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Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Oct 19, 2016 - 09:35am PT
Went for 3 days on the eastside....
McGee creek was pretty good... I actually got 5 browns and a bunch of tight lines. All down stream from where Convict creek and McGee creek join.
The Lower Owens... the water is full to the top of the bank! The Fishing was dead... still need to figure that place out. Do you need a boat?
The Owens River Gorge.... went in North entrance... instead of dropping down to go to the climbs.... keep walking down the road, you get to a power house and the dry end of the gorge. The fishing down stream was very good.... pushing through large stands of stinging nettles, wild rose and walking down the middle of the creek paid off! I got a few photo worthy trout, but was unable to work the camera for fear of dropping the cell/camera into the water. So I guess that didn't happen....
There is some really good looking potential climbing at that end of the gorge...
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Oct 19, 2016 - 09:40am PT
One day to Tehipite, 2.5 days down to Yucca Point, rain, sun, 175 trout, one squaw fish, falls, cuts, bruises, big fish, small fish, night fish, day fish. So tiring and so much flipping fun!
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Oct 19, 2016 - 09:52am PT
Potatohead! Re your snarky post:
Sep 14, 2016 - 12:34am PT
(from Fritz) I'm in physical therapy now, since I've got to get healed before our fall-spawning rainbows start up.
Fritzee-0l-boy, rainbows don't spawn in the fall. You continue to be un-informed about everything you shisty ol'sheep shagger.
Ah Potatohead, it must be hard for you to think with a mind so-full of starch. Your "I'm right & you are stupid" attitude will continue to work against you in life. Try to grow up a little & open your mind.
My long-time understanding is that Idaho Fish & Game developed a strain of fall-spawning rainbows, so hatchery strains of rainbow would not interbreed with wild rainbows.
Here's some links & posts on the subject:
The West Fly blog, with all sorts of Idaho anglers talking about fall-spawning rainbows.
and another blog with fall-spawning rainbows in Utah.
XstreamOutdoors.blogspot.com. Author Dr. Gillespie
As you will read below we went up to Wallsburg Creek as it dumps into Deer Creek Reservoir. I have heard about the how the Rainbows spawn in the fall on this river and have always wanted to hit it. I have also heard from Travis about how sometimes you can get 20+ inch bows to come out of the reservoir to spawn in this little river.
For whatever reason it is, the bows move out of the lake and spawn in the late fall instead of the Spring.
But every big fall Rainbow in a little creek photo tells a story, eh?
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Oct 19, 2016 - 10:05am PT
Nice... THX for the pic.
So is it OK to fish after dark, for Trout in Calif???
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Oct 19, 2016 - 10:17am PT
I'm pretty sure there's no statewide time of day rule, maybe local rules like most fishing regulations? I've never heard of any rule against fishing at night.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Oct 19, 2016 - 10:48am PT
I believe Idaho rules prohibit the use of lights "as an attractant" during night fishing.
In my younger daze, I used to do a lot of night fishing. In Brown Trout country, I'd fish with big noisy mouse flies.
Big Wood River near Sun Valley has a mid-July night-time hatch of big rust-colored Caddis. The Rainbows go crazy, and I would toss flies towards splash noises with occasional good results.
I've only had it happen once, but I lucked into a twilight hatch of big white aquatic moths on the Middle Fork Salmon that continued into the wee-hours & the Cutthroats & Bulltrout lost all restraint in that situation.
It's very unusual to catch a Bulltrout on a dry fly, but after dark all bets are off.
However I did get surprised mid-day by this 26" Bulltrout, who sipped a small dry fly in a riffle.
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Oct 19, 2016 - 11:40am PT
Dang, Idaho trout are definitely on a different scale than what I'm used to!
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Oct 19, 2016 - 09:55pm PT
Limping Crab! I'm sorry to admit that almost all those big trout photos I posted, were from Northern Utah or Montana.
The nearly sterile waters draining off the Granitic Idaho Batholith in Central Idaho, are not conducive to fish growth & the sands eroding from the granite, tend to choke gravel spawning beds.
