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John M
Jan 13, 2015 - 01:41pm PT
I find that leftists, in particular,
LOL.. and I find that righties…..
you make good points John, but your bias shows. Do I need to give you examples on this forum of righties?
Could we say that some people are able to recognize intelligence in those they disagree with, and others aren't? Probably the majority of people aren't able to.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 13, 2015 - 01:48pm PT
Yes, it was the lefties in particular on Fox News, who before the 2012 election were certain "their" polls showed a Governor Romney victory, on election night 2012 were certain Governor Romney was winning, that Solyndra was an example of government waste created by lefties, and later, that there was a criminal coverup perpetrated by our Kenyan-born socialist President about events in Benghazi.
It's also the lefties who are currently leading the bashing of climate change science, and who believe that a debt ceiling default would really not be a very big deal.
Jan 13, 2015 - 01:57pm PT
I blame it all on babies. Things are going along fine, then you throw a baby into the mix.
'nuff said.
Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jan 13, 2015 - 09:53pm PT
We have engineered the rage of the dispossessed.
The nations of Islam engineered their own problems when they forced their women out of society. That's half of their intellectual capacity and most of their compassion as a people down the drain. Sharia is the true war on women. Blaming the west for that is pointless.
Should Obama have showed up in Paris? This posed a problem for the administration. Biden could be counted on to be a fool in public, Kerry is not respected in Europe, Obama would have been out of his league. Given the cards they had to play they made the best decision.
dirt claud
Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 14, 2015 - 09:37am PT
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 14, 2015 - 04:19pm PT
The nations of Islam engineered their own problems when they forced their women out of society. That's half of their intellectual capacity and most of their compassion as a people down the drain. Sharia is the true war on women. Blaming the west for that is pointless.
Muslim countries have ELECTED 7 women to be President. How many has the modern, forward thinking US elected?
I think such assertions mix up two very different things: the particular culture in a particular region of the world, and religion of the people, which may have nothing to do with the objectionable practice.
For example, recently Bill Maher went on a rant about Muslims, including a complaint about female genital mutilation in Somalia---which is true. However, it is not a Muslim problem, it is an African problem.
In the country of Eritrea, 90% of females are so mutilated. Eritrea is a Christian nation. In Ethiopia, 75% of females are so mutilated. Ethiopia is a Christian nation.
In no Muslim nation outside of Africa, is there any significant such mutilation.
And yet...Muslims get blamed.
John M
Jan 14, 2015 - 04:23pm PT
great points Ken..
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 14, 2015 - 04:25pm PT
For example, here's a view of the France massacre that you will not see in the NYT, or any other MSM. Does it ring true?
No, it rings like an opportunist taking advantage of tragedy to push their own agenda, K-man.
It's a nice opinion, with no factual basis. Did they quote the actual perpetrators? Did they quote those who have claimed responsibility? No.
Because, if they did, they would be quoting things which contradicted their narrative.
Opinions are not facts, no matter how loudly or frequently repeated.
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 16, 2015 - 11:05am PT
Lol...poor bookie. He can't bitch about the economy, so he resorts to bitching about this.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:10am PT
Shoulda gotten Cat Stevens to sing "Peace Train".
Somewhere I read that Carole King was unavailable to sing "It's too Late"
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:18am PT
I heard Carly Fiorina last night saying that income inequality is the biggest issue facing America.
That's right...HP's CEO, saying that employees need to be paid more....
Yet another metric of the success of the Obama Administration: Frickin' GOP ain't got nuthin, so they're using the Dems talking points.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:38am PT
I heard Carly Fiorina last night saying that income inequality is the biggest issue facing America.
That's right...HP's CEO, saying that employees need to be paid more....
Yet another metric of the success of the Obama Administration: Frickin' GOP ain't got nuthin, so they're using the Dems talking points.
It is a big issue, which hasn't improved much during Obama's Presidency. The Economy and the Dow have done exceptionally well, while wage growth has been nearly non-existent.
Is this another example of Trickle Down Economics not working? Should President Obama get a pass?
Or should we just make a big fuss over Fiorina's rhetoric?
Social climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:42am PT
If you were the President, what exactly would you have had the constitutional authority
to do, on your own with no "help" from the Repub House, to either raise lower class wages or narrow "income inequality"?
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:48am PT
"It is a big issue, which hasn't improved much during Obama's Presidency."
No sh#t, Sherlock....but the point is by most every tangible metric, the economy is light years ahead of when he came into office. The GOP wanted so badly for the economy to suck at the end of Obama's Administration. so they'd be a shoo-in in 2016.
Didn't happen...so they are left to cherry-pick from talking points that are normally those of the Dems. That's pretty damn desperate, don't you think?
And to echo Norton...do you really think the POTUS is responsible for increasing wages? Even if Obama made some kind of Executive Action to directly affect this (a silly proposition), how well do you think that would be spun by the 'Obama Is a Tyrant' GOP?
Edit: You're right, PotatoHead. She's the Ex-CEO of HP. And she expressed her interest in a WH run for 2016, too.
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 11:58am PT
Thanks for answering my question.
The last one. ;-)
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2015 - 12:12pm PT
A quick search on Carly Fiorina produced:
"Fiorina was considered one of the most powerful women in business during her tenure at Lucent and Hewlett-Packard."
followed by
"She has frequently been ranked as one of the worst CEOs of all time."
It's always that fall from grace that everyone remembers.
Trad climber
Jan 20, 2015 - 07:26pm PT
Excellent. Excellent.
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