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Mountain climber
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:34pm PT
Funny how these folks think the government is completely incompetent at delivering the most mundane services, but eerily capable amazing feats of broad secrecy, seamless interagency coordination, wide-scale social engineering, and technological feats of absolute wonder.
^^ Very good points, healyje. I'd like to hear some answers on this too.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:35pm PT
This friend that worked under Reagan and both Bushes laughs when he hears about conspiracy theories carried out by our government...As he said , our government could never get organized enough to conspire....
Then ignore me.
A long way from where I started
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:39pm PT
Crimpie: Hey Bluering, if possible, can you just answer the 'why' question for the links? That is, why is the govt allegedly doing this?
Bluering: To create hysteria amongst the general population who will in turn beg the gov't to remove guns from Americans.
We are the last powerful country that has a very well armed civilian population. That stands in the way of the Globalists. We are also the most free and independent country (because of the 2nd Amendment, in part). Remove the guns and they can dismantle us. The Globalists.
I know, I know...
Well, that settles it then. Agents from "The Globalists" kidnapped young Lanza, instituted mind-control procedures, and then turned him back loose knowing that when they gave the signal he would turn into a mindless robot and go on a killing spree.
Thank god that's settled and we can stop worrying about gun control laws and other silly sh#t.
Gym climber
South of Heaven
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:42pm PT
oh man, their even more powerful than I thought! this is getting spooky...
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:45pm PT
To create hysteria amongst the general population who will in turn beg the gov't to remove guns from Americans.
Thanks for the Cliff Notes Bluey.
Seems easier just to outlaw them to me. Yeah, people would whine and all, but still it seems easier.
And as far as bad bureaucrats. I must tell you that I work with some massively hard-working and smart folks. There are bums - they are in every occupation/sector - but most people work hard.
My two cents.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:53pm PT
I'm just offering alternate conclusions, that actually make a whole lot of sense if you read the whole thing.
The fact they make a "whole lot of sense" says nothing about them and a lot about you. Lots of fiction 'makes sense', but the ability to distinguish fact from fiction seems to be getting harder and harder for a lot of folks and to be honest, that kind of clueless fundamentalism is way, way more dangerous than guns.
Repeat after me: there are no 'globalists', the UN is not going to strafe Ron's store, there are no chemtrails, there sure as hell are no sasquatch, and there are no hidden, compartmentalized, hyper-efficient branches of government.
RonA: NDAA 2013
Dude, just join the ACLU and get over yourself on the NDAA 2013.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:56pm PT
t*r writes:
"i felt, and still feel - it's very important to point out that the majority of people with mental illness are not dangerous"
The same is true about American gun owners.
Right now, all the legislation proposed would have done nothing to prevent what happened in Connecticut, but will unnecessarily inconvience good people who own or aspire to own guns.
Since the mentally ill are the other half of the equation here, perhaps they should be inconvienced by new laws as well. Perhaps a national data base of people who have been treated with psychotropic drugs, such as Zoloft, Ambien, Xanax, Ritilan, etc. needs to be made available for public viewing - like Megan's List for chesters.
At the very least, people who have been treated with psychotropic drugs should be barred from owning guns. Including cops.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 19, 2012 - 08:57pm PT
Bluey...I wasn't talking to you so how can i ignore you...? RJ
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:33pm PT
At the very least, people who have been treated with psychotropic drugs should be barred from owning guns. Including cops.
Good idea but it'll never happen.
We've got to remember that nobody is cramming these poisons down our throats. 90% of the people I work with are absolutely stuffed with meds in general(not just psychotropics). A lot of the blame is on our lazy society in general. There is no conspiracy. We're doing it to ourselves and our children.
The difference, and this needs to be run high up the flagpole, is that most meds only affect the user. The black labels, already there, must be expanded on these head poisons and clearly state that the user might not only kill themselves, but may kill family members or random groups of others in a psychotic rage, without warning.
How do you think that'll affect sales? Hey, has anyone seen a head-med ad on TV in the past week? I haven't...
