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Social climber
the Wastelands
Prove it you ignorant little horse's ass
the Fet
Once again skip proves he is incapable of rational analysis of politics. When confronted with his blind one sided loyalty to a specific ideology he goes on the attack against Obama.
He can't handle it if you point out the Marxist background of Obama.
Great example. You claim to know what I think, but you obviously have no idea. You can't debate or handle reality so you must imagine in your mind what I am so it's easier to feel secure in your attacks and believe you are right.
Skip attack Obama all you want. I didn't vote for him last time and won't next year. But of course in your black and white word of good conservatives vs. evil liberals you see everyone not conservative as Obama drones. You aren't capable of objectively looking at anything in politics. You don't have the courage to see your failings and the failings of conservative ideology. Everything wrong is everyone's else's fault to you. Weak.
the Fet
Here's a little help for you skip, it's not liberals or conservatives that are all bad, it's the blind allegiance to your ideology that is bad, especially the farther to the extremes your ideology. Everything you claim to hate about liberals you are equally guilty of, just on the other side. You are just like a far left liberal! Stupidly clinging to the idea that YOUR brand of extreme politics will fix things, when in fact it's wing nuts like you (left OR right) that screw things up.
Is it possible you could read what I wrote and learn and grow as a person? Or will you double down on your delusional views and spin this all into I'm a brainwashed liberal and you are a good conservative?
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
The community organizer was influenced by a community organizer? Say it ain't so!
From your link Fattrad:
Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing, and has been compared in Playboy magazine to Thomas Paine as being "one of the great American leaders of the nonsocialist left."
Alinsky did not join political organizations. When asked during an interview whether he ever considered becoming a Communist party member, he replied:
"Not at any time. I've never joined any organization—not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide."
Social climber
the Wastelands
Duh, gee I don't know why the women keep showing up at OWS event.
Maybe it is because they "hate" themselves, as women you know.
Women have always hated themselves, you just figured that out?
Why do veterans join the OWS events?
Oh yeah, they too hate themselves?
Christ what a dumb fuk
Trad climber
Bay Area
How Obama was educated in the finest of schools
And your problem with this is????
Status envy? Elitist?
Recent Presidents higher educations. Data from Wikipedia
Truman: dropped out of Kansas City Law School when he couldn't afford it
Eisenhower: West Point
Kennedy: Harvard
Johnson: Southwest Texas State Teachers' College
Nixon:"Nixon was offered a tuition grant to attend Harvard University, but Harold's continued illness and the need for Hannah Nixon to care for him meant Richard was needed at the store. He remained in his hometown and attended Whittier College, his expenses there covered by a bequest from his maternal grandfather." Duke Law School: graduated third in his class in June 1937
Ford:University of Michigan. Yale Law School
Carter: Georgia Southwestern College, Georgia Tech, Annapolis where he graduate 59th out of 820
Reagan:Eureka College
Bush I: Yale. Graduated in 2 1/2 years, Phi Beta Kappa
Clinton: Georgetown, Phi Beta Kappa. Oxford Rhodes Scholar. Yale Law School.
Bush II:Yale, no distinctions. Harvard Business School MBA
Obama: Occidental College, Columbia: BA, Harvard Law: editor of the Law Review. University of Chicago Law: Fellow and professor of Constitutional Law
So Truman, Johnson and Reagan are the only recent Presidents who didn't graduate from prestigious top rank universities. Unless you don't think West Point and Annapolis are top rank "elitist", then you can add Eisenhower and Carter.
Oh yeah, Obama's alma mater: U of Chicago. Perhaps best known recently as the post of Milton Friedman. O of C is hardly a bastion of socialist politics and economics.
Social climber
the Wastelands
According to Booky, these women at OWS events "hate" themselves.
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Seriously Fattrad? That is your source for information?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Obama bought his home with the help of a convicted Felon of Bribery Are you deliberately twisting the facts?
The purchase of an adjacent lot and sale of part of it to Obama by the wife of developer, campaign donor and friend Tony Rezko attracted media attention because of Rezko's subsequent indictment and conviction on political corruption charges that were unrelated to Obama. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama
In 2005 Obama purchased a new home in the Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (which was $300,000 below the asking price but represented the highest offer on the property) Rezco is a squirrly character for sure. But the real estate transactions were all completely legal, there's no evidence of bribery or collusion. So two parties, knowing each other through political connections buy two pieces of land at the same time because
the previous owners decided to sell the land as two separate lots, but made it a condition of the sales that they be closed on the same date Since when do people NOT do favors when it's mutually beneficial. In the end Rezco's sold their parcel at a nice profit. Through cooperation, the seller and both buyers made a mutually successful deal.
