1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 6, 2012 - 01:20pm PT
Ghost got me thinking about that old cowboy tune: GHOST WRITERS IN THE SKY

if only those fellas would just quit chasing that devil herd up in heaven . . . oh wait a minute - they were singing about ghost RIDERS, huh? oh well, i guess no supernatural spectres are going to ride into san jose and prop licky up in his chair and help him start writing - i offerred to help edit, but of course then someone else would have access to his super-secret research data - we can't handle the truth, that's why licky is dragging his feet - to protect us from what we already don't know

Social climber
Mar 6, 2012 - 03:05pm PT
Might be there is more to the story: Two companies: MCA and you should know what the other one is.

Sidmo if you need to know I will spell it out for you since you are so dense or stupid.

Five years later 1980 “Eight people who have changed the course of the world, a real life "Mission Impossible" team whose gifts exploited the secret empires of rogue spy networks, big oil and organized crime.”

Start off with “The mystery of the Mariposa cover-ups”

The truth we will never know but it is out there. Like Licky is doing.

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 6, 2012 - 04:15pm PT
Huh? Maybe I am dense, but somehow I think if I fail to understand your cryptic attempt to “spell it out” for me I just might be in the majority – if anyone else here understands just WTF shanghowdy means then please let us know – let’s see, 1980 is five years later than . . . hmmm, 1975 – so are you dating the plane crash in 1975, or are you just mathematically challenged? Yeah, I must seem stupid to you, which means I don’t run in your moronic circle – as for MCA being involved, if you watched that company’s stewardship of Y.P. & Curry Company you’d know that they were not likely to do anything as well as those smugglers – I mean, they did have a plane load of drugs with apparently another shipment pending - that seems over the heads of any of the brilliant managers I had the displeasure of knowing while I worked and played in yose – conspiracy theories are fun, but if you really think that one existed in the seventies between curry and anyone else then you give them way more credit than they are due – there was no phuckin conspiracy moron, just a pilot error – if that plane never crashed it would been merely another drop in the drug bucket, nothing more – yeah, if it arouses you to call me stupid then go whack off and enjoy yourself

Mar 6, 2012 - 04:37pm PT
He wasn't talking about that plane idiot.

He was talking about Mariposa.

See .... you're a knee jerk reactionary sidmo.

You're a certified nutcase.

"Their investigation led them straight to the doorstep of MCA Corporation (Music Corporation of America), parent company to Curry Company, the largest concessionaire in Yosemite National Park.

A major drug network had surfaced in the park, compelling one park ranger, Paul Berkowitz, to go before the House Interior Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation to testify about drug distribution by Curry Company officials."

"Meanwhile, investigator Raymond Jenkins had followed the drug trail from Yosemite back to the Mariposa airport, where sheriff's deputies were seen regularly loading and unloading packages from planes in the dead of night."

Social climber
Mar 6, 2012 - 04:48pm PT
That was just for you stupid.

No clues and nothing to say to the story, you would be wasting Licky's time.

So just mouthing off on this thread proves it.

As for the other company Groovyland comes in the picture.

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 6, 2012 - 05:12pm PT
so you're tying the mariposa episode to the plane? lots of drugs came in by air, are all those involved co-conspirators in the plane? and does the fact that NPS and YP&C Co employees were dealing make them all part of the plane story? you're just muddying the waters to puff yourselves up - stop focussing on me and get all your stories into their proper and respective contexts - i found hash and a pipe at the top of hidden fall in tenaya canyon in '72, did it get there as a part of the same conspiracies? how about the tourists who came to the park with a bag of pot from home, are they part of it too? maybe smokey the bear was smoking something too, he must be in on it - and that leads to the bear management crew, did they deal drugs with smokey? and how do yogi and booboo fit in to your version of events?

Social climber
Joshua Tree
Mar 6, 2012 - 06:04pm PT

Social climber
Mar 6, 2012 - 06:05pm PT
Ok! One more and I will leave you alone sidmo:

You still don’t get it.

So you had mentioned that you never smoked the jet-fuel pot and you were better than that and only the low life’s took or smoked the jet-fuel which not all was by the way and you had Thai Sticks and hash; Hey! They were around as well but taking a guess while you were working for 386 those toilets gave you the best high.

Am I correct? Only thing that makes sense, I think you are still on it.

Social climber
Mar 6, 2012 - 06:30pm PT
“i offerred to help edit, “ I can see why Licky would say no, nno noo.

