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Trad climber
Oct 31, 2011 - 05:25pm PT
haven't read all of the above, but here's a pretty good summary IMHO
Occupying Public Space is Just the Beginning
By Kevin Zeese
The Occupy Movement is not only resulting in the occupation of public space, but also in political space. We are already shifting the dialogue and the movement has just begun.
When we started planning the occupation of Freedom Plaza six months ago, our goal was to create a place where the ignored voices of the American people could be heard. They are starting to be heard thanks to occupations all over the country. If it is not clear to the economic and political elites, this is the beginning of an American revolt.
Before considering occupation, we tried other avenues: elections, lobbying, petitioning, email campaigns, telephone campaigns, marches, rallies -- but they were ineffective . The country continued going in the direction of concentrated wealth, rather than where super-majorities of Americans wanted to go.
The occupation of Freedom Plaza in downtown Washington, DC and occupations around the country display our message of anger at the unfairness of the economy, the expanding war quagmires and the corruption of government that result in the people's urgent necessities being ignored in favor of more wealth for the top 1%.
I don't like sleeping in a tent in Freedom Plaza. But we see no other way to get our voices heard. We are occupying Freedom Plaza because Americans have been kept out of the political process. Money rules elections and lobbying, while the 99% are ignored.
We occupy Washington, DC because it is where big business money combines with campaign laws that corrupt government so that it does not respond to the people. Washington, DC is corporate occupied territory with 18,000 professional lobbyists , most of who work for business interests pushing the agenda of concentrated wealth.
The great health care reform "triumph" of the Obama administration highlighted how out of touch government is with the people. For more than a decade Americans have simply wantedimproved Medicare and for all and removal of the unnecessary insurance industry. Instead, President Obama and the Democratic leadership pushed "reform" that further entrenched the insurance industry with hundreds of millions of dollars in annual tax subsidies and forcing Americans to purchase flawed insurance. They kept single payer out of the debate because Medicare for all compared with insurance-based health care is less expensive, covers everybody and improves the quality of health care.
The response to the financial crisis was also inadequate. People from Wall Street responsible for the collapse were put in key positions in the administration. Congress was unable to pass a real stimulus early in the Obama era. Instead a weak, partial stimulus was passed that may have slowed the economic collapse but missed the opportunity to turn things around. The financial reform was inadequate as it failed to break up the big banks, bring back Glass-Steagall or adequately regulate derivatives. Last week Citibank got off easy with a $285 million fine for the sale of a billion dollars in fraudulent mortgage derivatives but this was only one of many corrupt Citibank deals , the rest will not even be investigated. Once again, obvious and necessary steps were impossible due to corporate power.
Occupying public space is an opportunity to discuss political taboos. As the war drum against Iran began to beat Freedom Plaza held an Iran night with Persian food, music, dancing and discussion. We discussed why war on Iran was wrong, as well as the problems in the U.S. relationships with Saudi Arabia and Israel. And, we mentioned a reality almost never heard in U.S. media or politics -- U.S. Empire. While the military will not say how many bases and outposts it has the most thorough review estimates more than 1,100 around the world and now a new empire of drones . The British Empire had 37 bases at its peak and the Romans had 36 . The U.S. Empire is a secret to most Americans only discussed as a euphemism --policeman of the world. This false description hides the real facts of exploitation and domination. This taboo needs to be broken so Americans can debate whether empire is good for the nation and the world.
The Occupy Movement is being driven by economic insecurity . Almost all Americans feel it that is why we are all part of the 99%. The economic insecurity is not because of lack of resources, but because political elites consistently send money to economic elites through tax breaks and giveaways resulting in the wealthiest 400 Americans having the wealth of 154 million of us, yet paying 17.4% in federal taxes while working Americans pay 25% to 30%. The tax structure needs to be restructured so wealth is taxed more than work, purchases of stocks, bonds and derivatives are taxed (we pay taxes on purchase food, clothing and shelter) and a truly progressive income tax is put in place. It is this unfairness at a time of economic fear that is driving the Occupy Movement.
A warning to the elites: occupations are only the beginning. This movement is in its early stage and is going to grow in ways that are hard to imagine right now. We know that decades of the expansion of corporate power will not be undone with one occupation. Plans are being made by some of us to move "Beyond Occupation" to the next steps of building a movement that represents all Americans -- youth burdened with college loans and lousy jobs, seniors stuck in poverty retirement with their Social Security and Medicare threatened, the middle class who worked their whole lives and are now part of the long-term unemployed, live in homes with underwater mortgages and fear foreclosure and of course the poor, homeless and mentally ill whose mistreatment has become more obvious as the public space we occupy draws them to us for food and housing.
A message for the elites: THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. LISTEN TO US NOW OR THE PRICE OF CHANGE WILL GET MORE EXPENSIVE FOR YOU: What do we seek? We seek an end to corporate rule and shifting power to the people.
Kevin Zeese is one of the organizers of the Freedom Plaza Occupation,http://www.OccupyWashingtonDC.org.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 31, 2011 - 08:56pm PT
For those who aren't familiar with The Economist, it's a "conservative" by European standards news magazine that's got primarily an economic view towards society. They're also nearly entirely neutral on American politics. I say "nearly" because they usually endorse a Presidential candidate and some governor's candidates.
Enough for the preamble. Here's their take on the 99/1% question.
