What is "Mind?"


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Jan 2, 2017 - 03:01pm PT
Well, I think it's pretty nifty. But I am a quasi-lab coat. Paul might give a more unbiased appraisal.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Jan 2, 2017 - 03:12pm PT
the appearance of spaghetti westerns.

Hahaha. I've never seen Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood elevated to this sort of terrain but you are right. Eastwood's movie Unforgiven is a more recent case in point. The protagonist is neither good nor bad, moral or immoral. He is incapable of standing up for any ideal other than his own existential survival. It was the same thing in the Spaghettis -- which stood in stark contrast to the white hat vs. black hat that hitherto had defined the genre .

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Jan 2, 2017 - 06:20pm PT
I have important things to do

This seems a pre-retirement viewpoint, to me.

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jan 2, 2017 - 06:57pm PT


Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jan 3, 2017 - 03:17pm PT
Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.

But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled.
(John Berger. 1972. Ways of Seeing)


Nothing in the nature around us is evil, Berger wrote. This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature.

Social climber
Wise Acres
Jan 3, 2017 - 04:08pm PT
Thanks MikeL for the lesson,
I like the narrative at the start so they can set the scene like in Star Wars! There is first person narrative but I don't like it when they talk to the camera like in House of Cards and say what their thinking myself. And narrative as a fly on the wall, but what motivates and makes the characters tic is important like love or revenge etc. Having and telling a good story with dialogue in a real way grabs you in and holds you! I just watched Deepwater Horizon A dramatization of the April 2010 disaster when the offshore drilling rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history (IMBd). This just unfolded the way it happened and it was intense! All work in telling a story, the Bible has the Greatest Stories Ever Told! : )

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jan 4, 2017 - 08:15am PT
Go-B: . . . the Bible has the Greatest Stories Ever Told

I'm sure that Paul and Sycorax could say much more than I about that. I studied more Shakespeare than I ever studied the Bible (as literature and wisdom). When I was an undergraduate, there was already the move to more secular expressions than clerical ones in literature. So sure, the Bible was important, but among all my coursework for a degree in English Literature, I only remember the Bible being referenced rather than read and studied. I wish it would have been otherwise. I also wish I had chosen courses more in Greek and Roman literature to have a broader view of mythology. Instead, I chose courses in more modern writing. Had I not been greatly impressed by one scholar's rigor and discipline, I never would have chosen courses (by him) in Shakespeare.

In time, I decided not to go to law school but business school instead, and then Economics got a hold of me. It probably took a couple of decades of training and writing to return to studies in humanities. Funny how things come back around to beginnings.

As a teacher, manager, and officer in the Army, I've seen people go wrong in many situations. They act out, they fall into ways of "being" that hurt them, they join-up with other damaged marauding souls, they become self-abusive in many different ways--and these in all stages of life (early, middle, aged). But the majority of my experiences in these areas have shown me that if a person has had a good foundation from their family / parents, they finally aright themselves. I guess this has tended to make me a conservative of sorts. One can teach the mechanics of being a rational adult human being all day long, but if one hasn't had healthy and respectful values established in their childhood, then the values must be personally discovered--and I find that process is very hard to do by oneself alone. If, on the other hand, if one has had a "wholesome" upbringing, they are like sailboats that have been turned upside-down by heavy seas: their design will aright themselves in time.

Be well.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Jan 4, 2017 - 09:20am PT
If, on the other hand, if one has had a "wholesome" upbringing, they are like sailboats that have been turned upside-down by heavy seas: their design will aright themselves in time.

Very true, and well said. Children growing up must have adults around them who are decent people, who impart, mostly by example, how one functions optimally in relation to oneself and others.

Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Jan 4, 2017 - 09:38am PT
as above, so below

I guess we have parents up there and down here.

And they are both very accessible.

Try it sometime in your quiet moments.

And how do you know it is really them?

Empty awareness is not so empty, unless you want it that way.

Jan 4, 2017 - 11:19am PT
Another excellent post, Mike. You're on a roll!

Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 4, 2017 - 06:58pm PT
Largo has done a lot of rubbing...

but aren't you all tired going around in circles on this... Largo hasn't anyway to demonstrate his "first person" and gave up on that, but insists that it is a science. It is not, and I am not saying that in a dismissive manner, just that what he talks about isn't science. He should get over it... science envy is unbecoming of him.

Ed, you're so locked into your scientism you project it even on me, in that now I am envious of any duffer with six pens in their Sears button down short sleeved shirt. Please.

And insisting that since one can't demonstrate a 1st person POV as a 3rd person demonstration/external object, the only thing we can conclude is that we are circling. Getting down to business can only mean getting back to the real lifting: 3rd person measuring. Why don't YOU quit circling in that hole and dig into the core of this discussion, rather than just carping about the lack of figures?

I'll bust out something soon to kick start things again.


Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Jan 4, 2017 - 07:53pm PT
I'll bust out something soon to kick start things again

We eagerly await a new approach.

Jan 4, 2017 - 08:01pm PT
There's nothing new since you guys never even started anything except mental projections and denials that your minds which you do not control which are accepting and rejecting are guiding you.

There's only one way to take hold of the steering wheel.

That is to turn it.

You guys just sit there and guess how to take hold of that steering wheel and never do ......

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Jan 4, 2017 - 09:22pm PT
That's because it lies broken, covered with moss and slime, at the bottom of CatTail Crossing. I fear JL will try to fish it out . . .

Social climber
Wise Acres
Jan 4, 2017 - 10:05pm PT
Another excellent post, Mike. You're on a roll!

+1 Nice narrative, MikeL!

Sport climber
Jan 5, 2017 - 11:30am PT

The Call of the Mountain - Arne Næss

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
Wise Acres
Jan 5, 2017 - 11:53am PT

The Book of Books
by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.

“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him.” (Genesis 5:1)

The Bible (literally “the book”) contains over 200 references to books. This implies, among other things, God’s approval of communication by books. Our text, containing the first mention of the word “book” in the Bible, indicates that the very first man wrote a book! “Give attendance to reading,” Paul recommends (1 Timothy 4:13), especially the Holy Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

The pattern of first and last mentions of “book” in the Bible is noteworthy, for all refer to divinely written or divinely inspired books. The first use in the New Testament is in the very first verse—“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 1:1). The book of Adam’s “generations” is, in a special sense, the Old Testament; the book of the generation of Jesus Christ—the last Adam—is, in a similar sense, the New Testament.

The final mention of “book” in the Old Testament is in Malachi 3:16: “A book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”

The third-from-last verse of the New Testament contains no less than three references to God’s books: “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, . . . and from the things which are written in this book” (Revelation 22:19).

Note the significant modifiers attached to these six key references: “the book of the generations of Adam,” “a book of remembrance,” “the book of the generation of Jesus Christ,” “the book of this prophecy,” “the book of life,” and finally, simply “this book”! HMM http://www.icr.org/article/9714/

...read the Good Book!
paul roehl

Boulder climber
Jan 5, 2017 - 01:09pm PT
The Call of the Mountain - Arne Næss

Interesting stuff should be on the religion thread as well.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Jan 5, 2017 - 03:48pm PT
Here's an approach JL might consider:

Voices in Our Heads

I assume Zen meditation muffles these voices or renders them unimportant.

How many of us talk to ourselves?
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 5, 2017 - 05:33pm PT
I'm not circling, I'm driving in a straight line...

no need to speculate about metaphorical steering wheels...

Hey Werner! how do you translate "steering wheel" into sanskrit? here's the hindi स्टीयरिंग व्हील
looks so much better that way!
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