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Mar 6, 2012 - 06:44pm PT

This is getting kinda interesting:

The point I have been making about the Modesto-Yosemite area is I believe it to be the nexus of a government operation that includes drugs, mind control, cults and high level government officials

In creating a portrait of both Park Service culture in general and its law enforcement mannerisms specifically, Mr. Berkowitz reaches back to the 1970s, when incidents such as a Fourth of July riot in Yosemite Valley and the murder of a ranger at Point Reyes National Seashore forced the Park Service to address "glaring deficiencies in its law enforcement program." One outcome of that self-review was creation of what became known as the "Yosemite mafia," a group of law-enforcement rangers in Yosemite that Mr. Berkowitz says became "widely credited with leading the agency and implementing many service-wide reforms and initiatives throughout the latter part of the 20th century."

As we used to say F'ing A!

Tracking some of this has led to papers on Echelon (the NSA's system which purportedly captures and analyzes virtually every phone call, email and telex message sent anywhere in the world).

Can you hear me now?

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 7, 2012 - 01:37pm PT
yeah shang, licky turned me down, and still hasn't published - i just offerred to help edit, not write or rewrite - i thought i was being nice, if you want to attack me for that then so what? i edit, write and tutor and i still think licky needs help - all you guys who trash me must be having fun with it, but so what? just shows how easily amused you must be - grow up, and let's push licky to the finish line - if he wants to reject an honest attempt to help him than so be it - but he needs a kick in the butt - editors help writers finish their drafts and a tutor can serve as a coach to push them along - if licky has someone fulfilling those roles then perhaps that individual is responsible for the delay - like someone said, war and peace was written in a shorter time than this thread has run - i'm not sure that's true but this has dragged on for some time - as for attacking me, you're forgiven - because, again, i don't care what you think

Social climber
Mar 7, 2012 - 03:47pm PT
"editors help writers finish their drafts and a tutor can serve as a coach to push them along” –

Funny seems they should be able to spell “offerred” right or is that write.

Russ Walling

Gym climber
Poofter's Froth, Wyoming
Mar 7, 2012 - 04:13pm PT
I just wanted to be post 1300 on this very important and stupid as f*#k thread. Weed heads.... greatest show on earth. I laugh robustly!

Mar 7, 2012 - 04:50pm PT
Wasn't that (for Dougs memory):
"I puff robustly!"


Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Mar 7, 2012 - 08:30pm PT
Prolly better to have been post number 1301, a primo prime number because
it is the only prime (emirp) equal to the sum of all the n-digit Narcissistic numbers (n=3, 153+370+371+407=1301).

But on the topic of numbers:

What would have been the going rate for a pound of weed in Mariposa County in 1977? Maybe $300? The weight of the load was estimated at 2500-4000 pounds. What percentage was extracted from the lake? Maybe 75%?

At $300, 4000lbs, and 75% recovery we're talking about roughly $900,000, correct?


Trad climber
Hodad surfing the galactic plane
Mar 8, 2012 - 01:55am PT
heard the pooco gold that came outta the lake was fetchin 1K a pound in the bay area. sampled sum and found that to be a reasonable possibility.

edit: yea, the gas soaked bunk was dark. looked like it was soaked in black soot/grease and not quite 100% cleaned/dried. like i mentioned here earlier "it stayed lite up like a bick lighter" for a few seconds after putting a match to it. i took one hit and no more after i saw it burst into flame. wished i hadn't even taken it! totally worthless or worse, imo!

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 8, 2012 - 02:36am PT
What I have been told by those that did manage to sell their booty, it was going for around $400/pound. The Feds managed to bring down about 2,000 pounds. There was 6,000 on board, confirmed to me by the loadmaster for that flight. The Feds thought the plane was a smaller one and based on their calculations only carried 4,000 pounds.

Trad climber
Hodad surfing the galactic plane
Mar 8, 2012 - 02:55am PT
i arrived in the valley from the eastside on the morning the sh#t hit the fan and sat in el cap meadow and watched a dea/fbi chopper unload bale after bale at 50+ pounds each. and just after it took off back in the direction of the lake, another chopper would land and repeat the process. over and over. after an hour or so of watching this i headed to c4 to find out what was up.

the point i am making is, there was one hell of a lotta weed left in the lake. i have no idea how much found its way out of the lake before that cutoff date.

edit: i always thought the claims(and i heard it from several "reliable" sources)for "1K a pound in the bay area" seemed kinda high for the general going market of the day. but what was being referred to as "gold" was by no means general. and the bay area is a long ways from the border(spent my youth in san diego/next to tha border)so that was another variable. but regardless, one ounce bags/four fingers would have to been fetchin a benjamin to make a 60%/$600.00 profit off of your 1K investment. doesn't seem worth the risk(well maybe). and in 1977, there weren't a whole lot of heads around with that kind of money(think about 400.00+ in todays $$) and willing to forfeit it for a bag of weed, from what i recall. but, whadevah...

