
Feliz Pascua, Amigos
[Click to View YouTube Video]I dreamed I saw St. Anthony,
Alive as you or me
Tearing throught these quarters
In the utmost misery.
But he was too slow
As his britches show
He dropped his load
All over the flo.

Patron of lost things and missing persons.
Who ya gonna call?
Red velvet, not blue.

Try to depend on yourselves;
when you can't, call on the rest of us, you Topians.

Need some help, ask.

It's not beggin'.

It's kindness and brotherhoodly action that makes us human.

Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Mar 31, 2013 - 11:57am PT
Why zank you very much mouse - and the same sentiment to youz and yorz

from meez and minz

message de Google

We could not calculate directions between Marquesas Islands and Easter Island.

But I think it's smooth sailing!

Speaking of CSN, when I went to see ole Bob Dylan, Joni, & Van (at leastat the Pauley Pavillion one night, I was standing right there next to Graham Nash for a while and whilst I didn't speak to him, I could hear everything he was saying. Seemed like a very down to Earth guy.

Never encountered Janis, but she viewed the world differently (at least sometimes)

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Legal update: looks like this one may be a winner (whew)!

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 03:04pm PT
Yeah, Marlow. Talkin' to you, Baby!
[Click to View YouTube Video]Won't somebody tell me wdshtd? No, let her tell it.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
I don't understand how come you're gone, man. I don't understand why half the world is still crying, man, when the other half of the world is still crying too, man.

Papeetee, TX., man. Never heard of it, have ya?--JJ
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 03:43pm PT
Melanie Melonsugar, Janis' other best friend, mentioned that there is a sad lack in reportage de Y JJ fell in with BB&HC in SF--her connection to zGood Ol' Boyz in zBand, Chet Helms (RIP) by name, the Dogfather by fame.
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Cuckoos don't need to jump, but they can.--Woddy Harrelson, cowpoker

Splitter, time to rise and shine and join the choir. Wash that face, comb that hair, wash yer hands, and find a chair.

Cosmic, find it in yer heart to call me today, OK? Enjoy some BACON!, just a little more RIND, baby!, with that TOMATO! Hoping yer home and happy!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 03:55pm PT
Highway 41 Minus Forty-One Years.JJ was recruited by band manager Chet Helms to join Big Brother as lead singer on June 4, 1966. They soon landed a record contract, issuing their first album on Mainstream and their second – a top seller – on Columbia Records.
[Click to View YouTube Video]Janis didn't even make it to the end of her summertime. I'm eternally grateful to have reached winter.

And to be able to lay around listening to an angel, surfing at the same time--catching up to the modern world is easy with a computer.
Why didn't somebody tell me years ago?--and taking the odd photo or two now and again.

I do think that for me, the Center lies someplace very close to the Bridalveil Junction. Highway 41 meets Highway 140 and Southside Drive is the resulting traffic glacier/river of nice people on holiday.

It wouldn't be the same without the contributing Highway 132, which joins the 140 just west of the Bridalveil. Thank you, Too All Of Me.

Yes, I am in fact, the Yosemite TRaffic Cam, high atop LCR, the eye in the middle of the forehead of the valley, the outpost.

Job one: Keep an eye on The Sentinel. She's getting restless. She's the Janis of the Group, see, in her "mind." LSD is nothing, everything in her experience is long--slow--deliberate, sort of like a climber on "hard-daid."

Yep. Someplace between the Cathedral and Pulpit Rock.

If it's bothersome I'm on about La Pascua, let me say that Liz's "people" were descended from a man considered special by the Yaqui of Phoenix, AZ. They are known as the Pascua Yaqui.


Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Mar 31, 2013 - 04:45pm PT
Her's one for ya
[Click to View YouTube Video]

here's the one

[Click to View YouTube Video]

I know what I know anyway
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 05:38pm PT
The back of my head. HA!Some of my deepest fears, were I my alter-ego.Some of my greatest joys.
TBA--I have to think hard.
But I know I'll find the answers.
In the meanwhile, from the Beatless Allman Brand Band.