Some of these new meds doubtlessly do help some people when taken in small amounts. The question our society has to ask is, if we're will to accept the .01% chance of suicide AND murder.
I know when Tylenol came with a cyanide surprise every now and then, people won't so quick to go that route. These pills are like cyanide with a couple fragmentation grenades in the box. Less than the chance of lightning striking though... so don't worry!
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:36pm PT
Ho man! I'd love to be on that committee!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:38pm PT
Seems easier just to outlaw them to me. Yeah, people would whine and all, but still it seems easier.
And as far as bad bureaucrats. I must tell you that I work with some massively hard-working and smart folks. There are bums - they are in every occupation/sector - but most people work hard.
My two cents.
Seems hyperbolic, but remember the Jews in Germany? The people of Cambodia?
There's a reason for the old Santayana saying. I'm sure you know it. The Jews have a similar one. "Never again".
When you eliminate all guns, only gov't has absolute power over people's freewill. Gov't should fear us. We are losing this.
Our Founder's knew this and included the 2nd Amendment intentionally! In the Declaration they even said that we have a DUTY to overthrow a gov't that is tyrannical and oppresses the rights of the governed.
I'm surprised that you don't realize this, Callie. What is it going to take for you to say, "Our gov't is out of control and is in disregard of our rights as citizens?"
Oh, and Benghazi? That one is a fresh one. It wasn't a consulate! It was a CIA station-house to run guns from Libya to Syria so we could overthrow another country.
We were set up by the Russians who opposed the overthrow of Syria (Russia friendly). The whole thing went bad. As far as I know the SEALS weren't in on it and disobeyed orders to rescue people. This escalated the direct fire.
Ask yourself this. Where are the 25-30 people who made it out of that compound? Who were rescued. Where are they? No word from them?
Deprogramming? Isolation till "shit blows over"?
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:38pm PT
Once again bluering does nothing more than prove that he is batshit crazy, sorry brah
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:51pm PT
GUD question Bluey , have wondered about all the other folks not mentioned once since..Im no batshyt crazy,, but in govt, its ALWAYS whats not said to be the truth. "Bill Clinton,, I did not have setchel relations with that woman"! Geo Bush,, there are WMDs in Iraq! Obama - "I will cut the deficit in half" and so on.
Yep, everyone forgot about all those people who were "rescued". I hear they are in isolation in Germany for "review".
I'm bat-shit crazy for raising questions YOU IDIOTS SHOULD BE ASKING!!!
Yeah. I'm the crazy one. Me and good ol' Ron.
Ask questions, and do not listen to media. Use common sense and logic.
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:55pm PT
Where are the 25-30 people who made it out of that compound?
Er, um, they work for the CIA either directly or contractors. Should they be doing interviews with the media?
Please, please, put me on TV, then send me out on another clandestine op.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:57pm PT
They are subpeonaing the SOS for testimony on WTF happened, and there are no questions from the survivors of the "consulate" attack?
Where are they?
Er, um, they work for the CIA. Should they be doing interviews with the media? Please,please, put me on TV, then send me out on another clandestine op.
It's rumored that Steven's and his station chief were CIA too. Does this mean the survivors do not have to answer questions? Closed door, at least?
Dec 19, 2012 - 09:58pm PT
They've been debriefed, and congress critters got private briefings.
Why do you insist on blowing their covers?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 10:01pm PT
Because 2 SEALS are dead and were denied air-support.
Nobody told the retired ops that they were being hung out to dry. Maybe they would have bailed if they knew, and their kids would have Dads for Xmas.
The whole f*#king thing stinks!
Dec 19, 2012 - 10:05pm PT
Maybe you guy's should just give up yer "tools" so are government can quit killing all these innocent people just to prove a point.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 19, 2012 - 10:06pm PT
They sure were a smart bunch, foreseeing events that happened a century or two later.
You know damn well what I speak of, Anders. Smartass!
I said that they were retired. WTF is your point? WTF does that have to do with the cover-up? The white-washing?
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