1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Trad climber
Hodad surfing the galactic plane
Feb 26, 2012 - 06:28pm PT
"two 40-year-old charges of smuggling hash"

He/they were fugitives from the law. They had arrest warrents posted for them within the SOL. As far as I am aware of, there were & are no arrest warrents on the books in regards to the subject at hand. Or, at least, I have'nt noticed any posted on any post office walls. And their not going to now because it is to late...except for murder!!

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 26, 2012 - 06:47pm PT
The way this thread is goin' it might come to murder cause it don't appear
Sidmo is gonna settle for anything less.

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 27, 2012 - 12:46am PT

Oh really, reilly – aren’t you being a bit harsh? Don’t be silly. All’s I’m saying is if some stranger wants good people to spill their beans without benefit of knowing them (or at least being able to look him in the eyes,) he ought to do his homework and state definitively with annotations how all this immunity from prosecution works – all those references to SOLs is damned vague, and it shouldn’t be too difficult for a third-year undergraduate (much less a top-rate journalist of Licky’s stature) to do the research and inform those that he questioned, which is everyone who reads this thread

and it’s not about being involved, that could come later – it is about being informed and that should come first, out front and center

if you disagree then you’re probably looking at the issue with a narrow focus – try to broaden it and consider things from all perspectives

in other words, think about it differently just for fun – maybe you’ll change your mind

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Feb 27, 2012 - 03:08pm PT
No reason to thank me. I'm just trying to clutter up what is already a pretty messy thread. I'll leave it to the reader to figure out the commonalities and differences among the groups.

I believe charges against Smith have been dropped by now and most likely he was arrested because the prosecutor handling his case is Jim Hicks, who happens to be the son of Cecil Hicks, Orange County’s DA BITD (one of the guys whose faces were gotten into.

By and large most of the "culprits" down south got relatively minor sentences, though there were signifcant forfitures of the wealth amassed, and many returned to dealing again as soon as they were released, and some got arrested again. (e.g. William Leonard Pickard, reputed former Brotherhooder, arrested in "the largest lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) manufacturing case in history", in 2000 in the "Kansas Silo Bust")

Is there ever gonna be a book and does anybody really care?

@Licky If you don't see the parallels then I don't hold out much hope for your book, should it ever be written. Do you think the world, or specifically, the climbing world, would be significantly different today had the airplane never crashed? Hopefully not stealing any thunder from your project, perhaps you could tell us in what way(s)?

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Feb 27, 2012 - 04:14pm PT
Did folks climb on acid, like they rode the Pipeline (Coronado boy) and the Wedge (Laguna Beach professor)?

I snorted coffee through my nose whan I read this. Is this question serious?

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Feb 27, 2012 - 07:38pm PT
Is this a serious question?

Whaal, it wasn't meant to be, but now that you bring it up, I wonder if it could be done? People actually did ride some very scary waves under the influence of lsd.


Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Feb 27, 2012 - 07:59pm PT
This is so old n tired who gives a sh#t about dope dealers who crash a plane, some local people finding it and selling shitty moldy fuel soaked weed. that's about as interesting as how my moms last barium enema went.

Exactly! When you're sittin' around drinking beer and talking sh#t about the good old days it's kinda fun, especially if you knew some of the people. Whether it warrants a book is another question and would turn on what else is in the book I spose. On the other hand, apparently some people are interested to the tune of about 1200 on your FM dial.

Go on take the money and run
Billy Mack is a detective down in Texas
You know he knows just exactly what the facts is
He ain't gonna let those two escape justice
He makes his livin' off of the people's taxes

Habakkuk 3:19 Sozo
Feb 27, 2012 - 08:14pm PT
I knew Deadhead Sid at the time of the crash, friends with Cutty?

Sh!t don't be paranoid Sid, you were cool back then, quit freakin out, these guys were Yabo's peers!
I remember we were all in a perpetual stupor before the crash, sh!t, tee hee!

Feb 29, 2012 - 09:02pm PT
Yabo tells no tells. Arrrrr.

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 1, 2012 - 09:45am PT
i'm not paranoid for myself, but everybody's not hip to this thread and they don't know that licky's stirring up all this shyt - it was fine at first, seemed harmless enough - then lick started dropping off the thread and re-emerging, often with animosity towards those whose posts he did not like (me and chainsaw for example - he even thought we were the same guy, what a dumbass!!)
i just think he ought to adress our concerns if he wants access to our memories

as for cutty, met him my first day in yose, but didnt camp with him after '74 or '75 i think
talked to him recently and he's doin ok

Social climber
The internet
Mar 1, 2012 - 11:24am PT
Reading this thread is akin to jacking off with your dick encased in cement. Nothing is ever going to happen here.

Mar 1, 2012 - 11:26am PT
Word on the street is Sidmo's brain turned to mush smoking to much airplane weed .....

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 1, 2012 - 12:01pm PT
what are you still panhandling on narc street brauney? "word on the street"???? cute phrase dumbphuck - if you were there, and knew anyone who wasn't a broke loser geek like yourself, you'd remember that hardly anyone in the valley who knew people (and could buy gold lumbo or thai stix) actually smoked plane weed - the joints caught fire, the pot smelled terrible and tasted worse - so, no i did not smoke "to" much plane weed (learn to spell, jerkoff)
maybe over on the lodge side of town parkbums were smoking flamer doobies and then scrounging off cafeteria trays when they got the munchies, but we were toking dakine and eating at the ahwahnee - sorry you didn't rate, but if you lived in the dirt you smoked dirt weed - did you ever get a hot shower living in yosemite? sorry to tell you that i took two a day, but you get your kicks thinking i'm the loser - dream on pal

Mar 1, 2012 - 12:05pm PT

sidmo you're so easy to string along.

See ya in San Quentin .....

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 1, 2012 - 01:12pm PT
yeah braunboy, save me a cell next to yours - just wonderin', do you have this sanctimonious attitude because your were the first one on here to post a reply to lick? all that says is that you were dweeb internet junky who swooped down onto a thread because you weren't outdoors doing something athletic - are you an armchair climber? or rocking chair mountaineer? or just licky's pit bull, drooling on his bone?

Mar 1, 2012 - 01:13pm PT
Hahahah look at him go .....

Sport climber
Mar 1, 2012 - 01:18pm PT
sidmo seems upset...

Funny someone would compare you to Chainsaw too..

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Mar 1, 2012 - 01:21pm PT
Reading this thread is akin to jacking off with your dick encased in cement. Nothing is ever going to happen here.

I can't get a grip on that, is this conjecture or from experience. LOL

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Mar 1, 2012 - 01:24pm PT
I can't get a grip on that,

Just figuratively I hope!

Sport climber
general delivery
Mar 1, 2012 - 02:02pm PT
i'm not upset, but stupid people bore me, and braun ain't the brightest bulb on the christmas tree - as for the mystery man chainsaw, licky sees all those who don't kiss his ace as being "chainsaw" - some horror movie must have scared him silly - i'd love to see this book printed, and i think generally speaking licky will probably do ok with telling the story - he's had plenty of time to research, and has inside info we could never access - but he hasn't taken much time to try and understand the community he seeks info from - we are varied, as any group might be - we weren't all the same then and so we all had unique experiences in 1977, none more relevant than any others - but for a would-be journalist to render judgement on people smacks of an arrogance that is eerily reminiscent of authority figures, so i wonder what is his whole story - why can't he pay a lawyer to sort out the details of the SOLs that he claims will protect his sources? could be a simple as laziness or as sinister as a conspiracy - as with most things, the truth probably lies in between the extremes
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