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Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Lately been groomin the grandson to become an angler. :)
Nice job, grandpda! That is a lucky little boy, and he will not forget that. Ever.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
alaskan rainbows
Photos by Yvonne Gaines
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
NICE photography, Bob! (Or Yvonne...)
good stuff.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
All the photos were taken by my wife Yvonne. She's a great photographer and fisher woman!
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
ruppel.... thanks for the tips. You are FF for those monsters right? Going down deep? When I was young I would fish So. Lake, Sabrina and Convict with Lures and tow a wet fly behind a clear bubble. I always found the best fishing where the creeks flow into the lakes. I do see a float tube in my future, the pontoon ones are best right???
And Bob... in that top photo, your wife took. Do you really have about 100 feet of line in the sky????? Awesome.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Bob you ever use the two hander and swing up there in those big waters?
Funny you should mention that, because I've been thinking about getting one. I own a dozen fly rods, from 4 weight to 12 weight, all ranging in length from 8 ft. 6 in. to 9-foot lengths.
I think my next rod will be a spey or switch rod. I found myself in some situations last winter fishing for steelhead (on the Smith River in northern California) where it really would have come in handy, particularly in situations where I was in a boat with no room for a backcast because of riverside trees.
Ever use a switch rod?
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
And Bob... in that top photo, your wife took. Do you really have about 100 feet of line in the sky?????
Nope, optical illusion. I'm casting to fish just off the bank. That's a cable strung across the Kenai River for the Russian River Ferry.
I spend my time between flyfishing and throwing mini jigs. Most of my big fish come on the spinning rod and mini jigs. I have 3,4,5 weight flyrods that all see a lot of use if the wind is down. If it's windy I break out the spinning rig. That's a 9' ultralight Okuma Celieo paired with a Okuma RTX-25S with 2lb P-line. With that rig I can huck a 1/32oz mini jig about 50 yards.
The fish I'm going after are usually in the top ten feet of the water column. Once you try sight fishing you'll get the hang of it pretty quick. It's a type of fishing that actually gets the adrenaline going. You'll see a slob and your heart will pick up a few beats. Of course it picks up a few more when you actually hook up.
I just got into float tubing about 5 years ago. I have two tubes now. One's an Oucast Fatcat. It's the perfect tube for when you don't have to hike very far. It's heavy as hell but it rides and floats better than any other tube I've been in. Which is most of them made. My second tube is a Creek Company ODC 420 Ultralight. That thing ways about 10lbs and it's the tube I use when I'm hiking into alpine lakes for Goldens.
The beginning of this season I had 5 consecutive weekends of back country Golden fishing. All in lakes that are at least 6 miles in. Total weight of all my stuff was at just over 30lbs. Not to bad. It's actually getting to be Golden season again pretty soon. They really turn back on come October. The fishing stays good until the ice starts to form. There's just something special about being 7 or 8 miles in on a lake in a float tube with no oone else around. Catching fish at that point is just the proverbial icing on the cake.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
You could fool a lot of people with that photo....
My eye was looking at the line, and I was thinking... how the heck does he have a parallel line that far out???
But I still think you are superman and all fish tremble at your presence.
My friend LJ who now lives in Bishop liked FF with my rig so much he ran out and picked up a rig.... we went to the ORG 2 weeks ago and he got his first real trout... about a 14 inch Brown, right by the social platform.
He is now hooked.
Everyone- thanks all for the cool photos, .... gets me stoked to improve and get out more.
I usually kick back what I catch but a few year ago a buddy got a new smoker and wanted some fish. You know the deal. I provide the fish he smokes them and gives me half back. Here's the stringer I bought him from South Lake. The little guy is 3lbs.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Ruppel .... thanks for the info on the gear, gives me food for thought.
Going to look for videos on that Spey thing.
Hard to imagine how it works without room behind you???
Gome got me to cast almost straight up and down in the small creeks.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Thanks for the tips. That Klamath spey camp sounds like the ticket.
Trad climber
Crowley Lake
Hard to imagine how it works without room behind you???
That's the beauty of two-handed rods, you don't need back casting room. You load the rod with a D-loop.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
WTF..... thank you for that vid link.
Now I see what that's all about.
Looks like another good tool.
Trad climber
JTree & Idyllwild
Great advice. Thanks WTF
Trad climber
Gome got me to cast almost straight up and down in the small creeks.
I used the same kind of small water tactics but once I got into switch (and some Spey) casting techniques I found myself using those same two-handed casts on a smaller scale w my one-handed rod. Both in tight quarters and beyond.
So, I wouldn't look at it like you have to go whole-hog and invest in a full Spey outfit for the few times you are in pure swinging territory. You could take a couple of lessons with someone to learn Spey tactics and then use them in your normal fishing waters.
There are some great teachers in your neck of the woods if you want suggestions.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Esco... I not going to go buy one of those anytime soon. Im still in the early learning stage with the stuff I have now. I'll come up and try yours in the spring.
I do have a good teacher, Gome has been showing me how it works for three years now and he let me use all of his stuff, I only broke one rod! He is a real champ, did not even yell at me when I jumped off of a rock and about 250 flies spilled out of the box I forgot to shut and went down Bishop Creek. The Chief also put me under his wing for a good day and showed me the way of the nymph.
Lots to learn for sure. I do like the idea of a notebook and a thermometer and a small net for trapping underwater bugs. (that was up thread a ways)
I have set aside all of September for fishing, we do go bouldering after or before FF.
Bishop is the place for the next two weekends then Gome and I have 4 days and we are going to go up 395 further north.
I hope to get a photo worthy of posting here.
THX all.
Trad climber
That sounds like great fun and a good time to be there assuming there's still water left
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
This year is much better then the last....water wise
we quit going last fall because it was depressing to see the water so low and the fishing was dead.
Hot Creek, was so low that the fishing went away completely.... this year its back up some but the fishing is dead.
Any East Side Locals know why???
Yep WTF nailed it. Water got way to low to support any fish. I'm sure some smaller ones made it through and they'll be getting bigger quick.
It's the only stream that suffered that bad around here from the drought. Everywhere else the fisheries are doing fine to exceptional.
I'm actually packing up right now for 5 days at the Citadel and surrounding area. The big debate in my head is bring the pack rod or don't bring the pack rod. It's only a few more pounds but my pack with food, shelter, and the rack for Edge of Time is already getting pretty damn heavy. Plus I don't know if I'll even have time to fish. I love problems like this.
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