What is "Mind?"


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Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Dec 3, 2016 - 07:48am PT
Postmodernism is a lot to be saddled with, Mike.


I imagined a cartoonist doing a series on postmodernists in the nursing home, but once again truth is out in front of fiction:

That postmodernism is indefinable is a truism. However, it can be described as a set of critical, strategic and rhetorical practices employing concepts such as difference, repetition, the trace, the simulacrum, and hyperreality to destabilize other concepts such as presence, identity, historical progress, epistemic certainty, and the univocity of meaning.

(from the link above)


Social climber
Southern Arizona
Dec 3, 2016 - 09:04am PT

I think I can name that tune in 3 words: Look for Yourself.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Dec 3, 2016 - 02:08pm PT
What does that say about human evolution and theories of mind?

A radio piece you might like, Jan.

paul roehl

Boulder climber
Dec 3, 2016 - 05:21pm PT
And meanwhile, Donald Trump was elected president.

What does that say about human evolution and theories of mind?

Consider your own reaction to this. I see that reaction as something positive for humanity. Everyone is fallible and yet human beings are basically good, strive to be good.

Dec 4, 2016 - 12:43pm PT
Mike, I'm curious about the talk by the visiting scholar you mentioned. Would you go into a little more detail, please. Thanks.

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Dec 4, 2016 - 07:31pm PT
jgill, just sent you an email through ST.

Social climber
Wise Acres
Dec 4, 2016 - 07:54pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

[Click to View YouTube Video]

What the!

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Dec 4, 2016 - 09:18pm PT
Mike, the ST e-mail service malfunctions. I haven't received anything. Go here and down to the bottom of the first page for my e-mail address.


Social climber
Southern Arizona
Dec 5, 2016 - 07:04am PT
paul roehl

Boulder climber
Dec 5, 2016 - 09:04am PT
So... what IS mind, anyway?

Ha! Apparently nobody really knows, but mind's implications leave many certain that they know what it isn't.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Dec 5, 2016 - 09:09am PT
So... what IS mind, anyway?

A thingamy that has the ability to learn about the world around it.

Do babies have a mind to begin with? Or does it develop as they learn?

When in their young development do humans become aware of their mortality?

Could a machine learn enough about the world around it to foresee its own eventual destruction, and what conditions would be necessary for it to make attempts to avoid its own end?

Could a machine learn to fear death, or would that need to be programmed into it?

Yesterday I heard a good discussion about WHAT IS A WORD? It turns out to be impossible to pin down. So let's not get too worried about, "What is 'Mind'?"

Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 5, 2016 - 04:09pm PT
So let's not get too worried about, "What is 'Mind'?"

Are the scientists at CERNE "worried" about finding the graviton, and quantifying same?

Is the value or urgency of any investigation tied to our anxiety about it?

What is the difference between worry and natural interest?

Perhaps worry is not the right word to evaluate what many people are investigating in just as many ways. No doubt some are worried. Others, not so much. Neither has much to do with the investigation, but speaks volumes about the investigator.

Easy does it, is IME the operative term when tackling unknowns.


Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Dec 5, 2016 - 04:17pm PT
Are the scientists at CERNE "worried" about finding the graviton, and quantifying same?

Good to see you worried about nothing.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Dec 5, 2016 - 04:29pm PT
And that nothing provokes worries.

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Dec 5, 2016 - 05:52pm PT
So here's Jordan Peterson weaving together (a) the mental life and (b) brain function (as a control system) in story form and myth...

[Click to View YouTube Video]


These students will conceive the world and themselves a bit differently, I think, than their ancestors.


re: imagination, simulation and thinking

"The reason we think is so that we can let our thoughts die instead of us." -Karl Popper
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Dec 5, 2016 - 06:49pm PT
Are the scientists at CERNE "worried" about finding the graviton, and quantifying same

I don't think so... we're not likely to find a graviton at CERN...

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Dec 5, 2016 - 10:01pm PT

The Djinn that awaits lost souls. Not all heavenly creatures are lovely to gaze upon. It is one of the angels that balances on the head of a pin, scaled up 25,000X. Beware.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Dec 6, 2016 - 07:21am PT
And Christmas-y, in a lost soul kind of way.

Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
Dec 6, 2016 - 08:46am PT
jgill, your djinn reminds me of the Hindu goddess Kali. She herself is black, probably denoting her origins with the most ancient tribal and Dravidian people of India, but she is surrounded by red, including severed heads and limbs and is dancing on her husband's prostrate body, a definite no no in a society where feet are considered dirty, and women wash their husband's feet and sip some of the foot water at the wedding, to symbolize their subservience. Many westerners recoil from the symbolism, never noticing that she is surrounded by a halo of green which ameliorates the rest. Her esoteric symbolism is that she is dancing on convention (her husband) and severing all the obstacles to internal development, in a way reminiscent of the quote of Jesus, "if your eye offends you, pluck it out". If you call on her, she will be a powerful advocate to help you cast out those unlovely parts of yourself. More than that, she is the original tough love who is prayed to in difficult cases like drug addiction.

Thus, I think your Djinn, who looks a lot like some science fiction space dweller, is similar. He is surrounded by red, the color of the first chakra symbolizing primordial energy as well as lust and the desire for self continuation through procreation. In his center however, he is purest green which is the color of the wide open heart chakra. This is a well intentioned tough love djinn and perhaps a universal archetype.

Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
Dec 6, 2016 - 08:52am PT
Mh2, thanks for the very interesting broadcast. I have read a couple of books by Newburg. I like the way he keeps expanding his research.

I was a little surprised that he thinks dopamine is the primary chemical involved. In thinking it over, however, I believe that there are other states involving other brain chemicals. I believe that the raising of the kundalini, chi, ki, baptism of the Holy Spirit etc. is rather a function of the serotonin circuit and that people spontaneously from time to time, experience bursts of serotonin after meditating or doing other spiritual practices for a while.

Anyway, this is definitely the direction I am interested in going, so many thanks.
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