Oct 26
"Occupy Wall Street" gets a boost from a new report on income distribution
OF ALL the many banners being waved around the world by disgruntled protesters from Chile to Australia the one that reads, "We Are the 99%" is the catchiest. It is purposefully vague, but it is also underpinned by some solid economics. A report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) points out that income inequality in America has not risen dramatically over the past 20 years—when the top 1% of earners are excluded. With them, the picture is quite different. The causes of the good fortune of those at the top are disputed, but the CBO provides some useful detail on that too. The biggest component of the increase in after-tax income for the top one percent is "business income" as opposed to income from labour or investments (though admittedly these things are hard to untangle). Whatever the cause, the data are powerful because they tend to support two prejudices. First, that a system that works well for the very richest has delivered returns on labour that are disappointing for everyone else. Second, that the people at the top have made out like bandits over the past few decades, and that now everyone else must pick up the bill. Of course it is a little more complicated than that. But this downturn ought to test the normally warm feelings in America of the 99% towards the 1%.
The most concise summary of the problem I've yet found. From sober-minded economic reporters/analysts.
If you don't understand this explanation, you're in denial.
corniss chopper
breaking the speed of gravity
Oct 31, 2011 - 09:15pm PT
rockermike - you're not making any sense at all. Typical of anarchist is that they are sore losers and want to use force to take what others have.
Why can't you get out of there and play the game of 'civilization' with the rest of us? Everyday you waste getting poorer is a day we get richer and entertain ourselves laughing at you.
Oct 31, 2011 - 10:28pm PT
Hate to burst your bubble Donald, but I'm a lefty, I pay far more taxes than the average bear, and I don't mind doing it. So, it's my money that's going out.
And, a disproportionate amount of my dough goes to red states.
You're welcome. :-)
Oct 31, 2011 - 10:47pm PT
I said I don't mind.
So guess what, i don't mind.
I'm just pointing out WHO is receiving the most tax $$$, and who is giving. Because conservatives frequently paint libs like me as the ones getting a disproportionate amount of taxpayer money, which simply ain't so.
But then again, "Facts are stupid things."
Oct 31, 2011 - 10:56pm PT
You really are confused, Donald?
Were the words I used too big for you?
No wonder you vote Republican.
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:01pm PT
Whatever, Donald.
"Facts are stupid things."
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:03pm PT
Well, we'll I'll take your word on it, you're the expert.
Trad climber
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:03pm PT
skipt chided You complain about there being no weapons of mass destruction.
Would you like to tell us where the weapons of mass destruction are in Libya?
Awww you're mad because our guy premised his mission based on factual information and then executed it in a competent and concise manner with a clear exit strategy while you're stuck having to get defensive every time someone says "WMDs."
Trick or Treat!
From the City That Dreams
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:25pm PT
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:25pm PT
Yeah! What we need is a new rigorous FLAT TAX!
Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 31, 2011 - 11:28pm PT
corniss chopper
breaking the speed of gravity
war - Just so you know you're being played like all the other OWS's.
Sun Tzu taught: why chase the enemy into the bush when you can lure him into a convenient area where he will be forced to surrender. Get a clue!
Trad climber
Bay Area
From The Guardian
St Paul's Cathedral in London is dropping it's intent to evict the OWS encampment. They are becoming somewhat more enlightened. Recognizing the real ethical and moral questions.
St Paul's Cathedral has confirmed it is suspending a legal bid to remove activists from its grounds in favour of engaging with the protesters.
The cathedral's authorities said they would engage "directly and constructively with both the protesters and the moral and ethical issues they wish to address, without the threat of forcible eviction hanging over both the camp and the church", while recognising the City of London Corporation's "right to take such action on corporation land." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/nov/01/st-pauls-cathedral-suspends-legal-action
Social climber
the Wastelands
The Republican Party is on the wrong side of this thing.
They keep marginalizing themselves, keep shrinking their "base" more and more.
Their base is only good for putting up candidates that are "pure" to their ideology.
Their base of old, white, and rural people grows ever smaller and smaller.
One, maybe two more elections cycles and they are through as a competitive party.
Trad climber
Fresno CA
OWS remains a movement based on envy and ignorance.
Real incomes for average Americans (and judged by income, I'm included in that class) increased 40%, but the highest income level in any given year has increased by eight times as much.
So I'm supposed to be angry? Does it really matter how much the very highest income is in a particular year? Only if reducing their income increases mine. There is no evidence that this is the case.
The whole comparison misleads in addition because those with the highest incomes change from year to year. As several have pointed out, and none have refuted, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs weren't in the highest income category in 1970. Neither were Oprah Winfrey or any of the hedge fund managers making a killing now.
It's been shown conclusively that, on average, "the rich" pay more in proportion and absolutely in taxes than anyone else, and yet I still read a letter in today's Fresno Bee from an OWS supporter that "the rich pay no taxes." And you wonder why we have difficulty listening to the OWSers with anything but contemptuous skepticism?
As soon as someone can demonstrate that decreasing the highest income levels will raise the average income level more, they'll have my attention. To date, they haven't done that, probably because they can't.
Trad climber
Not directly related to the OWS, but according to a post from Orion Magazine on Facebook:
"Breaking good news: U.S. Senators Udall, Bennet, and others have introduced a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Citizens United case. They agree that corporations are not people, and should not have the same (and in some cases, more) rights as the rest of us."
Social climber
the Wastelands
The best thing to happen to the Republican Party is their opposition to OWS.
Gym climber
OWS remains a movement based on envy and ignorance.
-- John
John, for being such a "bright" man, the ignorance displayed in your post is astounding. OWS is not just about the inequality, or stratification, of pay.
However, I'd be surprised if that is news to you. If it is news, then you are dumber than a box of bait. If not, then you're not being honest in your post.
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