Interview with Bill Connell.

Lifted from the interview with Bill Connell:

What was your first drum kit?

That was in ‘61. My parents got me bass drum and a cymbal. They were Ludwig, blue with a silver stripe. That same year I started playing with some local older guys and even played with my father. We played Dixieland and Swing at the Elks Club, the Moose Lodge, Tuscaloosa Country Club, places like that. I was 12 years old. That summer I worked for the basketball coach at Tuscaloosa High, Tom Tarleton. He was in charge of the little league field in Northington. He gave me a job in the refreshment stand. I worked all summer to buy a high hat. I was living then. I had a bass, snare,cymbal, and high hat. (laughter) My Grandmother’s next door neighbor had a nephew that was a drummer. We met and he was a wonderful guy. Today I would say he was like the Paul McCartney of drummers. He was know everywhere. He played rock and roll! I asked him if he would teach me a few things. We got together once a week for several weeks. One night he called me and told me there was some university students forming a rock and roll band and they need a drummer. He asked if I wanted to play with them. He said it would pay better than the Dixieland stuff. We would be playing the frat parties. I’m still 12 years old. The leader of the band was Fred Styles and he called me and asked me to come and audition. I went over to the ball room in the Union Building and passed the audition and started playing the fraternities. Needless to say I grew up quick. But I didn’t drink, smoke, or any of that sort of vices. My total concentration was on the music. My total focus was on becoming as good a rock and roll drummer as Marbry Smith, my teacher. That band was called The Pacers.

That was Fred Styles, Doug Hogue on guitar, Johnny Duran played bass, and a piano player named Sam Hill. Back then we just used the piano at the fraternity or sorority house. We didn’t put a mike in it. We had a little bitty PA system and nothing was miked except the vocals. It was very basic. Looking back I wish I had some recordings of that. We did a lot of black R&B, Ricky Nelson, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Everly Brothers, Little Richard, Bo Diddly, it was all rock and roll to us. Later The Pacers went through some member changes. We lost our bass player, so our guitar player moved to bass. We found this freshman, that we heard was really good. He was from New Brockton, Alabama. His name was Paul Hornsby. That second year we had Paul Hornsby on guitar. Paul and Fred Styles till this day are still in the music business. Paul and I have a publishing business together which was established in the early 70’s. Fred just finished helping put together a album of stuff we cut with Eddie Hinton. The name of the album is "Beautiful Dream". It’s getting fantastic reviews...

The older guys in The Pacers wanted to go do the beach circuit. I was just 13 and my parents felt I was just too young to go down there and live all summer. So they went and I got a job with a new band that was forming that was Johnny Townsend, Tippy Armstrong, with The Pacers bass player that didn’t want to go to the beach either. That group was called the Night Caps to begin with. That name got changed after about a month because Johnny Townsend was doing some wild things on stage that wouldn’t be considered wild at all today. Johnny got the name Dirty John. So then we went by the name of Dirty John and the Night Caps. When I left The Pacers they got Johnny Sandlin to play drums and changed their name to the Five Men-Its.

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In the back-back, sorta layin' there:
Nearly everyone in that group of cutting edge climbers soon became guides and instructors, and reached out to the kids that wanted to learn. I think you can discover much by the way kids are treated, you see.--Peter Haan, March 18 in the true super-thread called Frank Sacherer 1940-1978


Sport climber
Mar 31, 2013 - 05:43pm PT

Great to take the school picture.

Here is from a Janis Joplin school reunion:
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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Mar 31, 2013 - 11:14pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 1, 2013 - 06:05am PT

There was a town called Bagby upriver from the Exchequer Dam on the Merced River. It was home to a friend of my brother Mike, a man known to him as Old Dog Charley. He got washed out by the rising McClure Reservoir. He sold Mike some of his hunting hounds when he moved.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 1, 2013 - 09:52pm PT
Yet another "Boomer." Pat DeVaurs.

