What is "Mind?"


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Social climber
Southern Arizona
Nov 10, 2016 - 09:19am PT
Hey, you're getting it, I think.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Nov 10, 2016 - 03:45pm PT
What it [Void] visibly is it really is

A strange statement. I would think a "Void" would be invisible. So a "Void" is visibly invisible? Oh well, what do I know?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Nov 10, 2016 - 03:55pm PT
Continuing to continue living till the estate tax is repealed
Ho, by the way, you know that the Thimble is due to be blasted to increase the parking lot.
And the dam Across the valley with a water system, Hydro-electric plant and man made lake with million dollar homes is also in the works. Nothing creates profits and surplus revenue as fast as resource extraction and residential
Development. Except maybe war(s).

We have lived under an Oligarchy for a few decades.
the new world order was ushered in by the 1st Bush.
As if the resurgence of (j)Birch society ( like the troll Adam Burch on these pages !?)
& the white supremacist (k'l) philosophy which had lay smoldering in rural backwaters and corporate corridors has been offered the explosive gasses of xenophobia .
In this conflagration of events simple truths have been obscured by the jumping flames.
We are due to see the evil of totalitarianism spread further across Europe ( again )
This mirrors the start of the rise of the of the Nazis's in 1930.
we the Americans of this century have been fed the same hate speech and lies. Trump, is a puppet, He is now able to do the bidding of the masters he serves. The idea that the common
man will be given crumbs of support by scapegoating minority's is already underway.
The whos who here on the Taco is proud to cheer that they voted this next Hitler in to

I've never been political, I've got diagnosable traits that a more savy less damaged person would try to hide.

Here in this -what is the essence of nothing- discussion is where the most at risk minority
Can And Is found.
Intellectual thought was the second target of the Nazis's. The same will come to pass in the following Trump regime.
You are the people who ,( Mr Gill and Long etAl, ) are the ones who should consider the history
we failed to learn and so are preparing to relive.
Calling insightful people wuss I.e.? Really! I'm not one trying to emigrate.
But as I am a victim, my Families gassed, and there histories erased I know what I'm watching.
The carfully crafted rise of the fourth Riech, it is different but the same in many ways.
The example of midnight or after midnight rallies, a ground swell of strident bafoon said, like the Brown shirts...

I'm crazy, not informed? I guess you are saying to me - I don't realize that it could never happen here or again.

Well, if the sand you have your heads in, is warm and comfortingly deep, then be secure.
The hoard is coming and many of the old and weak have buckled under.
Others been given The panecea of recreational drugs and others toys that distract.
We may not see the rapid swell this time because the Great white night of democracy a free
American superman to stand against the coming evil is stoned, sick, twisted dead.

I've nowhere else on this site to try to ring out a warning and
Subside So? The opiate of jobs and new wealth will be used to blanket any revolt.

I'm sad scared and right.

Find a few folks of Austrian / German heritage, go find some 90 year olds since One of mine all of our heros (Mr Gill, old enough to know )

sees those worried and wanting out
calls them
names that attack the only thing we all have had in common.

A strident life force that was most actualized when only tips were in contact with terra firma. Our individual pursuit of that sublime feeling is what
has given rise to the respect that has been your honor to have been the recipients of.

Well it is dawn here and I've got family to muster for another pointless day on the sad planet.

Your fool on the hill
Michael Scneider. *The last surfer of the void*

*V V V V V V V V*the "refresh" did not let me see more than the one post below, fun You?

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Nov 10, 2016 - 07:43pm PT

Nov 10, 2016 - 07:51pm PT
Is it better to pull back the curtain? To gaze upon the void?

Or is it better to be blissfully unaware, an actor on a stage?

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Nov 10, 2016 - 08:17pm PT

Beyond this curtain lies the Void . . .


