The Very Large Trout Lover's Thread (ot)


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Trad climber
the middle of CA
Nov 6, 2016 - 08:40pm PT

That looks like a great trip.
Friends tell me the Roring River in KK is even better....
supposedly it's protected by some pretty stiff 5.8
You locals ever go there?

I haven't been but now that you say 5.8 and Escopeta confirms I'm really curious.

I've fished almost the entirety of Boulder Creek except for the very highest bits and one of my next objectives is fishing Roaring River from up by the ranger station all the way down to Kings. Now I'm even more interested!

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Nov 6, 2016 - 09:05pm PT
Silver! Thanks for sharing the big Cut. I really like it's facial expression: (I can't believe this is happening to me!)

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 05:35am PT
Get your double haul on and find yourself a ladder.

Been there, done that. I found the whole pyramid lake thing to be so strange and kind of silly. And I even caught a few (which apparently is rare for first timers?)

If I'm going to stand for hours sight casting to fish, its going to be in azure water near a sandy beach, with palm trees and the water is going to be a lot more salty....

But boy howdy that's a proud fishy.

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 06:33am PT
OH, it was shoulder to shoulder when I was there. Popular. A unique experience to be sure and its fun to watch bruisers cruise.

Delhi Dog

Good Question...
Nov 7, 2016 - 06:49am PT
Man if that's a 20 lber the 41 must have been a monster!

If I'm going to stand for hours sight casting to fish, its going to be in azure water near a sandy beach, with palm trees and the water is going to be a lot more salty....

Or in gin clear waters of NZ's rivers:-)

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 07:02am PT
Or in gin clear waters of NZ's rivers:-)

My supply of horse tranquilizers has run out. Therefore any 20+ hr long plane rides need to end with me killing something. It's better that way for all involved.

I would like to catch a large pike on the fly. That's something I haven't done as of yet.

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
Nov 7, 2016 - 07:23am PT
I've fished almost the entirety of Boulder Creek except for the very highest bits and one of my next objectives is fishing Roaring River from up by the ranger station all the way down to Kings. Now I'm even more interested!

Limpingcrab, call me.

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 09:10am PT
I've been up the Roaring River. It takes a 5.8 traverse and some hard bouldering to get into the place and then it is so slippery and there are such big piles of debris that you get pretty beat up in there. But it was the best fishing I have ever had. The fish are all nice size and deep bodied and I think the two of us probably brought 300 fish to net in one day.

I too would love to come in from the top. Just before we turned around to get out we got out of the canyon and into some of the prettiest water I have ever seen. I would like to see more of it.

The canyon had no bears but then there were damn few places flat enough to camp either. If you want pristine there isn't any place better.

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 09:27am PT
Just before we turned around to get out we got out of the canyon and into some of the prettiest water I have ever seen.

That was exactly my experience except down below the bears were so thick and so delinquent we stayed armed 24/7 around camp.

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 09:46am PT
We didn't really have a camp. We found a little flatish spot about 40 feet above the river and slept there. Cooked a couple trout each over a small fire and then stacked some logs at the edge so we wouldn't roll off the cliff and into the river during the night. Never saw even one bear. I understand that they are pretty thick from where we turned around most of the way up to the ranger station.

How long does everyone think it would take to walk into the top and how many days to fish thru?

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 10:30am PT

I know this is not a trout but it was the first fish he has caught. He was really excited and told me how hard it fought. It was a great day!!!! Catch and release.

Trad climber
the middle of CA
Nov 7, 2016 - 12:05pm PT
Nothing like a first fish! Doesn't really matter what it is, mine was a trout from a pond with a bobber and power bait, not exactly how I prefer to do things nowadays.

How long does everyone think it would take to walk into the top and how many days to fish thru?
Around 10 miles on trail from Marvin Pass Trailhead to the area between Roaring River and Sugarloaf Creek. I'd probably leave the trail in there and just bonsai down to where Sugarloaf and Roaring River meet, which is about 3 miles off trail. Doable in a day.

From the confluence it's 2.5 miles of river to Roaring River Falls in Kings Canyon. Medium speed on a bigger river I tend to average about 3 miles per day. Fishing more thoroughly, especially on steeper rivers like the Kaweah or Roaring River, that can drop to one mile per day.

I think it could be done in two days/one night. One day in, one day down. I'd rather do three days if I had the time. Hit every little pocket and fish the crap out of the river if I'm gonna walk all that way and still have time to change rigs often like I tend to do.

Crap, now I'm getting all excited and I have to wait until next year!

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 12:27pm PT
We figured a three day weekend would be sufficient. Especially if the weather was nice and you could go lite and basically sleep under a tarp.

EDIT: And IIRC, the place where you would come "out" is a ways from the trail-head so we were thinking it would be nice to have two rigs and park one at the beginning and one at the end. But its been a long time since I looked at a map.

Trad climber
Nov 7, 2016 - 06:57pm PT
From what I remember, the traverse was about where the caption is. But then it was pretty hard bouldering to get above the section with the large boulders above that. And when you got to the water you had to jump across and if you missed you went over the falls. Very safe and sane. We did it in September with relatively low water and I would want those conditions again. I think I would try to take 5 days to fish it though. If I am going to get the crap beat out of me I might as well take my time and enjoy it.

And Google says it is 6 miles as the crow flies from the trailhead to where I would start fishing. Add some contouring and that is a pretty easy day.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 8, 2016 - 09:45am PT
Yes 5 days... I walk slow, so lets hike down there and catch em all.

next September

Trad climber
Nov 8, 2016 - 09:52am PT
Yes, because spring is reserved for

Trad climber
Nov 8, 2016 - 12:56pm PT
Dude, if we come out there in spring can you put us on a good stonefly hatch so we can catch monster brown trout?!

And Keesee, you better start training now!

Trad climber
Nov 8, 2016 - 02:10pm PT
Yes, one of the best hatches I've fished is the Mutant Stone hatch on the SF of the Snake in and around Swan Valley. Goofy looking bugs but the big trout crush them.

For the big browns I've found the Henry's Fork to reward nicely. Mary rowed me one day (which was quite a feat as you can imagine) in the drift boat on the HF and I only caught 4 fish........but the smallest one was 24 inches.

In Kali I found that I caught some of the biggest trout on my smallest flies. Here, I throw sh#t that I would think a mako shark might run away from and the big browns and cutts wreck them.

EDIT: But we will definitely need to put you in the back of the boat because with me rowing and guyman in the back we'd be ridin' dirty for sho'


Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Nov 10, 2016 - 08:05am PT
A little nugget from yesterday!


Trad climber
Nov 10, 2016 - 08:20am PT
Stimbo. Talk to me about your net enhancement. Pipe insulation around the wire with the net bail zipped over it?

I likey.
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