Always heard of this fellow; turns out he lives here in Merced in the off-season when he's not operating the China Peak Ski Resort above Freesnow. I've seen him on their ads on the local TV channels.

He's a bit younger than I, and had a recent injury. This was taken last Friday. The ski season's over at China Peak. He's philosophical about it, as one must try to be.

It's not the end of the world.

It's fall in Brazil, after all.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

The seasonal wheel keeps turning, never stops. It's not a perpetual thing, however. It's gonna end sometime, it can't defy the laws of physics, only draw the process out somehow. It will collapse, eventually.


Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Apr 2, 2013 - 12:31am PT
Is Modesto considered a suburb of Merced?
If Merced is the gateway to Yosemite will my senior pass work there?

Can any of the Flames be implicated in the Mersyside beat? Would be a cryin' shame.

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Apr 2, 2013 - 01:20am PT
Stop your crying when the Byrds sing.

Don't let the sun catch you sobbin', sobbin', sobbin', whoa-oa...

96 Tears, exactly.

No, Mo isn't a subdivision of, nor a hamlet of, and definitely not a suburb of Merced. Though a mayor of Merced's maiden name was Nora Hamlet. She ran this place which used to be Cecil's Golden Chicken, at the end of The Drag on "G" St., the other half to Vernon's on "R" St., a mile down 17th St., now Main St.

It's now this pig eatery. They have lots and lots of bacon. And good Foster Farms chicken, you bet.

Here's what went down, in twenty-five pictures or less, when the Rev came to visit. He actually said, "Let's do lunch," and I was gonna oblige him anyway by taking him to the 510 Bistro for his big-time 65th, but he had his face set for In n' Out. I convinced him he's 65 and shouldn't eat that crap. And he oughta eat more chicken and fish. We had mushroom bisque. He had tea, I a Bloody Mary. Arrgh... And salmon. He burgered up as usual.

After we ate we noticed these two out in the park.
We took off for the REAL SUBURBS--Planada. They have sights to see there.We saw them in a hurry. We hurried back to town so the Rev could scoot back to Greeley Hill and Denise. His dad is doing fine after the hernia surgery, so he's relieved as can be.
I excused myself at the Coffee Bandits and we parted company with some PLANS for this May, tentatively. We're looking for an old beater.

Social climber
Apr 2, 2013 - 08:15am PT
Nope, Randy never worked for George Lucas. We used to go to his studio a lot for the "rushes" of films Randy was working on; but he never worked for Industrial Light and Magic. We had friends that did. We had friends in "high places"

ha ha


Social climber
Apr 2, 2013 - 08:17am PT

I took this photo in 2006. I wonder what is happening with the temple these days. At that point, there was a fence around it and somebody living in a trailer. The place was pretty run down and had been seriously vandalized.

Social climber
Apr 2, 2013 - 08:20am PT

Social climber
Apr 2, 2013 - 08:22am PT

Ice climber
chingadero de chula vista
Apr 2, 2013 - 11:10am PT
Nice photos you two.

Seems like a trend, I never worked for George Lukas either, though my friend Wally (physicist & musician) worked for Stevie Wonder.

Half the people can be part right some of the time I guess.

Is Santa Cruz a suburb of Merced? I have only been there once. Friends were living in what seemed like a four-story Victorian house previously occupied by one of the U.S. Presidents. It wasn't Nixon.

I notice by the back of your head mouse, that you do not have eyes there and that perhaps you have mastered the art of tripodery (ask DMT on the correct spelling).

If you contrast mastered and mustered, on first cut they don't appear to be that different, on deeper reflection they still don't appear to be that different, especially when say comparing mastered and mustard.

Think about it, but not for too long.

Legal update: In the words of my friend George (Harrison, not Lukas) - "I'll have to admit it gettting better, so better all the time".

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