the goin rate for an oz in the mid seventies was twenty bucks. and the quality varied. if a shipment of really good quality weed hit the streets, the price didn't necessarily go up. the better the weed, the faster it moved...that was a benefit in itself!!

during the early to mid nineteen-seventy time period, just south of the border(let's say ensenada)kilos could be had for anywhere from 15-25 bucks(or less). just north of the border they cud be found for anywhere between 75 on up. i do recall overhearing of someone just north of the border asking for 45 a key for some of the best weed i had ever seen(up till the above mentioned gold)...sitting on a garage full of keys can evidently activate the "faster it moves is a benefit in itself"!

but there is this little checkpoint just north of dago' and whatever manages to get pass there meant prices/profits ^ drastically, so maybe they were fetchin 1K per lb. in SF for the "gold" stuff...jus' sayin!

the other side of the coin: one of my very best friends(tony h)spent the majority of his senior high school year in the mesa prison in tijuana, baja mexico. he was 18. it took 9 months before his parents managed to get him out. his cellmate died in his arms begging tony to help him stuff his severed guts/intestines back into his split open by a shank belly. And another one of my very best friends(gary m)spent his first 2+ post highschool years in a prison upstate after one last run back from ensenada didn't go so well. he was fortunate to get off with that light a sentence, but it cost him every nickle of profit he had made off "the business" over a couple year period and then some.

plus many other s/n of the border horror stories...

Social climber
Mar 8, 2012 - 01:19pm PT
How to Climb

Rock and Ice / 166

John Bachar, Rock Climbing Purist

Bachar's Lonely Road to Becoming a Legend

Written by Duane Raleigh

Around that time, Bachar came in and out of money from a wide spectrum of means, some more legal than others. A Lockheed Lodestar brimming with six tons of high-octane marijuana crashed in winter in Lower Merced Lake, high above Yosemite. The wreck, which killed the pilot and co-pilot, was known to the Feds, but they were only able to remove some of the pot before being shut down by extreme winter conditions. Word of the gold mine leaked to Camp 4 and instantly dozens of climbers, including Bachar, punched through knee-deep snow to hack 80-pound bales of weed out of the lake ice. Some climbers reportedly went back two, three, four times to load their packs with the "Airplane Weed" that fetched up to $400 a pound on the streets of L.A. and San Francisco. Reportedly, some 1,500 pounds were liberated by climbers before the Park Service caught wind of it and closed the lake. Bachar's take: A measly eight grand. Why not more? "I felt lucky to get in and out once. Everyone gets busted when they get greedy. And people were nuts out there on the ice. A friend almost hit me by swinging an axe. I said, 'Hey, watch out,' and he snapped around and said, 'Go f--- yourself.' When I got out I was stoked. I got a car and told myself not to push my luck."

*note: more to his history, commercials and climbing in the article but just wanted to add.

Also I think Rolling Stone article could be April 28 1983?

And again price in Aspen just for 5 or 6 oz were really out of hand as I understand.

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Mar 8, 2012 - 02:00pm PT
@splitter - from my personal knowledge (not Yosemite, just in general) some people got in and out of the business relatively unscathed, others suffered alot (prison deep down in Mexico), others ended up in a pretty sad mental state, a couple dead as a direct result of being in the trade, and others dead from abusing their own products.

@lost - if Licky's sources are correct the article is off a bit in some of the details

@Licky - I think getting down to numbers is useful. Have you thought of commiting yourself to some dates?

Edit: Paul Berkowitz did publish his book in May, 2011. I wouldn't buy it because I don't patronize the police authors, but it could probably be found in a library.

The Case of the Indian Trader: Billy Malone and the National Park Service Investigation at Hubbell Trading Post

Edit: OK I gotta get my mind offa this stuff, but here in his own words is Paul:

but my early experiences in Yosemite National Park in the 1980s had a profound effect on me. That was a rude awakening, to find out that in spite of its public image, there are some genuinely bad and unscrupulous people in the NPS in positions of significant power, undermining the ideals of the agency and abusing and taking advantage of the authority they’ve achieved. In the wake of my efforts to expose illegal bugging, extortion, blackmail, the falsification of reports and destruction of evidence in Yosemite’s law enforcement office, the NPS (aided by certain members of Congress and even the OIG) embarked on such an effective cover-up effort, comprised of outright lies and simultaneous character assassination, that arguably I didn’t have anywhere else to go.
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