Although trout, somehow exist in this state, everyone here knows that the place to go for great trout fishing is eastern Idaho, close to Yellowstone, or better yet Montana, where the "fish are always biting."
Oct 19, 2016 - 10:12pm PT
Nice job on getting some photo's up. Nice job with the fishing as well. The rod in the teeth climbing 5.4 photo sums up almost all of my alpine fishing. lol
As far as fishing at night in Cali goes it depends on the county. In Inyo you can fish at night. In Mono you can't. I have no idea about other counties but once your more than a 2 miles from a road it doesn't really matter.
Trad climber
the middle of CA
Oct 20, 2016 - 09:37am PT
I spend most of my fishing time in little granite streams catching baby fish so I'm sure I'd still enjoy what Idaho has to offer, Fritz!
Thanks Tad, glad that Tulare and Fresno Counties aren't on that list, we had so much fun night fishing that we might have to do it more regularly.
Dry/dropper double!
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2016 - 12:00pm PT
Caught this horse about five minutes after crankin about fifty turns behind the boat on slalom. Perfect finish for a great day on the Sacramento River by Verona. Caught on K9 flatfish with steel spreader.
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2016 - 12:03pm PT
Ugh, rainbows that interbreed with cutthroat (cutbows) hecka spawn in fall. Bigtime. You find them running the rivers on the Eastside that flow into Nevada. Its the one time of year you can sit in one spot all day and hookup as they cruise upstream.
Oct 20, 2016 - 05:51pm PT
Thanks limping,
That was really rad of the admins over there to do that. Looks like a great trip and a fun time.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Oct 26, 2016 - 09:15pm PT
That looks like a great trip.
Friends tell me the Roring River in KK is even better....
supposedly it's protected by some pretty stiff 5.8
You locals ever go there?
Trad climber
Oct 27, 2016 - 06:44am PT
I have been. And I would rate it 5.8s (The "S" designation is reserved for places where, although not dangerous, it would be really Shitty if you fell off)
Aside from the fact that is loaded with delinquent bears, its a decent place but there is so much great water that isn't inconvenient to get to, we never went back. Steep ass canyon though. Its fun catching fish in plunge pools.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dear Large Trout lovers.
My bad elbow felt healthy enough to try fishing today, so I made the journey to an Idaho spring creek, or as we call them here, "crick".
I arrived at "the crick" at 4:00 PM today & thanks to my friendship with the adjacent landowner, had it all to myself. The sun was still out and a few fish were rising, so I tried fishing dry with a #16 parachute Adams. As soon as I started fishing it, the fish quit rising.
Not being stupid, I cut off the 5X leader in favor of 4X & went to a #12 rubber-leg Hare's Ear nymph. Nothing in the first hole, so I moved up to the next, better hole. I started catching 12" trout & had a brief hook-up or two with larger trout.
Along the way I changed to a #10 Wooly Bugger, & caught a couple more 12" trout, then I went back to the first hole & tried a down & across swing.
The big fish of the day at around 20".
Then I went back up to the upper hole & caught a couple nice 16" - 18" fish & had some other hook-ups with similar fish. The light was getting low, so these photos were taken with flash.
By that time it was getting dark, & I tried the first hole again from the top. Another 20" fish grabbed my fly & I played it for a few brief seconds before it flopped off. (which I think is a "win-win" for both the trout & me.)
It felt like quitting time & the trout agreed.
My bad elbow is sore as hell at the moment, but I'm administrating ice to its outside & wine to its inside.
Can't wait to go back for more.
Delhi Dog
Good Question...
Chainsaw-that fish is awesome! to bad you didn't let it go:-)
Fritz- loving life, good for you.
On a separate note...anyone have any beta on fishing in Australia?
Headed there for the x-mas holidays and though I'm taking my SWF gear I've also heard of trout fishing in the Blue Mts (Blueys). We'll be hanging there at a friends climbing and I hope doing some FF. Not much info online that I've found...
Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Nice fish Fritz!
limpingcrab that TR was awesome! A dream fishing trip in my book.
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