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Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Mar 30, 2017 - 09:32am PT
We caught fish, nothing huge by Pyramid standards, but nice cuttys none the less. It was fun fishing with WTF, some friends from the Bay area, and my son. You really can't beat being outside.
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Mar 30, 2017 - 09:53am PT
Nice lookin fish there Stimbo! Glad you two guys hooked up. Cant wait until the rivers here start to drop and we can get back out on the Lower Kings. Soooooo much water her in central cal right now.
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Mar 30, 2017 - 09:56am PT
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Mar 30, 2017 - 10:42am PT
In Ontario, we have Fishing Seasons. This means we leave mommy and daddy fish alone to make baby fish unmolested.
Why not you Merricans??
Do people of the north have bass fishing seasons? I've never heard of that, probably because largemouth are an invasive species outside the Mississippi River drainage. Of course in this part of CA we don't have fishing seasons for anything, maybe because there are less fisherman than places like up north or the eastern Sierra.
Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Mar 30, 2017 - 10:45am PT
Cant wait until the rivers here start to drop and we can get back out on the Lower Kings. Soooooo much water her in central cal right now.
Yeah, same here.... everything is blown out and looks like it will be for some time now. Nice fish btw!
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Just got back from Pyramid Lake, Nevada. The weather ranged from sunny, glassy conditions to snowstorms and 40 mph winds. The scenery and fishing was spectacular.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Nice one!
Can't wait to go back there.
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
WTF and BG......
You guys are total animals. Those trout are incredible. What is the "Season" up there? I would seriously consider making the trek up there to land a monster like that. Is it good all summer? I would love some actual intel and am seriously thinking about a road trip! Man I love this thread.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Hi Scott. The cutthroat trout season at Pyramid runs from October 1 to June 30.
A great website with tons of information about fishing Pyramid is www.pyramidlakeflyfishing.com
The best online fly selection and fly tying videos for Pyramid is from local guide Jan Nemec. His website is www.mimicflyfishing.com
If you're interested in reading about the fascinating history of the re-introduction of the Pilot Peak Strain, and some general tips on how to fish the lake, I wrote a feature article for Southwest Fly Fishing Magazine: Pyramid Lake, NV Rediscovery and Rebirth that appeared in their Sept/October 2015 issue. You can download a digital copy of the magazine at www.matchthehatch.com
Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Thanks Bob. I will definitely check it out !
Big storm system moving through Fri-Sun. Then a full moon Monday. Could be a really good bite. I need to get up to Pyramid one day. Maybe Monday. lol
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Apr 23, 2017 - 10:07pm PT
Been having good luck lately with the warm water species, fly fishing from my float tube at Lake Perris, CA
Apr 24, 2017 - 09:09am PT
I just got finished with a bathroom remodel that was on the same list. Ever notice how that list is never ending? I finished up that remodel, checked it off the list, and 3 other things had replaced it already. lol
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Apr 26, 2017 - 09:31am PT
OK.... a question for the large Trout Lovers.
EASTSIDE OPENING DAY ...... this weekend.
I begged for Monday off of work from the boss-man....got 3 days in Bishop.
Due to the huge accumulation of snow in the local mountains, the large amount of run off, the snowed in lakes and creeks, makes for a different kind of fishing- climbing weekend.
I would like to fish with Dry- flies....but where? The lower O seems to be flooded right now, East Walker has been in the reports and so has Hot creek- the ORG is one of my go-to spots... upriver from the North Parking lot.
What's a boy to do???
PS.... I got the dam backyard fence built, fixed the leaking toilet and for now the Honey-Do list is blank.
looking for advice from the locals.
Apr 26, 2017 - 09:48am PT
Do you have a float tube? Lower O has been raging the last few weeks. I'm about to drive up to South Lake and see how much ice is still on it. I haven't been up to the Upper O, Hot Creek or the Walker but I imagine there also raging. Lakes might be the way to go for opener. I'm still trying to figure it out to I guess. lol
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Apr 26, 2017 - 10:10am PT
ruppel .... no float tube, yet.... I do like to fish the intakes at convict, south and sabrina. I bet the ice is still quite thick up there.
please report back.
WTF... the list is kept by my wife, on her laptop-excel. She busts out a new list every month... on the first.
thanks for the reply's, whatever happens, it will be fun to just walk around and enjoy all the water ripping down the mountains and of course some nice sunny climbing at the usual places.
Happy spring time, all.
some eastside hovel
Apr 26, 2017 - 10:19am PT
There is a little more info on the Sierra Drifters fish report site. I always hit the N. Fork of Bishop Creek off of 6 first things on Fishmas. It doesn't look too high yet either.
Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Apr 26, 2017 - 10:44am PT
Eastside Options:
• Don't bother with the Lower Owens, it has been running at over 700 cfs for months now, which is raging for a little river with narrow banks.
• ORG has been fishing well above the Middle Gorge Power Plant. After the big flush through the gorge earlier in the season, the fish are scarce and hard to find below the Middle Gorge Power Plant.
• The Upper Owens isn't too bad if you go high in the river system. It is between seasons now as most rainbows have headed down to the reservoir and the cutthroats haven't started their push up, yet. That said, there are still some nice fish hanging around.
• Hot Creek has some great technical fishing. The fish are spooky as the creek is still low and clear. The weather has been cool so the spring runoff hasn't really kicked in yet. Fish with some stealth and keep moving, cover the water.
• East Walker is running on the high side but still very doable especially in the Miracle Mile (between the dam and the first bridge). Oh! The road has been closed going through the canyon for a couple of weeks now do to a big landslide. As "WTF" noted, fish the river margins. The trout are hanging out in the quiet water chilling....
• San Joaquin -- Closed
• Backcountry Lakes -- Closed
Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Apr 26, 2017 - 10:47am PT
A nice rainbow from just a couple of days ago. The grabs are really subtle but once they figure out they are hooked, they go bonkers! Fun fish!
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