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Dos XX
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Apr 17, 2012 - 02:02pm PT
'wege got it right.
Sport climber
Apr 17, 2012 - 03:19pm PT
Seems to be some excess baggage there, just sayin'......
Trad climber
Placerville, California
Apr 17, 2012 - 03:30pm PT
santa cruz deserves a mixed rep.
when i was in school at santa clara
we did much of our partying in santa cruz,
it was just a short jaunt over the
17 on the public transit which
our student id's earned us free rides.
i was always shocked at the meth
usage amonst the college gang.
i was still young and naive
straight outta small-town usa
and the cultural shock was
staggering in many aspects.
i camped at the keg
and gawked at the gorgeous hippy
girls and once in a while
got drunk enough to talk to em.
for the most part i stayed
outta that mind dirt, though.
Lake Tahoe
Apr 17, 2012 - 03:35pm PT
Thanks for bringing a long dead thread to the front page where we all see it and think "Crap, another guy died on HF lately?"
But gratefully, there was no new death. Just an old thread that was long forgotten and should have been left to rest in peace.
Apr 17, 2012 - 03:57pm PT
I have posted previously that when on the internet there are people who reverse all the training on being sociable they received when two or three years old. We now have an instance in which a person has even reversed the training they received just before that.
Social climber
May 27, 2012 - 07:25pm PT
I came into this discussion way late, but my sympathies go out to the Leeder family. Many of you have made several good, thought-provoking, points on here. My only trip I took to Yosemite, with a group of friends from Bel Air Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles in I believe August of 2002, I had full intention of going to the top of Half Dome. Then the afternoon before our group was going on the Half Dome hike, one of my friends started talking about how it was so dangerous and so many had slipped and fallen off that last ascent. I never really thought of myself as a wuss, being pretty athletic and playing college basketball, but that did mess with my head and ended up not making it to the top of the Half Dome. I should have known that my friend was messing with my head and he was always joking around like that, but still let it get to me too much lol! So I went to the end of that last hike before you do the last one to the top which I believe is the Nevada Falls, which was still beautiful and a wonderful experience. I'm not living in Los Angeles or California now, but hope to get back to Yosemite again sooner that later, and this time complete the Half Dome. All the best to all of you!
Social climber
May 27, 2012 - 08:14pm PT
Sometime, in the future, you will have a wife that will love you very much. And sometime, once you've been married in front of your parents and friends, you will consummate that bond.
...And when your scared, timid, half inflated meat popsicle is stabbing randomly at her digestive track and/or thigh, you will feel like the half of a human piece of sh#t you are.
Satan himself has told me, via AOL instant messenger, that when this happens he will give me a sign. And when I recieve that sign, Tip, I will lean back in my $42 computer chair, grab a bottle of 4$ wine and nod knowingly to the tune of Black Sabbath.
Because, you see, the funny thing is, while I can make some pretty funny jokes, I'll never feel as shitty to another human being in my entire life as you have proven is possible.
Go f*#k yourself, dear sir, or better yet let a fire hydrant do it for you.
Love and kisses!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
merced, california
May 27, 2012 - 08:50pm PT
Double for me, G.
And another double to the demise of Granstar in a brothel, no, a cave, no, in a hole of some kind, but what?
I got the same kindo message.
Satan's totally got it under control.
He was joking about it.
Why did Granstar cross himself before he crossed the road?
Even though he's a Chicken and a Presbyterian, he thought he might as well cover the bases before crossing.
Who cares why he wanted to cross the road. I'm surprised he considered coming here!
God what a slack-jaw!
Social climber
So Cal
May 27, 2012 - 08:55pm PT
I'm with the Chief on this one.
there's still room for some responsibility,
even in the most irresponsible act.
Trad climber
Joshua Tree
May 27, 2012 - 10:31pm PT
Hopeless addict, lost soul.
Oh yeah I forgot... Tip is an a$$hole.
Social climber
Irving, TX
May 27, 2012 - 11:45pm PT
Wow mouse wasn't expecting that. Did I say something to tick you off or just in a bad mood? Most people seem really cool on here from the posts I've seen so guess that caught me off guard.
Social climber
Irving, TX
May 28, 2012 - 12:56am PT
The Chief makes such a great point in earlier post about trying to get beyond your own issues, getting outside of yourself, and focus on others who need help and have worse situation than maybe we have. Probably the most fulfilled I've ever felt in my life was being involved in the Skid Row Ministry where our group would go down to some of the worst parts of downtown Los Angeles and help the homeless with food, water, clothing, shelter in some cases, prayers, or just talking to them and trying to be a friend. But I also understand and respect your point also John about your friend who was decorated soldier. I would never judge him what ever he decides but would just hope your positive influence on him gives him hope and courage to push forward and continue to use his great talents to make a difference in the world. Having two older brothers, my oldest in the Marine Corps passed away at early age of 21 and miss him dearly, I have the greatest respect for our military.
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