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norm larson
wilson, wyoming
That was a muddler Bob
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Here's a shot of the East Walker River gauge below Bridgeport Reservoir from June 11, when the flow was 900 cfs and I was still able to catch a couple fish in the Miracle Mile section.
Stimbo, do think these massive flows will ultimately be favorable or detrimental for the long term health of the fishery?
Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Stimbo, do think these massive flows will ultimately be favorable or detrimental for the long term health of the fishery?
Hey Bob, I think in the long run the big flush will be a good thing for the fishery, scouring out sediment and getting rid of algae that built up during the drought. There doesn't seem to be a lack of aquatic insects either, plus I saw a lot of crayfish and fingerlings yesterday.
PM me and I will give you some other details.
Trad climber
Is this enough flow to clean the willows off the banks? I used to fish there some in the 80s and don't remember it being so hard to get to the river down by the bridge. Now it is quite hard to fish anywhere below the miracle mile.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
G Gnome: Per your wishes on the Walker River removing willows with high flows: it didn't work out that way with Idaho's historic high flows this spring.
Here's a island in the Snake River that is mostly willows & a couple of trees, today at a flow of about 8,500 cfs.
The island was mostly under fast-moving water, except for the tops of the trees from early March to late June, per this evening photo, with flows up to 30,000 cfs.
The damn willows seemed to like it. I can't believe they were not scoured away.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Good stuff WTF. Classic Nor Cal fly fishing!
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Jul 10, 2017 - 03:00pm PT
Limpingcrabs photos clued me into a place I might be able to FF at...
Mather Meadows... at the trail head I was talking to a local cowboy who lives at Big Meadow about the fishing at Mather. "Those fish will hit a bare hook... if its gold.." That gave me the motivation to head out on a 5.5 mile one way hike-- the longest one I have tried in like 3 years and it was worth it.
When I walked out across the meadow I was amazed to see about a billion grasshoppers coming up out of the knee hi plants and grass.... pretty EZ to decide on what to use.
The hard part was getting the "hopper" to hit the water because the creek was about 3 feet wide and the grass grows all the way across the span. When I did hit water the Trout went wild and they would hit the hopper over and over again. A fishing free for all.
Anyway I lost count when I got to 25 or 30 or 40 ..... it was work and I was pretty busy all after noon.
I only took 1 photo... I was busy with NOT hurting the fish and messing with the iPhone can take some time.
note wet hands, I have learned some things from this thread.
Now I want to see a monster bug hatch... after a few cocktails!
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Jul 10, 2017 - 03:29pm PT
WTF what a fantastic trip report. The best of times.
Trad climber
Jul 10, 2017 - 04:01pm PT
Congrats Guy! Glad you finally had one of those kinds of outings.
How did the back and leg hold up walking that far?
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Jul 10, 2017 - 04:46pm PT
Congrats Guy! Glad you finally had one of those kinds of outings.
How did the back and leg hold up walking that far?
I took my time on the mostly up-hill hike out, slow and steady, but much better than last year when 1.5 miles laid me out.
I went to LJ's and we fished Crowley.... I caught a 22" BOW, so did LJ... that seems to easy, just sitting on the boat drinking beer.
I also checked out the So.Fork of the Kern.... it's still raging out of its banks. I also went to Cottonwood ....it's still in full flood mode. With the hot weather and monsoon conditions I bet this snow melt will kick into hi-gear and then things will get back to normal.
TAD.... looks nice on that beach, fishing is still good even if you catch nothing.
Micro.... how are the creeks up your way? Still flood stage?
WTF.... sounds like a heck of a trip.
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Jul 11, 2017 - 01:19am PT
Great thread as usual!
Happy you made it out there, Guy. I read before I went that the approach was less than three miles so I was a bit surprised by that hike. Get any of those bright rainbow/golden hybrids? Pretty fish, and we saw one in there that was probably over a foot. Solid fish for that tiny stream.
