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rick sumner
Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:32am PT
Have you the people prospered under the last seven years of rule by majority in all branches of government, then after loss of majority in two branches by the chief executives dictates? Has the middle class wages increased, has your access to and affordability of healthcare improved, have your kids recieved a better education and more affordable college tuitions, has your security and respectful treatment of yourselves as murican's improved as you traveled abroad,.....?
The do nothing repubs had nothing to do with change in the conditions listed above-that's by your own admission. We're George Soro's, Tom Steyer, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the Koch bros, and multinational conglomerates responsible for the perceived defective treatments of you the people?
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:36am PT
you have no real understanding of what's really going on
so why should I bother
but I repeat
the Dems only had 27 working days of a 60 vote majority in 2009
Only 2 policies were passed during that time, the stimulus with less than 60 votes, and ObamaCare with 60 votes
The Republicans filibustered everything after that
so NO Democratic Policies have been implemented
So we have weak Republican Economy, not a Democratic stimulated one
The Republicans are the ruling party Now, and for the past 6 1/2 years.
All the President can do is veto their bad legislation, he can't make laws or spend money
so you see, everything you said above was 100% wrong
and you learned this misinformation from the right wing media that wants you to believe lies so you will blame the Dems
and then you will be stupid enough to vote in the Repubs that caused all these problems in the first place
They are the cause of the high cost of health care, the debt, the money in politics, and basically every problem this country faces, not the Dems.
What Liberal Democratic Policy has hurt you or this Country in the past 30 years?
I can't think of one.
rick sumner
Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:47am PT
Didn't we get the 800 billion stimulus, GM-GOVERNMENT motors, ACA, continuing resolution after continuing resolution, huge expansions of green energy and associated loan losses, bailing out of numerous pension funds, increased funding of NGO's, hundreds of thousands of pages of new bureaucratic written regulations having the force of law and backed by heavily armed agencies, and more presidential decrees than any other prez in history. Hasn't the prez and dems spent more trillions of dollars of borrowed money than all other regimes combined before them to improve you the people's lot in life. Where did it all go-did the Koch bros steal it?
No Craig, I guess I really don't understand.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:49am PT
Most of the above is wrong
so yes, you are completely misinformed
and more presidential decrees than any other prez in history. Hasn't the prez and dems spent more trillions of dollars of borrowed money than all other regimes combined 100% wrong,
The Repubs put all those trillions on our debt
Bush II had way more decrees (and illegal ones to boot)
do you ever question the sh#t you hear?
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:56am PT
Craig, the 800 bill stimulus creates 3 million jobs; the bailout (initiated by Bush and which I was initially skeptical) saved the industry, has been repaid in full to the us, allowed us to get fuel standard concessions; we are in the middle of a transformative green energy revolution.
Yadayadayada. You know this, I know this, deep down they know this. Do they care? NO.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 10:58am PT
Escopeta, when the implanted microchip comes available to the masses, will you take one on?
I think I'll pass. Thanks.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 11:00am PT
Escopeta is Not LEB
How was your nap Mr Van Winkle?
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 16, 2016 - 11:06am PT
Didn't we get the 800 billion stimulus, GM-GOVERNMENT motors, ACA, continuing resolution after continuing resolution, huge expansions of green energy and associated loan losses, bailing out of numerous pension funds, increased funding of NGO's, hundreds of thousands of pages of new bureaucratic written regulations having the force of law and backed by heavily armed agencies, and more presidential decrees than any other prez in history. Hasn't the prez and dems spent more trillions of dollars of borrowed money than all other regimes combined before them to improve you the people's lot in life.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 11:20am PT
Are you into Black Flag?
Been listening to the early stuff lately. While I enjoy the energy of Henry Rollins I actually liked the raw stuff with Dez a little better.
I'm a little fed up with the over-production and under-fidelity of today's music so its nice to return to music recorded with everybody standing int he same room for a change.
Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 16, 2016 - 12:16pm PT
Rick, per your question/assertion upthread, which I have edited down to questions I can answer:
Have you the people prospered under the last seven years? Has the middle class wages increased, has your access to and affordability of healthcare improved, has your security and respectful treatment of yourselves as murican's improved as you traveled abroad,.....?
I retired this year, but the previous 7 years were the best earning years of my life, both in sales commissions for selling outdoor gear at wholesale & stock & bond earnings. Until I started Medicare, both Heidi & I kept our same Blue Cross HSA plans which always cost too damn much & had a $5,000.00 deductable. Yes, Medicare has been a pleasant surprise for the most part too. I do know two people that suffered cancer in their family before Obamacare, exceeded the max their insurance would pay & had to declare bankruptcy after spending everything on cancer treatments. That shist doesn't happen now to the insured.
I was in Nepal when Obama became president and the small merchants I talked with that day nearly had tears of happiness in their eyes that he had been elected & the evil Bush was gone. Since then we have visited Chile, Argentina, Switzerland, Spain, Holland, Germany, France, & Italy and have been very well treated, with the exception of a crazy man on a Swiss Train in 2009 that ripped on me for what George Bush did to the world.
It's obvious that you are very angry, but I'm very happy. From previous posts, it sounds like you have money, so I think it's your perception.
For an analogy: let's say we each have a half-full glass of the same wine. My perception is my glass is nearly full and tastes great. Your perception is, yours is nearly empty and tastes thin and sour.
rick sumner
Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jan 16, 2016 - 01:35pm PT
Empty, angry, come on Fritz. I have adult children and grandchildren I'm concerned for. Bush was a piece of work I grant you that, but Obama and the rest of the non functional Fed government are just as disappointing. I note also that you don't live in an oil state that is ground zero for environmental activism.
I'm glad all is well for you in the beautiful state of Idaho.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 02:23pm PT
. I hear you. You ever see them back then? You follow Henry's column in the LA Weekly?
I saw them in DC but it was the Rollins era. I have some of the original Dez recordings before he blew his voice out. There was a surprisingly strong punk scene in St Louis.
Has there been a punk thread on ST? Might be interesting. I remember gearing up for a solo attempt of of Spaceshot I think it was on thanksgiving. It was fooking cold and I was blasting ministry so loud that the guys on moonlight (or some route over there) were jamming. I guarantee KSolem remembers that particular sound system in the truck. Ha
Anyway, not to hijack. Good stuff. I read Henry's stuff I will look up the LA weeklies
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 16, 2016 - 02:36pm PT
Pardon the disturbance Escopeta
But there was some serious talk going on behind the scenes since most everyone was convinced that you were LEB, and had once again duped us all, and had infected our sweet ST with her vile persona
I didn't think you were LEB, since she wasn't a libertarian, so I looked at your past posting and dug up some old climbing posts of yours and saved your ass,
She disguises herself with weird esoteric names and as a trad climber from Red States, so you can see the similarity.
She wouldn't know that Black Flag was a band, and instead think Jesus was asking about the insecticide.
please carry on
The Granite State.
Jan 16, 2016 - 03:18pm PT
Thanks, Obama.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 03:43pm PT
I don't necessarily dig his politics but as I remember from one of his lyrics or maybe a poem: "You can't experience true love unless you've experienced true hate"
A ying for every yang.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 04:06pm PT
Actually, I think the thing I appreciate the most about his politics is that they are honest, and they are his.
There are so many people out in the US, the Interwebs and right here on ST that don't have an opinion of their own. They hide behind the constitution, a political party, or even their favorite TV star trying to sell you their views.
I appreciate that he is willing to effectively say "This is MY opinion, such that it is, and I don't care whether you agree or not."
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 16, 2016 - 05:09pm PT
SuperTopo on the Web