In October 2006, Rezko was indicted along with businessman Stuart Levine on charges of wire fraud, bribery, money laundering, and attempted extortion as a result of a federal investigation known as "Operation Board Games".[11][12] Levine was once a top Republican fund-raiser who had switched loyalty in recent years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Rezko
Of course if you want to believe this was more of the entrenched political quid pro quo, then you're right in there with most OWS.
I won't go into Shrub's military service (slackard at best) or deals with Arbusto Energy (all legal)......unless you force me to.
Unfortunately "they all do it" has become modus operandi in US politics.
And that's the point!
Trad climber
Bay Area
By his own public admission fattrad is spreading his time and money around Rebublican circles to get appointed as western director of the NPS (Tsar of Yosemite in my words). This is perfectly legal as long as his contributions are reported. And a perfect example. I don't think any worse of fattrad for it.
the Fet
It is the truth, Obama was a student of Saul Alinsky, a self avowed socialist. Socialism is what Obama believes in.
Well Jeff, Obama is to the left of me. And I don't know but say Alinsky is a socialist. You then make the grand leap to Obama believes in socialism. Has Obama said that? No of course not. What have his actions been. Left of center at best. "Obamacare" keeps healthcare in private hands. IMO his actions show he is no socialist.
You are guilty of exactly what I have been saying. And what SO many on the right do. You take someone left of center and portray him as a socialist despite what he himself says he is and what his actions demonstrate. There is plenty of truthful stuff to attack Obama with, so why resort to ridiculous claims only fellow righties will agree with?
There's only a few liberal posters on the taco who do this. i.e. Paint all republicans as far right, evil or stupid. But it seems MOST conservative posters do this. Why?
Why is that so many on the right can't see there is a whole spectrum from far left to center to far right?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
"If you're not with us, you're against us." nicely sums it up.
Trad climber
Bay Area
he is a socialist and wants every Uhmerikuhn to have affordable health care. And he's not a native born American and wants to kill jobs.
I've yet to hear from the Republitards how the big corporations are going to hire all the people laid off from the US Government as part of balancing the budget.
Speaking of the budget:
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of the United States federal government, created in response to the September 11 attacks, and with the primary responsibilities of protecting the territory of the United States and protectorates from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters. In fiscal year 2011 it was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion and spent, net, $66.4 billion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Homeland_Security
I'm waiting to hear if the Republican budget proposals reduce the 2012 budget by the $32 Billion not spent this year. Probably not.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
while giving tax cuts to the wealthiest Uhmerikuhns
He lowered ALL tax brackets for taxpayers.
EDIT: I think you conveniently left out some of Obama's other mis-plays.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Ten years after their enactment, the Bush tax cuts remain expensive, ineffective, and unfair. As outlined in a new EPI policy memo, the Bush-era tax changes conferred disproportionate benefits to those at the top of the earnings distribution, exacerbating a trend of widening income inequality at a time of already poor wage growth.
A distributional analysis of the 2001-08 tax changes shows that the top 1% of earners (making over $620,442) received 38% of the tax cuts. The lower 60% of filers (making less than $67,715) received less than 20% of the total benefit of Bush’s tax policies.
The Bush-era tax cuts were designed to reduce taxes for the wealthy, and the benefits of faster growth were then supposed to trickle down to the middle class. But the economic impact of cutting capital gains rates and lowering the top marginal tax rates never materialized for working families. Inflation-adjusted median weekly earnings fell by 2.3% during the 2002-07 economic expansion, which holds the distinction for being the worst economic expansion since World War II.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Norton, if they were so wrong then why did Obama extend them?
I'm middle class and my tax-rates went down. Kick ass!!!!
Marx was a fukking genius.
His analysis of Capitalism is a masterpiece.
So Lovesgasoline also wants a communist Amerika??? Why not just move to North Korea?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Callie, Alinsky is a liar. All smart commies and socialists realize that their sh#t doesn't fly too well in the United States. Most people reject that crap, and they know it.
That's why they slowly creep it in. Baby steps. Obama is a good student.
Alinsky-ites are clever. They're devious, but clever.
the Fet
Obama had no choice but to extend all tax cuts. The republicans wouldn't budge on anything but an extension of all tax cuts. He would have an wanted to and stated over and over he wanted to extend all but the top rates.
My taxes went down to. Kick ASS! For my short term gain. But what you fail to see is that this contributes to the deficit. I'd probably rather go back and eliminate ALL of Bush's tax cuts even though it would cost me personally. Because what's important is cutting spending in the long term. NOT cutting taxes, and increasing spending and creating a huge deficit which must be paid back with interest.
I'd like to work less, but then I'd bring in less money, which means I'd either have to cut spending or start racking up debt (or cut saving). It sound nice to pay less taxes or work less, but unless you cut spending FIRST it's a recipe for disaster.
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