WTF, I should have talked to you a couple weeks ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got back from a family camping road trip on the way to a family reunion in Oregon and I planned campsites based on fishing when I could.
-Camped by the West Walked once. Raging chocolate milk.
-Camped by upper Hat Creek outside of Lassen. High water and a few little guys.
-Stayed near Bend and hit the upper Deschutes. More tiny fish and a weird silvery one (whitefish?)
-Camped in Castle Crags State Park and fished the upper Sacramento. More small rainbows.
Would have been nice to get some local knowledge because all of my fishing was squeezed into the one or two hours between sunrise and when the kids woke up. It was "pray and throw" with no time to learn the area or change rigs often.
I guess I can't complain, I was fishing after all :)
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Jul 11, 2017 - 09:08am PT
Happy you made it out there, Guy. I read before I went that the approach was less than three miles so I was a bit surprised by that hike. Get any of those bright rainbow/golden hybrids? Pretty fish, and we saw one in there that was probably over a foot. Solid fish for that tiny stream.
Limping....Looks like a nice trip. When I was talking with the Cowboy who lives up there at Big Meadow about the hike he warned me... the sign says 3.5 miles to Mather, but you need to go to the far end of Mather to fish.... at least another mile or two. I could tell there were larger fish in that little cut cause I could see the dark shadows swimming away.
The Cowboy also told me that the Golden Trout are up in the Taylor Creek/Taylor Meadows... AKA Church Domes.
So the next goal is to go a catch a "Volcano Golden" ...
And all of this fishing can be mixed with climbing. yea.
WTF.... Gome has told me stories about Hoppers "up north" sounds pretty amazing to be able to see them coming up shallow water-- fighting to get that hopper. Late August you say.
Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Jul 11, 2017 - 03:32pm PT
Doing some "urban" fly fishing near home I usually do pretty well catching fish about this size.
You can imagine the look on my face when I hooked this guy!!!
Some awesome stories and photos being shared on here lately. Glad everyone is getting out!!
Big Wall climber
Sierra Madre & McGee Creek, Ca.
Jul 11, 2017 - 05:18pm PT
No hoppers on the Fall River is because they spray the crap out of that valley.
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Jul 12, 2017 - 05:30pm PT
Apparently dinosaurs live in Wishon. This is the lake below Courtright Reservoir in the Sierra National Forest, if you're not familiar.
Big Wall climber
Sierra Madre & McGee Creek, Ca.
Jul 12, 2017 - 06:52pm PT
WTF, I need to commend you on your pictures of the area....I have lived the POV of all of them. The Hex hatch can be a bit unnerving, as you watch the bigguns gulp towards your artificial! That part of Northern Cal is a blessed area for the fly...I'm sure you have enjoyed the incredible beauty of the McCloud...
I always chuckle when the Bay area anglers complain of the drive to the area....they should try it from LA!
Hoping to fish a bit this year...
Trad climber
Jul 12, 2017 - 07:41pm PT
This is the lake below Courtright Reservoir in the Sierra National Forest, if you're not familiar.
It was actually caught in the Kings river below the dam. Too bad they killed such a great looking trout.
Jul 12, 2017 - 07:43pm PT
Great looking trout?
That thing looks like it died when it went over the dam and they scooped it up with a net. It's big but it's one of the ugliest browns I've ever seen. lol
Trad climber
Central Sierra
Jul 13, 2017 - 11:22am PT
from the Sequoia Backcountry
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jul 15, 2017 - 11:55am PT
I'm just back from a 4-day mineral collecting visit to "Darkest Idaho." I only fished from 3 - 6 PM one day, just inside the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area. The stream was still running high & although it is Catch & Release Cutthroat water, I think too many visitors are catching & eatting.
Fritz shuffles his feet & stares into the distance.
I only caught 5 Cuts, with the largest about 13".
Pretty place, beautiful fish, & I had a great hike the next day to some abandoned mines 2,000 vertical feet above where I was camped.
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