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Bruce Morris
Social climber
Belmont, California
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2010 - 06:04pm PT
The process seems to be working at a higher level. The Access Fund is starting to facilitate a dialogue between wildlife biologists, who will indeed be making recommendations, it appears, favorable to the interests of climbers. So, I think that Healyje is right in counseling moderation and less inflamatory language. Part of the problem is of course that up until now, climbers have not been organized to the same extent as R.O.M.P. and the S.S.A.
Good to know we're finally making some progress!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Bruce is right, people are working this and are in contact with both of us. Looks like the bigger guns are being pulled out and some things are being done.
The Access Fund's Paul M. has been VERY helpful and deserves our thanks and respect.
Healyje is doing a lot too. Thanks, dude.
Great to hear. Thanks for the efforts everyone !
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Feb 10, 2010 - 03:01am PT
Open it up, clean it up, crank up it! Get it done!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Mar 11, 2010 - 03:52pm PT
Part of the problem is of course that up until now, climbers have not been organized to the same extent as R.O.M.P. and the S.S.A.
Bruce: please don't misrepresent the SSA. As I stated in my earlier post, the SSA has never taken a stand on Summit Rock Raptor Closures. Neither has SSA in the recent years that I've been on the board taken any stand on climbing issues in Castle Rock State Park. I'm not aware of SSA taking any stand on CRSP climbing at any time.
SSA has advocated often for highway safety along Skyline and the other area roads. We have not asked for any parking restrictions. We are also concerned about criminal activity, especially between dusk and dawn (as I'm sure you are in your neighborhood). The only stand we have taken is to request better enforcement of existing laws from the local agencies, particularly with respect to irresponsible driving and excessively loud motorcycles. It's in our charter to maintain positive relationships with law enforcement and public land managers. That doesn't mean we agree with them on every issue. In fact we sometimes disagree and let them know.
Fred Glover
South Skyline Association Board of Directors.
From my perspective: residents of the Skyline Blvd area generally favor fewer use restrictions on public land. That includes climbing which is recognized as largely done responsibly.
It's mostly SSA members who happily come to the rescue of injured climbers through the volunteer fire brigade and the Saratoga Summit CalFire station. They frequently practice high angle roped rescue.
We know that a small number of mt bikers have used our neighborhood irresponsibly. We also know they've used it illegally, including building "secret" trails.
That's a very good way to alienate the "locals".
I welcome the help of the Access Fund on the raptors closure. They are free to contact me any time, either personally or in my role as President of SSA.
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Mar 11, 2010 - 05:07pm PT
I was running yesterday on Skyline trail and did see that the gates which was closed all winter blocking trail to Summit rock was finally open.
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Mar 11, 2010 - 06:20pm PT
Thanks for the feedback Fred. But......
Problem solved! I went up and ate the pergrines. Made a delicious perigrin pot pie with peas and bacon. No more problems with those darn birds! Hopefully some more falcons will come soon, it's so rare that I get to feast on endangered animals. Mmmm... Reminds me of last years Bengal tenderloin au poivre. Unmatched!
Climb on!;)
A pile of dirt.
Mar 11, 2010 - 06:22pm PT
Thank god they've been eaten. Thanks brah!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Mar 11, 2010 - 09:41pm PT
The Pinnacles Condors will be watching for you!
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Mar 11, 2010 - 09:50pm PT
ill eat them up too!
Boulder climber
Mar 11, 2010 - 10:55pm PT
these guys will always be around...so don't fall!
aq valley lookin good last sat>
Trad climber
Chico, CA
Mar 11, 2010 - 11:10pm PT
Look at the bright side of all this. At least now we will know where the rangers are, they will be focusing their undaunting attention on these closures, leaving other climbing areas unattended.
Let's party!
Bruce Morris
Social climber
Belmont, California
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 12, 2010 - 01:56am PT
Don't count on it, Mr. Caunt! Ranger J. Rule was out at Goat Rock this fall observing us top-roping routes in the new Goat Rock Overview area with binoculars. When I got back to the CRSP Parking Lot, there were six green meanies including Ranger Rule there to confront me about bolting issues. "Sorry guys, you're 15 years too late". Rule started ranting about a new "unauthorized" bolt he'd found on top of Goat, then warned me about speeding on the Skyline on my way home. They sure didn't like my new Bimmer! Those characters are still hanging out in the early 1990s - in their minds. No bolts are going in & they're still trying to bust for bolts. Time warp!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:06am PT
Look at the bright side of all this. At least now we will know where the rangers are, they will be focusing their undaunting attention on these closures, leaving other climbing areas unattended.
Let's party!
I'm banking on that, Dr Sprock scoped out a new area with serious potential that is going to require a bolt or three. I ain't sayin' where though...
WTF is the matter with these people and placing a non-discript bolt where nobody is gonna notice it...unless you're a climber? WTF?
Mr. Caunt, all of your routes are awesome! The ones I can get up....
Boulder climber
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:19am PT
oh yeah, set me up!
hey, how old are this?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:22am PT
Sprock, I just bought some stainless bolts with 'enviro hangers', sand colored so ya can't see 'em.
We climb this weekend...
Boulder climber
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:24am PT
we might not need them, i finally found all this cool B Morris stuff>
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:27am PT
Yeah, but it's nice to have them in the 'toolbox'.
Sweet looking rock there!
Boulder climber
Mar 12, 2010 - 02:29am PT
yeah, it's bolted,
this too i think,
here is the bottom half of ZPG Now, (the first pic)
this thing has some bolt routes also>
Boulder climber
Mar 12, 2010 - 03:26am PT
hey Ring, here is The Mother Lode, awesome face >
bolts on this side>
bolts on this side also>
Lower Aq Falls>
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