Nov 10, 2016 - 10:12pm PT
My mind looks like the spaceship in flight of the navigator, except made of pure swirling energy.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Nov 11, 2016 - 02:10am PT







Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Nov 11, 2016 - 02:24am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]
BUY DIAMONDS ~ and Gold Coins that can be secreted away, it is how my and
wife's families were able to escape the camps and make to the day light.
There may be no where to run this time [Click to View YouTube Video]
there may be no such place of freedom.
But one must learn from history or be doomed . .,. .[Click to View YouTube Video]
paul roehl

Boulder climber
Nov 11, 2016 - 06:52am PT
“In the dawn there is a man progressing over the plain by
means of holes which he is making in the ground. He uses
an implement with two handles and he chucks it into the
hole and he enkindles the stone in the hole with his steel
hole by hole striking the fire out of the rock which God has
put there. On the plain behind him are the wanderers in
search of bones and those who do not search and they move
haltingly in the light like mechanisms whose movements are
monitored with escapement and pallet so that they appear
restrained by a prudence or reflectiveness which has no
inner reality and they cross in their progress one by one
that track of holes that runs to the rim of the visible ground
and which seems less the pursuit of some continuance than
the verification of a principle, a validation of sequence and
causality as if each round and perfect hole owed its existence
to the one before it there on that prairie upon which
are the bones and the gatherers of bones and those who do
not gather. He strikes fire in the hole and draws out his
steel. Then they all move on again.” C.M.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Nov 11, 2016 - 08:40am PT
Kind of a grim description of bolting on El Cap, Mr. McCarthy.

Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
Nov 11, 2016 - 09:16am PT
If the void lies behind the curtain jgill, you've got the wrong colors there. They should be bluish purple and white.

Basic chakra theory.

Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 11, 2016 - 02:34pm PT
So long as you try and conjure an idea or image of void, or nothingness, you are trying to posit nothing as an external object you can either see or not see, some absence that somehow is "there."

That's all the discursive mind can do, is to think this ways, but the mind has other modes. No-mind is one term that hints at non-it.

Language is quite slipper in this regards because it, along with objective (re: objects) thinking is not fashioned to handle absence.


Trad climber
Nov 11, 2016 - 02:40pm PT
My reply doesnt deserve to come after John's, but here it is. There is no absence or void. When the mind is completely at rest, the natural world and all its mysteries reveal themselves. A wellspring of divine inspiration that reveals knowlege of the universe like an am radio station waiting for us to tune in.

Nov 11, 2016 - 04:12pm PT
There is no absence or void.
When the mind is completely at rest, the natural world and all its mysteries reveal themselves.
A wellspring of divine inspiration that reveals knowledge of the universe like an am radio station waiting for us to tune in.

Yes .... this is very nice description ......

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Nov 11, 2016 - 04:16pm PT
That's all the discursive mind can do, is to think this ways, but the mind has other modes. No-mind is one term that hints at non-it

I agree. No doubt meditative experiences reveal a different perspective. But what they reveal is more spiritual than worldly-productive. There truly is "nothing" there other than a glimpse of the nature of one's "I" and a feeling of connectivity. It all goes nowhere.

And that's OK.

Powerful piece, Sycorax.
PSP also PP

Trad climber
Nov 11, 2016 - 06:27pm PT
J Gill said "But what they reveal is more spiritual than worldly-productive" "It all goes nowhere."

"And that's OK."

The "No-mind" is the mind before thinking ZM Seung Sahn called it the "don't know mind" Suzuki Roshi called it "Beginners mind" it is a mind without answers, of great wonder and curious and completely undistracted.

You arrive at this undistracted experience where things just are as they are and you have no need to label them with words or judgments. You say this goes no where, but to let go of the typical distractions of fear, anger and desire you arrive at a place of peace. You literally are practicing being at peace; this can carry over into your everyday life and help create peace for you and those you relate to.

That is the purpose of meditation.


Nov 11, 2016 - 06:53pm PT
That is the purpose of meditation.

No ... that is the purpose of "Zen Meditation".

It goes much farther than that .....

Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 11, 2016 - 08:38pm PT
My reply doesnt deserve to come after John's, but here it is. There is no absence or void.

Pretty much what I said. If there "was" a void, it would be an object or thing we could measure. It is not "there" in the sense you are speaking of. But neither are the objects.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Nov 11, 2016 - 09:09pm PT
Pretty much what I said. If there "was" a void, it would be an object or thing we could measure. It is not "there" in the sense you are speaking of

OK, sounds good.

But then you had to add

But neither are the objects

Here we go again. The moon is not up there as a distinct object. It is connected with everything in some sort of cosmic blur. It doesn't exist when you are not looking at it, etc., etc., . . .

And if the goal of meditation is to attain a state of peaceful existence then it is of little use while searching for "mind." May as well go into psychoanalysis or simply go to sleep.

I still have hopes that some day we will find out about the mysterious MetaMind project. I am convinced that Dean Radin of the Noetic Institute is behind this considerable and worthy effort. I have faith.
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