Coordinated attacks ongoing in France


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State of Mine
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:20pm PT
hey chief,

stick to something you have some inspiration, like fishing.

otherwise your a f*#k.
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:21pm PT
instead of thinking, and being analytical

How many more tens of thousands must needlessly die in order to analyze that these ISIS/ISIL fkers need to have their shet terminated "Hackeye"? Seriously?

Ice climber
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:22pm PT
instead of thinking, and being analytical, the thread quickly evolved to blame and stupidity. no wonders our politicians do so well. this thread is the microcosm of america which is quite sickening.

Right, except I'm not so sure how much of a microcosm this thread is.

Very few (but a few) take any of this ranting here seriously, you know.
Spiny Norman

Social climber
Boring, Oregon
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:22pm PT
BHO and Hillary pulled out and left a vacuum in Iraq

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

Which agreement Obama carried out.
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:24pm PT
And Obama could have rescinded that agreement as his JCOS, "In Country" Generals and SEC DEF indicated repeatedly that he should have due to the instability still occurring in Iraq. But he totally ignored their advice.

What ever.... carry on Loons.

Mark my words, this shet has just begun. Enjoy your weekend.

Sport climber
Sonora Ca
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:27pm PT
we are so mean
Spiny Norman

Social climber
Boring, Oregon
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:27pm PT
Getting out of Iraq was the key issue on which Obama was elected. The Chief would have had the CoC continue that ill-advised war in the face of what was by that point immense opposition by the citizens of the United States.

Again, this is why we have civilian control of the military, and why we have a rigid chain of command. So that we can tell people like the Chief to STFU.
Q- Ball

Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:28pm PT
If someone was killing your neighbors what would you do? If someone was killing your family what would you do?
Spiny Norman

Social climber
Boring, Oregon
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:29pm PT
Kill as many innocents as possible. Preferably innocents from a country that had nothing to do with the aggressors. That's the answer, right?

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:29pm PT
Again, this is why we have civilian control of the military, and why we have a rigid chain of command. So that we can tell people like the Chief to STFU.

Oh, Spiny, you're so deeeeep! Deeep in the chicken sh#t.
The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:31pm PT
Getting out of Iraq was the key issue on which Obama was elected.

As was Afghanistan and of late, he has changed his mind on ejecting out of there. He extended our stay with over 10-15k Combat Troops there through 2017 now. Gee, I wonder why?

Spiny Norman

Social climber
Boring, Oregon
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:31pm PT
Yes, Reilly, I know. Fascism would be so much easier. If only the military were running things. Like in Burma.
Q- Ball

Mountain climber
where the wind always blows
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:32pm PT
If you are referring to my post that is a pretty disturbing plan. Also, you didn't answer my question.
Spiny Norman

Social climber
Boring, Oregon
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:33pm PT
Actually, Q, I did. Maybe an oblique answer is too hard for you to parse?

The point being, if you're going to retaliate with lethal force, you'd better be damned sure that you are focusing the lethality on the perpetrators, and not accidentally turning into the perpetrators.

Which transformation is, in fact, the specific goal that motivates terror attacks like the one in Paris today. It's not the 120 victims that they are after. It's the self-inflicted auto-immune response in the aftermath — that is the strategic goal.

The preposterously inept US response to the 9/11 attacks (invading Iraq, letting Bin Laden escape, creating DHS and the TSA, etc.) is a textbook example.

Trad climber
Courtenay, B.C.
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:33pm PT
Chief: The Iran-Iraq war took place during the Reagan administration, and Reagan was a drooling, albeit vicious, nitwit on the best day of his life. Bush Sr. was VP (and former head of the CIA, just like Putin & the KGB). Reagan couldn't organize a church bake sale - Bush ran the show.

Under the Reagan administration, as previously stated, the U.S. had no problem supplying Hussein with nerve gas components and weapons to murder Iraqi civilians, AND Iranian troops - you remember Iran - the nation that was subjected to a demonic dictatorship by the Shah, courtesy of a U.S.- sponsored coup that eventually led to a perfectly justifiable revolution that was hijacked by Ayatollah Khomeni, who promptly murdered all of the true patriots who fought beside him in the mistaken belief that they were going to end up living in a free nation.

Also, I congratulate you for your ability to completely ignore Iran-Contra. No matter, although it was arguably the most spectacular act of political treason in U.S. history.

The U.S. continues to prop up the Saudi Arabian Royal family, along with the Bin Laden clan, by supplying these despots with the means to routinely murder any Saudis who dare to speak up in the name of freedom. This oasis of evil has even been credibly linked to ISIS.

Spare me your crap about caliphates. We're talking ISIS here, and they make even their allies seem like boy scouts by comparison. The U.S. is up to their eyebrows in responsibility for the creation of these monsters.

You're not the only vet on this forum, and it sure doesn't seem to me that others who have served the U.S. in uniform have lost the capacity for critical thought. Maybe you should talk to some of them - they might even be able to help you reason like a human being instead of a brain-dead robot.

The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:39pm PT
Spare me your crap about caliphates. We're talking ISIS here...

No shet Shewart!

Wtf do you think ISIS's premise is all about? What?

Allow me:

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (2014–present)
Main article: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Map of ISIL's claimed Caliphate at its extent in May 2015

The group Al Qaeda in Iraq formed as an affiliate of the al Qaeda network of Islamist militants during the Iraq War. The group eventually expanded into Syria and rose to prominence as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) during the Syrian Civil War. In the summer of 2014, the group launched an offensive in northern Iraq, seizing the city of Mosul. The group declared itself a caliphate under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who took the name and title of Caliph Ibrahim, and renamed itself as the "Islamic State".[37][38] ISIL's claim to be the highest authority of Muslims has not been widely recognized beyond the territory it controls with 10 million people,[39] and the group has been at war with armed forces including the Iraqi Army, the Syrian Army, the Free Syrian Army, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the Kurdish Peshmerga and People's Protection Units (YPG) along with a 60 nation coalition in its efforts to establish a de facto state on Iraqi and Syrian territory.

They have declared the modern caliphate. Period.

Keep posting Stewart. Your ignorance keep shining bright.


Social climber
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:41pm PT
what a dumb ass

Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:42pm PT
If Stewart is right, then ISIS had every right in the world to murder all those people in France.

The Chief

Down the hill & across the Valley from......
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:42pm PT

Social climber

Nov 13, 2015 - 07:41pm PT
what a dumb ass

So says the totally insecure nutjob that packs a loaded gun 24/7 to protect himself.

Perfect, Norton.

Sport climber
Shetville , North of Los Angeles
Nov 13, 2015 - 07:43pm PT
I feel that ISIS is simply misunderstood..Why all the hate..?
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